《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》30


Ashton's behaviour was severely unpredictable and confusing. I was tired of giving him calls and texts, he just wouldn't answer. He won't come to school and I didn't have enough time to give his house a visit. I was just so tired.

Today, two weeks since my dad's critical accident, he gets discharged. It really gave me relief that he's healing well and can finally come home. Whilst at some point I thought he's gonna die, and that feeling was rancid.

He still had to use a wheelchair to move around, a cast both in his left leg and hand. His head injury no longer needed any bandages, the stitches were a pinkish shade meaning they were healing well too.

One more month and he could walk again. And probably get back to work too.

"Haven't heart of Ashton lately," Robbie's voice made me come into the real world.

"Uh...." Think! Something! "He's kinda busy lately,"

Nice excuse you stupid! But I didn't want Ashton to come into my family's bad side.

Robbie didn't seam like accepting my reply. I can't tell my brothers about Ashton's sudden change in behaviour. The both of us needed time to sort the misunderstanding out, but to do that, Ashton needed to talk to me and not ignore me all the time!

"You boyfriend, and busy. That's two different things," Rayan commented who was standing on my right.

I gulped, "can we just leave?"

"Yeah, wait a minute," Robbie excused himself and payed for the icecream we were having.

Right now, me and the twins were hanging out in the near by garden from the hospital. We had stopped to get some ice-cream.

Rayan swang his arm over my, shoulder and started walking towards the exit of the park. Robbie was walking close behind.

"Listen..." Rayan said. I hummed, "if Ashton is giving a hard time to you, just tell me. I won't hesitate to break his jaw. He always seems to have a bad boy vibe around him which I don't appreciate much,"

I shook my head smiling, "Ashton's not your typical bad boy, and why would he give me a hard time. And no, don't break his jaw please."

He didn't seam to buy my reply as he stared at me in a bored expression "I'm serious," he said.

I rolled my eyes, "Ray, it's fine, really," He smiled, I think that smile was because I called him with his nickname. I used to call him 'Ray' all the time before he and Robbie left.

That was when I was just seven.

After about a walk of 10 minutes, the hospital was finally here. I saw dad in his wheel chair, Mum standing behind him. Venky was talking to the receptionist, and simultaneously signing a few papers.

Ishan was on a field trip with his other photographer friends. He told me there's going to be alot of amazing pictures when he'll come back. Some time lapse, slow Mos and wild life photography. He left the other day and was suppose to come back in about two weeks.

By the time we reached the hall way, Venky was done singing the papers and was standing with Mum and dad now.

Dad gave me a bright smile, "finally getting back home," he moaned in satisfaction.

"Finally you're coming back home," I cheered.

Now everyone were smiling.

"Alright, you two take Mum and dad home, and Aana are you ready?" Venky asked. Venky and I were supposed to go to his office, which I was very excited about. After I revealed that I wanted to do engeneering, Venky asked if I wanted to fill the form for the first entrance exam for which I agreed happily.


On the other hand, dad was so proud that I was doing engeneering, something he wanted his sons to do. He at times teased my brothers by saying 'atleast someone is smart here'

But my brothers always ignored his comments and just encourage me in my doing.

"Yeah, I am," I even had the required documents for the form, which was an online method.

"All the best," Mum and dad wished me, I smiled and thanked them.

"Let's go," Venky approached me putting a hand over my shoulder.

We made our way towards his car. I took the passenger seat whilst he took the driver. I looked at my outfit. Black jeans and white plain t-shirt. My hairs let down in middle partition.

I cleared my throat, "do you think this is an appropriate outfit to go to your office?" I asked him.

He turned to me and chuckled, "ofcourse, you're not an employee so no, you're not supposed to have a dress code. And on the other hand, your the sister of the CEO. You can do whatever you want there,"

I nodded smiling. He went back to his driving leaving me in the confidence he just gave me from his words.

"Poppy is going to tutor you,"

I frowned, "poppy? Who's that?" I suddenly got an image of that one youtube girl saying 'I'm poppy' on repeat.

He laughed a rasped voice, "I know that's a funny name. You know, when I first met him. I almost laughed on his name,"

I burst into a fit of laugh with him. When we calmed down he continued, "he's in his early twenties. He did what you want to do when he was your age. I'm sure he can teach you well,"

I nodded.

"You actually have met him before," I raised an eyebrow at him. "When we went to the cruise, the one sitting beside me was poppy," I nodded. He was quite all of the time. He didn't even introduced himself and I didn't feel the need to know him either.

Soon we reached the destination. The guards opened the gates for us. Venky parked the car and got out followed by me. The building was huge and made of almost glass. I looked up with sparkling eyes. The building was beautiful.

I felt Venky wrap his arm around my shoulder. "You okay?" He asked.

I looked at him happily, "ofcourse, this is amazing!"

He chuckled, "glad you liked it. Now c'mon, let's go in,"

I took a deep breath and got in with him. As soon as we got in. The few people who were in the lobby who wished Venky a good morning and smiled at me.

Venky like a gentleman he was, nodded at all of them and continued guiding me until we were in an elevator also made of clear glass, letting my eyes embrace the view.

I put my one hand on the glass and wow'ed at the view. It was breathtaking.

Venky just stood there, observing me with an amused smile on his face. His eyes full of adoration.

"This is so cool!" I told him, tugging at the sleeve of his blazer. He nodded and kissed the top of my head. We got out when the door of the lift opened.

Everyone stood up from their chairs and bowed Venky in respect, some also wishing him a good morning. Venky held my hand and guided me until we were both standing in the middle of everyone. I was so god damn nervous!


Venky looked at everyone and nodded when he was sure that he had everyone's attention. He cleared his throat and spoke, "hello everyone,"

He received a Chorus of 'hellos' from everyone.

I just stood there. Fidgeting with the hem of my t-shirt nervously. Not knowing what to do. I then felt Venky's eyes on me. I looked up at him. He looked away, again his attention at his employees.

Everyone were so eager to hear their boss' next words. Everyone's ears stood alerted.

"I would like to introduce you all to my little sister, Aana,"

Everyone started cheering and gossiping amongst themselves. On the other hand, my face was tamato red, being the center of attention was so hard.

"attention," his one word shushed everyone, "She's almost seventeen. I would like it if you'd all treat her like a family, a good friend with due respect—"

Venky kept on talking in his professional tone. In the mean time, I observed everything. Young and old, everyone were working in the same place. I liked the vibes here too.

When Venky's professional sounding speech/introduction was over, he thanked everyone for listening and allowed them to go back to their work. Everyone went back to their thing. Rushing, talking, making calls and managing files. A perfect chaotic office.

I looked up at Venky shyly and spoke the first thing came to my mind, "dad would be so proud,"

My words suddenly softened his eyes, I saw hind of tears there too. I then remembered that he was soft at heart and getting into his soft side wasn't a hard thing. I held his hand and squeezed reassuringly.

"Thank you Aana, for saying that. You don't know how much relief I just felt. Thank you," Hearing his raspy voice made me melt.

"It's true Venky," I looked at his office "look at this. This is what we call as success. I'm so proud of you," I said the last sentence whilst looking into his eyes.

He sniffled and leaned down to kiss my forehead for a good amount of five seconds. The affection making me feel so warm and loved.

"Let's go in and do what we're here for, huh?" I nodded and we made our way to his cabin. And there was the most adorable thing ever. Lucky was trying to spin the globe as fast as possible with her bear hand. Her nose wrinkled in that process and her tongue out in concentration. It was such an adorable sight. She was also sitting on Venky's desk which was made up of glass. She didn't even realise that we'd entered the cabin.

Venky shook his head and effortlessly lifted Lucky up and put her on his hips. She was frozen for a second or two, not understanding what had actually happened so suddenly. One second, the world was spinning around her little hands and in the other, she was placed onto someone's arms.

She then squealed and hugged her father's neck. But when her eyes met mine, she squealed louder and wiggled into her dad's arms wanting to be in mine.

"Aama! Aama!" She yelled.

Without wasting any time. Venky placed that ball of energy into my arms who immediately wrapped her arms around my shoulder.

"I missed yow," she mumbled.

"I missed you too baby," I mumbled back kissing her head. I hadn't seen Lucky in one week.

Her school was having holidays for some reason and me being in the hospital all the time with my family, I couldn't meet her properly.

I had realised that Venky was already on his laptop, typing something on it. He was sitting side way So I could actually see what he was typing as I was standing opposite to his chair.

I took another chair and sat infront of him with Luck still in my arms curled up. I saw that he was filling the form for me. He then turned to me.

"I've filled the information I knew, now fill your personal infos and call me when you'll be done,"

I nodded and took the laptop. Venky stood up and picked Lucky from my arms.

"You're going home missy," Venky told her.

She pouted, "it's a no-no daddy," crossing her arm around her chest and leaning away from her dad.

I laughed at her and Venky couldn't help but smile too. "I'll bring you butterscotch ice-cream, how about then?" Venky tries to persuade her.

Lucky thought for a moment and smiled sweetly leaning in, "deawl!"

Wow, she was already a business woman. Venky shook his head. After two minutes, a man in a driving suit knocked on the door. Venky nodded him to come in as he entered politely.

Lucky jumped from Venky's lap to hug the driver's legs, "gotch yow,"

"Take her home, and tell Maya to make her sleep in the afternoon,"

He nodded and picked Lucky up. She looked pretty comfortable with him.

When they left Venky spoke, "don't worry. He's trustable. Been working for me since the past six years," I nodded at him. It's good to have trustworthy people around.

I quickly filled the form and submitted it. It was so good to actually stepping up to the career. I wanted to be as successful as my eldest brother, he was my inspiration now.

After filling the form he made a call "poppy?".... "Yeah, you can come in"

"Poppy is coming," he said and for some reason, the both of us burst into a fit of laughter again. That name was going to be the death of us. There was a knock on the door and I realised that it was the same guy who was sitting beside Venky when were in the cruise's dining room.

"May I?" He asked in a small voice.

"Yes," Venky's voice was suddenly more professional.

He came and sat on the chair beside me. Venky was sitting in the main, big chair. "Good morning, poppy" Venky wished in a monotone voice.

Poppy nodded his head, "good morning," he then turned to me and smiled politely.

"So, you'll be tutoring Aana from now on,"

"Yes sir,"

"What time are you comfortable in?"

"Evening is fine by me,"

"What about you Aana, are you okay with it?" Venky asked me, with a calmer voice.

"Yes, I'm free in the evening,"

"Good," Venky nodded, "that's it for now, you can leave."

Poppy nodded and before standing up snd pushing his chair behind and left.

"What happened to your mood?" I asked, amused.

"He's an employee, sometimes it's better to maintain a professional behaviour outside the house," I nodded. So, there'll be my driver coming to pick you up everyday at six thirty, okay?" I nodded. "Good, now you'll go home or at Ashton's?"

I awkwardly looked away. He said that because I usually went to Ash's house on the weekends and today was a Saturday. And Ashton was not being in contact with me, would be a hell of a problem for me if my brothers come to know about this.

I quickly came to an excuse, "um.. I want to spend time with dad. He's finally home," this reason was actually my true feelings.

"Oh... Kay," he nodded. "you sure though?"

I laughed awkwardly, "ofcourse,"

"Fine.. I'll tell one of my driver's to get you home," I nodded my head and leaned back, waiting for the driver as Venky went back to his work.



Forgive me, I'll try to update more. Love you all 💓

So because this chapter was updates after such a long ass time, I decided to make it long. 2000+ words this time.

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