《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》28


I woke up by someone rubbing my arm softly, warming me up a little. I realised I was still leaning against Venky's chest from last night. I straightened up in my seat and yawned. It was morning around eight.

Venky massaged my scalp with his fingers and kissed the side of my head. "good morning, did you sleep alright last night?" He asked, his voice raspy implying he'd just woken up too.

I thought about answering his question, I kept waking up because of the uncomfortable seats but I guess I managed to sleep for atleast more then five hours.

I nodded merely and closed my eyes again laying my head against the wall.

"Can I see dad?" I asked suddenly.

I felt him take my hand in his, brushing his palm against the back of my hand, "I'm sorry, no, they've timings to meet the patient. Only one family member is allowed once it's dark and early morning, Mum's in right now,"

I nodded in understanding. I then felt someone sit beside me. I tilted my head to look at the person.


He smiled and wrapped his one arm around my neck brushing his lips against my forehead before hugging me gently. "How are you?" He asked, his voice muffled against my hairs.

"Fine.." I replied into the cork of his neck.

"Excuse me love birds," I heard Ishan say. We broke the hug and looked at him. He handed me a tooth brush and a tooth paste, "go freshen up," he told me, also giving me a clean napkin.

"You got me a new brush?" I asked, amused. He grinned and nodded before taking a seat beside Ashton.

I went into the ladies washroom of the hospital and freshened up a bit. I realised my cheeks still had some tear stains. I clearly looked sick. I brushed my teeth and combed my hairs with my fingers and patted them down, they were knotted but not that much. Then I washed my face and cleaned my hands and feet with water.


Finally, after fifteen minutes I was done. I made my way towards dad's room, where all my family were seated. I saw Venky and the doctor talking.

Am I missing something?

After they were done I asked Venky "what did he say?"

He smiled at me, "dad's back to consciousness," My eyes sparkled with happiness. I was never this satisfied.

"Can we meat him?" Ishan asked who had come and stood beside me a while ago.

Venky nodded, "you both go in, I'll be there too in a minutez" he said and looked at Ashton, "can I talk to you for a minute?"

Ashton nodded. I wanted to ask what was that about, but the news of my dad waking up was more important to me.

Me and Ishan went in. Mum and dad were smiling to each other and talking quietly.

"D-Dad..." I called him nervously, trying to smile as warmly as possible.

He looked at us and beckoned me over with his good hand. I didn't waste any time and layer my head on his chest whilst he rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry Aana, I didn't mean to put you in worry,"

"Dad! Don't apologise," I muttered.

"What about you young boy?" Dad said probably looking at Ishan. "don't want to give your father a hug?" The second those words left from dad's mouth I felt Ishan sandwiching me between dad and him.

"I was worried sick," Ishan muttered.

Finally after a few moments we broke the hug. Dad was smiling. But I could see the pain he was trying to hide, not the mental, the physical pain. His eyes said it all. I instantly felt hurt because of his pain. He looked really tired and I wouldn't be surprised if he had passed out by now.


"I'll go freshen up," Mum said standing up. Before leaving, she kissed both mine and Ishan's head.

Venky came in close by with Ashton who stood beside me holding my hand. Dad and Venky stared at eachother, I could feel dad having an internal battle of how to start the conversation.

"Venkat.." dad said, I'd heard his real name said by anyone in a very long time.

"Yes Papa," Venky replied.

"Come here,"

Venky walked and stood next to dad. Dad held his hand suddenly.

"Look man," dad started, "Karma's a bitch. I've got what I deserved."

I looked at Ishan with an 'oh god' look. I really didn't want or expected of a start of a new argument.

"I don't know what's going to happen to me now," my eyes watered at that "If I die, you're going to take care of my ladies. I'll haunt you in your dreams if you leave them behind," dad said in his usual tone of attitude but this time, I saw sadness, in his voice and in his eyes. He looked so tired, I knew he was desperate of some sleep and rest.

I was so worried. I clinched into Ashton's sweatshirt whilst he kept his eyes straight at dad.

Venky smiled putting a hand on dad's, "nothing is going to happen to you. And about your ladies, they're mine too,"

I don't know what joy they were getting by the sarcastic humour in their words. Maybe to reduce the awkwardness or make it less emotional.

Dad chuckled, "they're mine untill I'm alive, you can take them while I'll be gone,"


They looked at me. I was furious. How can he talk about death so easily.

"He told you nothing is going to happen to you. Then why do you have to say that?!" By now, I had unshed tears in my eyes threatening to spill out.

Dad chuckled, "I'm sorry princess, don't cry please,"

"Then don't talk like that," I pouted, a single tear rolled down my cheek.

Ishan rubbed my arm and wiped my tears away, "shut up old man. You made my sister cry,"

I took a deep breath, "I don't know why you all are being so sarcastic today,"

The four of them laughed, which ended up making me smile too.

Maybe everything is just going to be okay....


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