《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》29


It had been two weeks since dad's accident and his recovery has been good. He was getting better and little by little self dependent too. The news was somehow reached my school and some of my close teachers came to visit dad, like my English and chemistry professors. And ofcourse, as I didn't have any friends, no one came but Tony.

Tony is the one who was paired with me for a project a few months back and since then we were pretty much friends. My parents knew him because he came home a few times for the project. So he talked to my parents and then him and me had a walk and chatted a bit having a good time.

Venky and Mum took it the hardest. Venky because he looked after all the financial help needed for the recovery in the hospital and talking to the doctors and everything. Mum, because she was ofcourse so stressed about dad's future. She was worried for the most of the time. Yet me and Ishan tried to take her out of the dipressed state and we were pretty much successful.

I didn't go to school for the first ten days, but then my brothers forced me to join back, and I did. Another thing that worried me was Ashton. He didn't pick up my calls or replied to my messages since past two days. The last time we met was indeed two days back and we were happy together. I didn't knew what went wrong. And with all the tension in my family, I couldn't give enough time to Ashton.

I was bought back to earth when someone called my name from somewhere around the corridors. I looked around and found a familiar face, Tony. He smiled and came to me swinging his back pack over his right shoulder.


"Hey, how have your dad been?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled, "he's been better, thanks,"

He nodded, "you look a little upset, are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

I looked around and pursed my lips before answering, "it's Ashton, I haven't seen him since last few days. He's not picking up my calls or anything. I'm worried,"

He slightly nodded, "Ashton, In the sence your boyfriend, right?"

I nodded

Everyone knew that the school's bad boy was dating this little good girl.

"I think I saw him near the jailours closet,"

I looked at him and slightly widened my eyes and asked him if he was sure.

"I'm sure" he reassured me.

I nodded back, "thank you Tony, I should get going,"

"Okay, but stay safe..." he said as I walked past him and made my way at the jailours closet. That area was the most silent and unsafe place, with the closet and a unisex washroom. But I couldn't care, I needed to see him.

As I walked to the back of the school towards the jailours closet, I spotted a group of boys laughing and smoking cigarettes. A few girls doing the same and a couple kissing hardcore. I ignored all of them, and they did the same to me. I then saw Ashton and his two close friends Jason and Ethan smoking cigarettes.

I sighed in relief when I saw him. He was wearing a black plain t-shirt and dark blue jeans. His hair was undone like as usual. He was talking to his friends when his eyes met mine. His frowned at the sight of me. He told me a few times not to come here, saying this place wasn't a safe place, but I was keened to do this. For him, for us.


He threw his cigar on the floor and smashed it under his foot. He both started to walk towards each other and stopped only a few inches away.

He was pissed, I was pissed. The sight wasn't good.

"What are you doing here?" He growled.

"Why weren't you replying to my calls and messages?" I asked ignoring his question and looking up at him with the same rage in my eyes as his.

"Aana, leave before I do something wrong," he warned.

I frowned. Did he just threatened me? I wasn't backing away.

"Ashton, what's wrong with you?" I asked. My eyes now softened, so did my voice. But his eyes never changed. His sight escaped mine and he looked around. He licked his lips and looked back at me.

"Aana, leave,"

"Ashton! I'm not leaving,"

He clinged his jaw and took a hold on my forearm. I winced at his tight hold.

What's wrong with him?

He suddenly took me inside the jailours closet and pinned me against the door which was closed. His both hands were aside my head. He leaned forward making me glued to the wooden door. I was stunned by his sudden moves.

Is he going to hurt me?

I quickly brushed off the thought. Ashton would never hurt me.

"A-Ash, what are you doing?" I stuttered, scared or his sudden anger. His pupils were dilated with anger. His blue eyes boring into my brown ones.

"I trusted you," he whispered against my temple, that's where his lips reached even when he was slightly leaning in.

My right fist made its way on his black t-shirt just to crumble a part of it in my fist. "Ash?" I whispered. My eyes flickered into his in confusion.

"Aana..." He grumbled back in a raspy voice, in disappointment?

"What are you talking about Ash?" I finally asked without stuttering.He seamed to get more frustrated with that questions because be banged his hand against my head making me flinch.

I turned side way, still trapped. My hands covering my ears. My lips escaped a sob. Suddenly, Ashton grabbed my face in his hands and made me look at him straight into his eyes. My eyes escaped a few tears which landed on his palms.

"I trusted you," he whispered again. Before I could say anything else, he dropped his hand and took a hold on my wrist. He flung the door open and took me out of the unhealthy place dropping me into the corridors.

He didn't even look back at me before disappearing into the locker area.

I was so hurt.

My life was already difficult and Ashton's behaviour made me more burdensome. I wanted to ask him what I did but he gave me no chance to speak. I sighed turning back taking my headphones out and walking back home.

Tears never stopped running down my eyes.


Hey guys... Sorry for the late update. I'll try update more.

I hope you liked the chapter. I know it's short but its the start of something strange. So make sure you're tuned in.

Don't forget to leave a vote below. Trust me your votes makes me want/inspires me to write more and update more.

Thank you, love you 💓

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