《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》11


It had been two days now and dad still didn't return home. He was in contact with us the whole time but still, I missed him.

"What's so important that he had to just disappear for two days straight?" I asked to mum.

"Actually you'll know that today itself, before dinner" she smiled at me.

"Mumma stop giving me hints and just still the tea already" I whined.

"Stop whining, keep patience"

I huffed rolling my eyes.


I couldn't believe what dad just said. My ears started to bleed immediately

(sorry for being overdramatic).This is the worst news I've ever heard. How am I supposed to survive like this

"I can't believe YOU are saying this pappa"

"I know, and I'm sorry. It won't be too long. Just-just two months and it'll just be over"

"Dad two months are too long. Anything can happen in these 60 days, and you always said that to STAY AWAY from them"

"First of all I believe nothing's going to go wrong" Mum interfered.

"Don't even try to take their side honey" dad said to her.

"I'm saying because I know it" Mum said angrily.

"Why do we have to do this though?" I asked whining.

"Because they said if I won't allow them to live in this house with us for the amount of time they've said in the documents, they'll legally take your custody"

"WHAT?!" my eyes became wide open. I cannot spent the rest of my life with them.

He sadly nodded.

But Mum..she looked happy. She rarely is this happy. Her smile never left her face the whole time.

"You better get ready and prepare yourself for two months sweety" Mum said grinning.

"I can't believe you are happy for this ma"

"Well I never hated them"


"Well I never understood why you never disliked them" I snapped.

She just narrowed her eyes at me.

"Well where are they gonna stay?" I asked.

"The two empty rooms. The four of them are gonna share"

"They better" I mumbled.


The door bell rang, I skipped a heart beat surely.

"I'll go" Mum said happy walking towards the door

"Dad this seems like a pretty bad idea"

"I know but you can chill, it's all on legal basis"

With that Mum opened the door.I stood up to get a better view of the outside

I saw Robbie, Rayan and Ishan. Weird because Venky's always with them.

"Oh god, please come in" Mum Said happily welcoming them in.

I felt really awkward because after what happened that night when they tried to talk to me at freaking 10 pm. I'm not gonna talk to them, I thought.

They came in and looked at me and dad.

"Hello Aana, Dad" Rayan said, a hit of sarcasm in his voice.

"Huh, hello boys. Don't get your hopes up already because it's just 2 months and then you'll be out of my house" dad snapped immediately.

"Hey, stop being so rude" Mum scolded him making his roll his eyes.

"So, we're here now, finally" Ishan said loudly and kissed my mum's cheek making her smile widely.

"Wait, where's Venky?" Mum asked.

"Oh he'll be here in 30 minutes. He's bringing his luck with him too" Robbie said.

I chuckled "you need luck to live here now. How unlucky"

"Oh she doesn't even know" Ishan started laughing and so did the other two boys.

"Silence, I don't want any kind of noise in my house" dad warned.

"Okay pappa" Ishan teased him just like he used to do years ago.

"Um you both take the suitcases in our rooms, start unpacking immediate please" Robbie said to his two brothers.


Rayan nodded and took two bags in his hands and Ishan did the same.

"Aana baby, help them go upstairs. You can carry one bag too" Mum said.

I did an annoyed face "why me!"

"Stop being a baby already" Ishan said patting my shoulder but I pushed it away.

"Go away"

He chuckled and said "it's okay ma, we're good" and they both went upstairs.

"I'll make a call to Venky" Robbie said and went outside from the front door.

I looked at the door closing and finally the three of us were left alone.

"Mumma, pappa... What is this" I said stomping.

"Wheather you like it or not, this is gonna be your life for next two months. Get over it now" Mum said sternly.

I rolled my eyes and went into my room, but before that I took a look at the boys' room. They were unpacking.

I didn't know who was staying in which room though.

While I was staring into their rooms, Rayan caught my eye. I immediately looked away walking into my room.

I sat on the bean bag that dad gifted me a year ago.

"You completely changed your room Aana" Ishan said from my back making me jump.

I made a 'tsk' sound "don't come into my room without knocking" I said angrily.

"Woh, calm down missy. I was allowed to come into your without knocking the last time I remember"

"The last time was four years ago. Things change, people change" I said coldly standing up. He kept looking at me as I made my way towards him.

"Get out"

"Wh-what?" He asked confused

"No one is allowed to come into my room" I said and pushed him out of my room, not roughly though. Then I closed the door in front of his face.


"AANA, COME DOWN" Mum shouted from downstairs. I rolled my eyes stomped lazily downstairs.

"What do you want mom?" I asked her.

"AAMA" a little girl's voice screamed

I looked at my back and saw Lucky on the couch.

"Luck what- what's this I-" I stuttered confused.

She jumped off of the couch and ran towards me hugging my legs tightly.

I chuckled and picked her up locking her in my arms.

"Mummy What is she doing here?" I asked.

"It's not my call to address you" she shrugged.

I. Was. Confused.

"Luck, who did you come here with?" I asked.

"Dadda" she said.

"Who-who's your dad?" I asked too scared for one of the boys to come out as her dad.

"Me" a voice said from my behind.

I turned around and saw Venky standing there.

"I'm her father"

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