《The Forgotten Four [Completed]》10


I was really excited to meet Ash.

Only mom knew about him as dad was a typical stereotypic dad who doesn't allow a boyfriend for her daughter.

I got ready real quickly in a peach green top and shorts. I kept my hairs down because that is how Ash likes it to be.

"Are you ready?" Mom asked entering my room.

I nodded smiling.

"Ah you look cute. C'mon now I already told your pappa that you are going for a birthday party so he's not a problem anymore"

I jumped in excitement and hugged her tightly "thank you-thank-you thank you"

She pulled apart and patted my cheek.

"I know Ashton is a bad boy or whatever but as per his appearance and behaviour, I really think that he's a nice guy deep inside, and that's the only reason why I'm allowing you to date him. So remember, no wrong steps" she was saying as if I was gonna get pregnant tonight.

"Yeah mom, chill"

She chuckled sharing her head "alright"


When I was walking half way to the park, I got a call from Ashton.

"Go home" he yelled through the phone.


"Aana go home, don't come here it's not safe-just go home" his voice had pain.

I instantly hung up and ran to the park area ignoring the warning he gave me not to come.

When I got there I saw only Ash laying down on the ground with a black eye and a bloody lip.

I ran towards him, tears already started to bream into my eyes.

I lifted his head up and put it on my lap.

"Ashton" I cried brushing his hairs through my fingers.

He looked into my eyes and moaned in pain looking away.

"Ash, who did this to you?"


"Some-some assholes" he said roughly.

"Why did they do this to you?" I asked.

He stayed silent and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

I gently traced his eyes and cheeks with my hands. He seemed to relax by the touch.

"I did something really stupid" he said suddenly chuckling.

"What the fuck?"

He chuckled again "yeah it was kinda my fault"

"Ash putting yourself in danger isn't acceptable" I almost shouted.

He smiled and lifted his hand brushing my cheeks lightly "I love you"

I looked down at him, still on my lap

"Love you too"


Mummy said that dad was gonna be out for some job purposes the whole night. She said Ash can stay overnight at our house for today.

Ash hesitated but then said yes. He told his family members that he's gonna stay with me today.

Ash was kinda limping the whole way back home. He was trying his best not to put all the pressure on me as his arm was around my shoulder for balance as he was limping.


I pressed the door bell.

Ash looked at me with sorry eyes. I nodded at him to tell him that everything's just fine.

After about a minute mum opened the door.

"Oh I'm sorry I was actually in the wash-" she paused as she saw Ashton's bruised face.

"Oh My God Ashton what happened to you?"

"Well um- it's um-" he stuttered.

"Some guys beat him up" I said cutting him.

"Gosh, come in I'll bring the first aid" mom said letting us in.

Me and Ash sat on the couch where he threw his head on the frame of the couch.

Mum quickly bought an ice pack and I kept it on Ash's bruised eye.

"First aid?" I asked and mum gave it to me.


"I'm sorry ma, you had to go through this" Ash said.

Mummy sighed "you call me ma and say sorry for taking care of you. Is this what our relationship is Ash?" Mum said seriously.

His smiled a little and shook his head "no, it's not like that, but thank you for being the best mom ever"

Mum smiled back at him and then looked at me "take him to your room and do the right medication"

"Yeah thanks Mumma" I said her.

With that mum went into her room upstairs.

I sat beside Ash.

"Look at me" I said to him. He sat into a comfortable position facing me.

I took a cotton ball and put the cleaning liquid on it and rubbed it over his cheek and around his lips.

Now for some reason, a drop of salty water rolled down my cheek.

Ash groaned and gripped both my wrists and looked into my eyes deeply.

"What are you doing Ash" I said quietly.

He stayed quite and leaned forward and peaked a small kiss on the corner of my lips.

"Thank you. for everything"

I smiled a little "stop putting yourself in trouble"


The light beamed from the window of my room waking me up. But I couldn't move. It felt like someone was holding me tight. Well, guess what.. I was been held my Ash.

I smiled at him snuggling closer to him. I touched his eye, it wasn't that bad. Atleast was better than the night before.

He moaned and yawned pulling me closer.

"morning Ash" I said sleeply

He opened his eyes a little and looked down at me.

"Good morning, baby" he said and kissing my forehead.

"We should wake up, we have school"

"Just a little more cuddle please" his morning raspy voice said as he snuggled his head into my hairs.

I chuckled sleepily.

"C'MON SLEEPYHEADS, COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST" mom yelled from downstairs making both of us to burst into a fit of laughter.

Hello guys.. this chapter is just to show the relation with Aana and her mum. Also the beating that Ashton went through has something to do with Aana...

Hope you liked the chapter 💓

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