《Brother of Wind {book five: Possession}》chapter 17
Morro was helped onto the bounty. He was still weak from being overwhelmed and exhausted.
"Morro, you're back." Misako sighed with relief.
"Morro!" Nya exclaimed. The wind ninja closed his eyes and tried to get away from Kai's assistance.
"Woah, come on. You need my help." Kai said.
"You're tired. Just relax."
The ninja looked up. It was Wu. Morro looked to the side. Wu walked up and embraced Morro. Kai backed up to let the father and son be. It was one sided. Morro gently pushed away from Wu's embrace.
"Morro, my so--"
"Please. N-not right now." Morro said, his voice shaking.
"Okay, Morro. We need an explination now." Zane said.
"No briefing of the story." Jay added.
"And no avoiding." Cole finished sternly.
"..." Morro walked to a spot on the deck away from everyone.
"I can give you an explination." The one and only green ninja stepped slowly onto the deck.
"Lloyd! My boy..." Misako sighed, running up to Lloyd.
"Hey, mom." Lloyd said with a soft smile.
"Lloyd." Morro said. Lloyd nodded back and gave smile of sorrow.
"Hi, brother."
"You can explain everything? How?" Cole asked. Lloyd looked at Morro and gently tapped his head near his eyes.
"So? Let's get on with it." Kai said.
"Okay. I can explain it all. With one thing." Lloyd said.
"This." Lloyd pulled out a scroll. Morro flinched.
"The tale of two boys?" The ninja asked.
"Not just a tale. There is something more." Lloyd implied.
"Right, Morro?"
"..." Morro stayed silent.
"It's because of this scroll, actually reading it and two people's memories replaying to me that I understood. Sorry for looking, by the way." Lloyd said.
"First off, linked wisteria connects two who drink the same brew. After our link, Morro and I became like two spirits in one, so Neran was able to possess Morro and keep me unconscious while Morro still moved free." Lloyd started.
"Also with the link, I can hear Morro's thoughts, and as of now, he can hear mine. And when you're possessed, you can usually read the ghost's intentions. Morro chose not to read Neran's thoughts. He relied on trust." Lloyd said.
"I-... I didn't want to." Morro said looking down.
"Because Lloyd and I were connected, he could read Neran's intentions when he possesed me. But he wasn't able to send me the message. I didn't want to invade people's thoughts. Let alone Neran's." Morro confirmed.
"So you knew it all." Kai implied.
"But, why rely on trust? And where's the tale fit in?" Cole asked.
"Two boys spend all of their time together. They get seperated for a long period of time. When they reunite, they changed so much. Yet, they stay so similar." Lloyd explained how the story went.
"The sun will rise and the fall of one will not be caught by the other." Lloyd walked over and pointed to the bottom of the scroll where thr passage was.
"This isn't a simple tale." He said.
"It's a prophecy about Morro."
Everyone's gaze turned to the ninja of wind.
"Morro, you chose not to look into Neran's intentions because of this?" Zane asked. Morro weakly nodded.
"How long have you known that this is your prohpecy?" Kai asked. Morro didn't speak.
"Morro. When did you know?" Wu spoke.
"Since I was a child." Morro said.
"Neran and I spent every day together after I finished training. One day he left, saying he would find my parents, find me. He came back, he used that. He used me."
"But why? Why didn't you look?" Jay asked.
"Because I trusted him! I thought I knew him!" Morro yelled.
"I read that over and over again, in love with how the story unravels!" Morro pointed at the scroll.
"It said that I'd change, it said that we'd change, it said that he'd change! But it said that we'd stay the same! I hoped our relationship would stay the same! It said that he'd stay the same!! And I believed it!"
Everyone didn't dare talk.
"I believed it! I believed it! It believed it! BUT WHY WOULD I BELIEVE A PROPHECY?!!"
Morro gripped his wrist.
"Because some prophecies are true." Kai spoke up. He walked over to Morro and handed him his old belt from the caves. Kai took it with him, he thought it could help or something.
"Some of them bring people together." Jay said, extending Morro's staff that he picked up from the tomb and placed it down.
"And even if they aren't true..." Zane pulled out a few tenser bandages. Cole took them and walked up to Morro.
"We'll still be here, beside you." Cole wrapped the bandages around Morro's wrist.
"I know you trusted him, but this is going to end now." Lloyd said.
"If we're going to stop the Preeminent, we only need the crystal. Then, we can talk to him. Figure out everything!" Kai exclaimed.
"I do not see that as the outcome." Zane said.
"Estimating that when we retrieve the crystal, the realm that Neran was accidentally place in has come to us."
"Zane." Jay shook his head.
"My apologies." Zane sighed.
"We need a plan. And who better to make one than the guy who this is all about? Do this for you." Nya said.
'One will not be caught by the other. I hate hearing that part. I never read that part.'
"Then, don't think about that part!" Lloyd exclaimed.
"Listen, I hear you loud and clear now. Morro, you know Neran best. He's going to be an obstacle. So we need to know how to get past him." Lloyd turned to his brother. Morro hesitantly nodded.
"Lloyd's right. We need to focus on stopping the Preeminant's cross over." Kai said, determined.
"You made a mistake and you admit it. That is good. To fix the mistake, you will help save Ninjago." Wu said.
. . .
"Hard to believe you don't have any friends to usher in the New Year." A familiar friend of the ninja placed a bowl of noodles on the counter. Skylor added chopsticks beside the bowl and she pulled her bright hed hair out of her face.
"Let's just say I'm good at making friends, just not keeping them." Ronin said taking the food.
"Huh. Even a friend who spoils the party every once in a while is still a better friend than someone who stays." Skylor looked at Ronin's Aeroblade as he placed it on the table. Ronin drew his hand back ans put it away, off the table.
"Ah. It's okay. I've been around enough weapons in my day. In fact, kind of reminds me of some old friends." Skylor sighed.
"How much do I owe you?" Ronin asked.
"It's on the house, friend." Sky smiled.
"Huh. Appreciate it." Ronin thanked.
"Festival celebration is going on all over Ninjago." The news reported exclaimed.
Hey, mind turning that up?" Ronin asked. Skylor did.
"But not only in Ninjago. Other cities in every corner…" The image shifted to Stiix, bright lights glowing through the canals.
You know that sewer swamp?" Skylor asked
"Yeah. I used to call it home." Ronin said.
"...and no other town likes to celebrate more than the residents in Stiix county."
. . .
"Kid, give the crystal here." Soul Archer. Neran handed the crystal to the archer and stepped back. The ghosts had come back to Ronin's shop.
"What's that for?" Neran asked.
"Step outside and wait." Soul Archer quickly replied. Neran sighed and walked outside.
"How long until the Preeminent is ready?" Bansha asked.
"Her energy is still too strong to cross the Ethereal Divide." Soul Archer replied.
"The longer the gateway stays open, the stronger it becomes. We must prepare for her arrival." Bansha then said. More ghosts came out of portal.
Neran leaned on the side of building as he saw other ghosts phase through. Neran had the double check. He looked inside the shop. A portal open, the crystal beaming up and ghosts coming through.
"Kid." Soul Archer called. Neran jolted in his place and drew the Sword of Sanctuary on instinct.
"All you have to do now is guard the crystal." Soul Archer said.
"O-okay." Neran lowered the sword.
He turned back to the village and chaos ran wild. One kid had a kite stolen from his hands and ripped then thrown in the ground. The boy ran away. Neran picked up the ripped kite.
"Argh." He rubbed his eyes.
. . .
"Shouldn't we be going to Stiix? The longer we wait, the worse it'll get." Kai asked.
"We need to stock up." Wu said.
"On what? Magic tea that will make us invincible?" Jay gasped.
"Give us special powers? Is it gonna give us four arms?"
"We're done with magic tea." Wu said.
"Yeah, we're done with that." Lloyd agreed
"Ha..." Morro deeply exhaled.
"I had to sell the rest of the merchandise along with everything else." Wu said.
"Y- you sold everything?" Morro asked
"But that's your passion..."
Ah! Hello again, ninja." Cyrus Borg exclaimed, rolling up to the group.
"While we were away, I had Borg use the money from the tea farm to create us some new toys to balance the scales. They are expensive, you know." Wu informed
"It's been so long, I hardly recognize any of you. Lloyd looks older. I see a Water Ninja. A titanium Nindroid. Cole is a...a ghost? Huh." Borg said.
"Jay looks shorter. And, and then there's Kai, of course. Morro's hair's a bit longer, you should tie it up." He added. Morro raised his hand to say something but withdrawed.
Hey, what do you mean I look shorter?" Jay asked.
I'm sorry, Dr. Borg, but cut to the chase. We don't have much time." Kai waved his hands as she stepped forwards.
"Yes, always the impatient one. Come, let me show you." Borg pressed a button and brought up three new vehicles.
"If you want a little muscle with that hustle, I've made Jay a lightning-fast Ghost Taker GT. Front spectral intake, rear incorporeal storage." Borg pointed.
Oh, why did the Ghost cross the street? Oh, I don't know, maybe 'cause he saw me coming in that!" Jay shouted, jumping in the four-wheeled car and sped around.
Zane's Ice Mech. Sure it appears to be the same, but I've equipped the underarms with Deepstone particle shooters, allowing you to freeze the competition." Borg explained.
Super cool. And I mean quite literally." Zane jumped in to move around.
"Cole, I've made you a Ghost Cycle. Twin carbine blasters, auto-evasive handling. Made entirely of Deepstone, perfectly molded to fit the, uh...bodiless. And I've set all the radio presets to your favorite: soft rock." Borg showed the new bike.
I do love a slow jam." Cole climbed on and played a tund.
"Whoa!" Cole exclaimed as the speed of the bike was faster than Cole thought.
And for you, Kai." Borg placed a band in Kai's hand.
"A headband." Kai said.
"A personal embroidered headband. Thirty-two thread count, easy tie capabilities." Borg exclaimed.
"I apologize. I lost track of the time building the other vehicles. Eh-- same goes to the brothers. I apologize, I wasn't sure if you'd be both okay." Borg said.
Morro sighed.
"We're uh... Working on it." Lloyd nodded.
"I've heard of your situation, Morro. And what had happened. It's remarkable that you two are the first people to have a known wisteria link." Borg said.
"And possession, hopefully you're recovered by now. Both of you." He added. Morro slightly bowed.
"Nya." Morro tossed an ore to the girl.
"Deepstone?" Nya asked, studying the ore.
"How long would it take for you to give my staff a deepstone coating?" Morro asked.
"With this anount? Not that long!" Nya exclaimed.
"Where did you even get this?"
"The tomb was at the bottom of the ocean. And that deepstone is found there." Morro said.
"You didn't really find it down there, did you?" Lloyd whispered.
"Can't keep any secrets from you anymore." Morro sighed.
"Found it tucked in my gi." He answered. Lloyd thought. It just appeared? Someone must have put it there...
"Okay, what I don't get is why you were fine but Lloyd wasn't when you were possessed." Kai said.
"Since you have the wisteria link, shouldn't you have both been down?"
"Not unless you focused on one part of it." Lloyd said.
"Huh?" Jay asked.
"Lloyd's right. A string always has two ends, so it's like he just pulled on one end at a time." Morro said.
"So then when he focused more on me, you started to wake up." He shook his head.
"Neran's biggest threat right now is Lloyd. Every ghost will be on the look out for him." Morro said.
"So we just need a plan to get Lloyd close enough to the crystal and destroy it." Jay said.
"But how are we gonna do that?" Cole asked, stopping his drive.
"Neran has the sword of sanctuary."
"Right. What hand did he have the sword in?" Morro asked.
"Uh, left?" Kai answered.
"... Okay, if you ever have to fight him, do as much as you can to get the sword." Morro said.
"What? How are we gonna do that?" Nya asked.
"Why are we gonna do that? The sword, if he has it he'll see us comming!" The new ninja said.
"He holds the sword in his left hand. Neran's right handed. His left hand's his weak hand." Morro said.
"Why would he do that?" Zane asked, jumping out of his mech.
"When we were younger, we got in an accident, I broke his right arm. I assume, it never healed and the injury stayed after he... Died." Morro explained.
"Besides, he barely looks at the sword in general."
"Target the sword, we get an advantage." Kai recalled.
"How are we going to distract or throw off Neran?" He asked.
"There are multiple ways we can do that." Morro said.
"But he's seen all our tricks, and still has the sword. We can't throw him anything we've already shown." Jay said.
Kai smilled.
"Then, let's show him something he hasn't seen. A water ninja." Kai said pushing Nya up.
"Woah! Woah, what? I haven't even unlocked my true potential." Nya said.
"He's never seen you fight." Morro said.
"Right! She's our greatest weapon!" Cole exclaimed.
"Our greatest weapon isn't what we can throw at him, it's what we have right here. A united team." Lloyd said.
"Okay. I have a plan." Morro said.
"I have a plan. A part for everyone."
"Well, then. My son. Let us hear you thoughts." Wu said.
. . .
Everyone had a role. Morro finished explaining his plan.
"And what will you do?" Lloyd asked.
"Me?" Morro asked in response. He hadn't thought about that.
Lloyd nodded.
"Everyone has a part. What about you?"
"Well, I guess... I will face Neran head on." Morro said.
"Hold on! Are you sure? Right at the start?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, this doesnt seem right." Kai said.
"You should hold a more important part to play." Zane said.
"Exactly! You should cover Lloyd." Cole suggested.
Morro shook his head.
"Lloyd has the most important part here. I have to face him."
"Is this the best idea you have?" Wu asked.
"Father." Morro said.
"I-If we want to save Ninjago, then I have to play this part." He narrowed his gaze.
"My trust, my mistake, my plan. I'm confident, alright?" Morro said.
'As long as we get this done before sunrise.'
Lloyd looked at Morro. Sunrise. That's what he's more afraid of than anything. Morro tightened his fist. More than that, actually facing Neran after this... That made Morro shake.
The ninja started to prepare. Nya ran off to modify Morro's staff, Jay, Zane and Cole all got used to their new rides, Kai tried to help Nya. Morro went to the pond behind the shop, Lloyd ran to follow him.
"Hey sis, you think Neran knows about his prophecy?" Kai asked.
"Why?" Nya replied, getting the staff out.
"In the tomb, he covered his eyes saying he didn't want to see who falls." Kai said, handing Nya a few tools.
"You think one of them will... You know, fall?" Nya asked.
"I don't know. But both boys know one will have to. And at sunrise it said." Kai added.
Morro bent down to the water and splashed his face.
"Hey, Morro. There's more than what I actually told everyone." Lloyd bent down beside him.
"What do you mean?" Morro asked.
"Well, your memories of Neran weren't the only thing replaying to me." Lloyd said.
Morro looked up at Lloyd.
"I'll tell you on the way there. It doesn't have to be out loud, if you don't want it to." Lloyd said.
"But, I know you'll want to hear it."
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