《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》12


"I'm her father"

I was stunned and kept my eyes on him. What. Did. He. Just. Say

He came forward and stood right infront of me. I kept my eyes locked up at him, Lucky still in my arms.

"Daddy" Lucky giggled stretching her arms out which was held by her father Venky. He adjusted her on his hips.

"Alright, can we sit and talk?" Mom asked.

I looked at her, still shocked but gave her a light nod.

We sat on the couch, Lucky on Venky's laps.

" This is Venky's daughter. She's 3 almost 4 and looks like you both know eachother "

"I-I know her"

"Yeah" Luck yelled "she's me bestfrwend" Venky and Mum looked confused.

"What was that baby?" Venky asked adjusting her on his lap.

"You know wen I sawd soweone saved me from bad bows, it was her daddy, she saved me" she said looking at her father then me with a sweet smile on her face.

He looked at me before saying "thank you Aana. It was really nice-"

"Welcome" I cut him off not wanting to talk to him.

"Baby, since Robbie and Rayan are sharing one room and Ishan and Venky are sharing a room. Is it okay if Luck shares a room with you?" Mum asked.

Hmm.. is she kidding me? It's the best thing ever. Living with Lucky in the same room as me is an absolutely best thing "Yeah, it's fine" I smiled at my Mum.

"I'll be back" Mum said and went upstairs.

As she went up I also got up and started to leave.

"Aana" Venky held my wrist stopping me.

I looked at him. I didn't flinch probably because I was in my house's and Luck's presence gave me assurance.

"Can I talk to you, please" he asked.


I nodded and sat on the mini sofa which was beside the couch.

"Baby, you can go to uncle Ishan. It's right upstairs, will you be fine?" He asked to Lucky. She nodded and got down. Before kissing his cheek making him smile.

She then came to me and held my hand.

" Dows that mean we'll live towether now. Awe we roowmates?" She asked

I smiled and cupped her cheek "yes, I guess"

She jumped happily "I'm so hwppy woday, me bestfriend is gowing to liwe wee me" and she went upstairs singing the same thing making me chuckle.

"Umm I'm sorry" Venky said all of a sudden making me realise that I'm left alone with him, which made me a little scared.

"Umm" I said awkward "for what?"

"You-you probably didn't know about Lucky. Umm.. sorry because you didn't know about her even though you're my sister and you have the right to know about it"

Am I surprised? Yes!

Am I hurt? Yes

Why? Because maybe he's my brother and still I didn't know that he had a daughter.

I quickly shrugged those thoughts out of my mind

No! I'm not hurt. I hate him and he's not even my brother.. he's just another stranger for me, Period

"On Earth Aana" Venky said to me with a chuckle.

"Wh-what?" I asked snapping out if my thoughts.

"You zoned out" he chuckled again.

I suddenly became stern and looked at him "hey look, I don't care if you have a daughter or not it's just out of my business"

He looked hurt for a second but he blinked it out "what do you mean?"

I tsked "we are not siblings. That's it" I said and stood up walking upstairs.

Am I being a jerk?

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