《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》27


I pressed my back against the sky blue hospital wall. Ishan was close by me, holding my hand giving me some support.

I couldn't stop sniffling and so could Ishan. We were the youngest and definitely the most emotional ones. I could see Venky sitting on the metal seat with his hands cupped against his mouth and nose, his elbows rested on his knees. His expressions were stiff.

Mom was sitting beside Venky. Both of them giving eachother support and reassurance. Robbie and Rayan sat next to each other. The twins had similar worried expressions in their eyes.

Suddenly someone came running into the lobby. I immediately identified him as Ashton.His eyes met mine. He wasted no time and pulled me in a tight hug.

"Fucking shit! You're okay" I heard him mutter.

"Ash, I'm fine," I said to him. Confused because clearly I wasn't the one who was hurt here.

Ashton dipped his head into my hairs, "he fucking told me something happened to you," he sounded low and sad.

I pulled apart from his arms "um...what?" I asked

I'd realised that his hairs were on his forehead dangling lazily. He was in a white plane t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

His pissed eyes travelled across the room and stopped at a person. He jumped up to lung at the person but Venky stopped him by holding the neck of his t-shirt.

"Ashton, calm down," Venky's voice was cold and stern.

"How the hell could you call me and say that something has happened to my fucking girlfriend," Ashton yelled frustrated, looking at Rayan who seamed angry, confused and tired.

Robbie stood up and put a hand on Ash's shoulder, "hey, calm down. I think there's some misunderstanding,"

"Nice misunderstandings to create," Ashton's eyes bored into Rayan's.

Rayan rolled his eyes, "look kid, I was half asleep and disoriented 'cs of the stress and confusion, okay? It was a mistake. Chill out."

Ashton closed his eyes and opened them just to look at me and pull me at the corner to talk. The rest went back to what they were doing before.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked me. Cupping the back of my head. I nodded.

"Dad isn't," I told him. "his car was hit by another car who had lost its control over its wheels,"

He half nodded.

"The other guy couldn't survive Ash, I'm scared. I don't want to loose my dad," by now I had fresh tears in both my eyes.

He licked his lips and spoke, "you're not going to loose anyone Aana. Everything is going to be just fine"


"Shh..." He cut me off, "only positive thoughts,"


I sniffled and looked down. How could I think positive when I know my father in so much physical pain right now. I ended up hugging Ashton as if my life depends on it. He didn't hesitate and hugged back. I was grateful of the support.

After a few while, the door of the operation theatre opened where my dad was been taken care of. Venky and Mum immediately stood up, ready to talk to the doctor.

"Doctor, h-how's he? Is he okay?" Mum asked.

Doctor sighed, "he's stable."

Those words gave relief to my soul. I went and stood beside Ishan who was looking nervous. Ashton sat on the chair still listening.

"But-" doctor started, "I'm not sure for how long,"

"W-What do you mean?" Venky asked.

I could feel Ishan tense up beside me. I held his hand, he squeezed back.

"What I mean to say is, he had lost quite alot of blood. His head itself has twenty stitches. His abdomen isn't in the best condition either. We can't say anything right now. We'll have to wait until he wakes up and gives remark about his feelings, condition and pain," My breath hitched, I couldn't move. I felt so helpless. And that is when my Mum broke down crying. "I'm sorry ma'am, we're trying our best,"

Venky nodded as the doctor left.Robbie hugged Mum and rubbed her back. Rayan sat back in his seat, beside Ashton who was a little awkward yet sympathetic about us. Ashton patted Rayan's knee reassuringly.

Ishan collapsed on the chair behind us. He looked vulnerable.

I sat down beside him, "Ishan, hey, it's going to be okay," I tired to console him, but my voice itself betrayed me breaking a little.

In reply he only hugged be and nuzzled his head into my shoulder. I hugged him back, tears running down my eyes too.

It's funny how for years these guys weren't allowed to live in the same house as us and now they're crying for the person who put such barriers and restrictions for them. Could we call it as love? We sure can!

A nurse came out of the theatre and looked at all of us. She wore a baby pink uniform, "you can visit the patient now. But only three people at once," She left entering into some other patient's room.

Mum didn't waste any time and went in first. Venky also stood up but came to me. He gave me a small smile and streched a hand towards me. I placed my hand on his and stood up. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gently whispered into my ear "you've to stay strong, okay?"


I hesitately nodded taking a deep breath.

When we got into the room. I was petrified. They had to shave dad's head. White bandage was wrapped all around his head. His mouth and nose were cupped with an oxygen mask.

His left hand and left leg was in huge cast. When I saw his face, I felt depressed. He looked awfully pale. His left eyebrow had a huge cut on it. I felt like throwing up but at the same time, I felt so dizzy.

Mum sat on the stool beside dad's bed. Tears running down her cheeks whilst she held onto her husband's hand.

I couldn't tolerant the pain anymore. I turned around and buried my head into Venky's chest who wrapped his arms around my body and stroked my hairs down. I was silently crying and taking shaky breaths.

"Hey," he whispered, "stay strong baby, Stay strong," his voice had clear pain. But he was holding on, I should have to, but I was too big of an emotional freak.

"Wake up. Wake up," I heard Mum say quietly.

I peaked over to her. She looked tired and weak. I almost pitied her but then I realised I was going through the same in the instance.

Venky pulled away, held my hand and made our way towards Mum and dad. He made me sit on one one the stools and began comforting Mum who cried on Venky's shoulder.

Meanwhile, I looked at dad. How we had such a beautiful chat before he left. How his eyes sparkled with love when he kissed my face. How I knew my dad was a human, a human who made mistakes and was regretting them now. He was ready to mend things up with my brothers. He can't leave me now, when things were going to be alright. He can't, he just can't leave me. That's unfair.

I couldn't look at my dad anymore. I stood up straight and left the room.I didn't even realise I was sobbing untill someone hugged me as soon as I felt the room. I clinched into the person's t-shirt and cried.

"It's okay, it's okay.." I recognised the voice as Ashton's. "shhh...." He cooed me rubbing my back.I pulled back and looked up into his eyes with mine which were full of tears.

His expressions were soft. I could feel he was trying to be strong for me and felt bad for me, for us.

"How is he?" I heard Ishan ask.

I went to him and hugged him too.

"he's not well," I whispered into his shoulder.

"I don't want to go in," he said and hugged me back tightly.

"Ishan, Aana," we heard Rayan say "you can't fall weak like this. How are you going to support Mum if you behaved like this."

"B-But he's—"

"I can understand," Robbie jumped in "I can, but he's going to be okay," he reassured us. He then patted Rayan's and Ishan's shoulders, "c'mon, let's go in,"

The three of them went in whilst Mum and Venky came out. I sat between Ashton and Venky. Mummy sitting beside Venky too.

"How's Luck?" I asked out if nowhere.

"She's fine," Venky answered. "is which her nanny right now,"

I nodded.

Ashton suddenly stood up. He bent down infront of me. "Look, I-I've to leave right now. Dad's going out and Olivia's home alone. I--"

I cut him off, "Ash, I understand." I smiled at him. I could see he didn't want to leave, but I knew his life wasn't any easy. His dad was constantly out for work and Ashton was always afraid of leaving his sister home alone.

He smiled and gave a smoochy kiss on my temple while standing up. He cupped my face and brushed my cheeks with his thumb. "Take care. Don't fall sick." I nodded at him and smiled at his sweet gesture. He then looked at Mum, "Ma, take care," she just nodded looking at the floor. He nodded at Venky who nodded back before leaving.

I sighed and put my head on Venky's shoulder. He too wrapped his arm around my shoulder rubbing my arm a little. After a little while the twins and Ishan came back. Ishan looked like he'd cried when he was inside.

"Aana, I think you should go home now—"

"No," I denied Venky's suggestion. "I don't want to leave dad,"

"You can come back tomorrow morning. It's late-" he looked at his wrist watch, "12 am, c'mon please. It's not health," I shook my head. As much as I wanted to stay, I was exhausted. I was so tired from all the crying and sobbing. But still... There was no way I was leaving my family in such conditions.

Venky gave up on convincing me to go home and rest. He tried to make Ishan go home but neither did he wanted to leave. A few minutes past, Venky told Rayan and Robbie to go home and take care of Lucky and get some rest. They left when it was around 12:30am. The hospital lobby was silent. There was pin drop silence.

The utter silence and my eldest brother's arms which were wrapped around me helped me feel warm and safe whilst I ended up falling asleep.


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