
Hello, I wanted to say thank you for reading my book even though it's probably shît, and make sure you have a wonderful day because you are drop-dead gorgeous. No seriously, we're you born that beautiful?

The song is Bored by Billie Eilish. Right now, I am bored in quarantine. The government still hasn't let us back to school, I haven't been since March so I have a lot of free time in my hands.

Stay safe please, try and stay away from young children and the elderly. They are the most vulnerable.

Enough with the seriousness, on with the chapter ...


✨Emilia POV

I was laying down on my bed just looking up at the ceiling, actually, the pink net curtain that had butterflies on.

I was utterly bored without my phone, I could read, but I needed to be in the right mood.

Frustrated. I was frustrated with all the thoughts racing in my head that I just wanted to stop.

Like no one wanted me here so I couldn't exactly speak to them, or eat their food, or drink their water. Why couldn't I just be back with my mother those months ago?

Knocking interrupted my zoo of thoughts and I muttered a come in.

Luca stood at the door with my notebook, pencils and a phone in his hand. Thank God, I think we have a saviour.

He was so sweet, just like Diego, makes sense considering they are twins. But then how do you give birth to five nice people and one broody mammoth?

I think only the twins were sweet and friendly. The others were just... okay I guess.

They wouldn't speak to me unless I spoke to them, and I never did.

I probably looked like a mess right now, tears stained my red puffy cheeks, my nose redder than Rudolph's and my eyes swelling out of their sockets.

What an amazing view I must be.

"You uh, left these in the library, I thought you might want them back." He puts on the drawer beside the bed and sits next to me.

"I'm sorry." I undertone my voice.

"What for?" He asked.

"Being here, being a nuisance, being a freak, it's pretty obvious I'm not wanted here."

"You're wrong, you are wanted here, just remember it's only been a day, it will take a while."

"Like two years," I mumble.

"Don't listen to him." I look up at him in the eyes. They were just like mine.

"Blade I mean, don't listen to him." He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"Thanks for bringing my stuff up." I crawl off the bed to put them away.

"Don't mention it." He puts his feet up on my bed and puts his head back on my pillow.

"You didn't um, you know, look at them, did you?" I finished packing them away and put the books away that I had out in previous nights.



"Are you sure?"

"The only one that I saw was from earlier when you stubbed your toe. When you dropped it." His eyes were closed, he isn't sleeping in here. I have a thing where I don't like it when other people's heads are on my pillow.

They could have lice or anything. Though I am sure he doesn't, it still grossed me out.

"Oh, and the other one, you left it open in the library on a page." He released the pressure of his eyes and stared into mine.

"I must say, you have quite the gift of God."

This is one of those moments where you don't know what to say, I was always awkward when it comes to compliments. Why can't I just take the fricking compliment? Instead, I just try and infinite them and change the subject.

"We need to go downstairs as well, Alessandro wants to speak to you." Nervous gulp.

He scares the brain cells out of me. That made no sense but okay.

"It's nothing to worry about."

Yeah, nothing to worry about *scratches back of the neck in nervousness*.

We walk downstairs together into the kitchen where Alessandro and the others were waiting for my arrival.

What a nice surprise, Blade looks like a baby who dropped their chicken nuggets from the McDonald's happy meal.

"Take a seat." This is very nerve-wracking. I can feel my heart pound against my chest, I can see the pulse in my wrists.

I feel more nervous than I even did before Halloween. And that's saying something.

Obeying Alessandro's orders, I sit down opposite him with the rest of the brothers just eating crap form the fridge not paying attention.

"So, you are now living here, I hope you have gotten used to the house a little-" I scoff making him pause, this was no house, "-as I was saying, I hope you have gotten used to the house but living here means you have to follow some rules."

He pulls a piece of paper out of his blazer pocket and unfolds it, did he seriously need to write them down, was his memory worse than Dory's?

"Rule 1, you will be on your best behaviour at all time. 2, every time we ask you a question we expect an answer verbally. 3, there will be no smoking, drinking alcohol. 4, no interactions with boys at all. 5, we demand respect for every single one of your brothers. 6, finally, we will always eat together as a family." Did they think I was a troubled child? Shows how much they trust me.

I nod showing my understanding of making Alessandro growl. Calm it, Tyler Lockwood.

"Yes," I mutter.

"Can I ask a question?" My voice was so small it may not have been heard.


"What am I going to do about school, my artwork, am I getting it back?" I rush out.


"Nerd." Blade grumbled before drinking his Fanta. This guy is seriously getting on my nerves.

"I'm not a nerd, I'm just smarter than you." Big mistake, big mistake, everyone may be laughing at my remark but I was the one who was going to be buried alive.

"You little-" Alessandro places a hand on his chest to stop him from marching towards me. Alessandro had a small smile on his face which soon turned into a scowl.

"That's exactly what I mean, Emilia, please show respect."


Blade smiled wickedly at me. What is that dude's problem, whatever it is, it is probably hard to pronounce.

"We'll discuss schooling after dinner."

"We are going to order pizza, so stay down here." He picks up his mobile and dials the number.

Once he had finished ordering 4 pizzas he told us to go sit in the dining room. Who needs 4 pizzas? That's ridiculous.

These men eat as much as a pig.

In the dining room, the one with the explicit painting on the roof of naked people, there was a pretty big table that had red chairs, cushioned velvet.

Elijah and Axel walked in some plates while Alessandro trailed behind them with the pizza boxes. Plates were passed down the same with the pizza and everyone began gobbling it down.

Axel and Luca were sat at either side of me making me feel teeny tiny next to them.

Someone nudged my side and I saw Axel looking at me. "I'm sorry about earlier, something... happened the night before and so I was in a mood." He whispers before munching on pizza. I nod my head politely.

At least he apologised. Mr 'I will make your kid cry' over there wouldn't apologise if he was in a life or death situation.

I don't particularly want to get too close to them, the closer they get, the more power I give them to hurt me. When you care for people, they use your trust to only betray you in the end. It's the sad reality of life, you live, you love, you cry and you die.

Just five more years with them until they won't need to keep me here anymore.

"You can get some you know, no need to be shy," Diego calls me out, it still felt I was at a friends house, you know when you are invited over for dinner but you feel like you need permission to start eating. Just me? Okay.

I reach over and grab a slice of pepperoni pizza and put it on my plate. I wasn't the biggest fan, I usually only ever get the cheese but that's because I'm bland.

"You're weird," Luca tells me.

"How?." I give a low voice.

"You tore the crust off before even eating the slice." Wow, that's why I am weird, if I am weird for tearing the crust off then he must think I am crazy for the other weird shīt that I do.

"I didn't think there was a right way to eat pizza," I say with a susurrus voice.

I only managed to eat one slice but Alessandro demanded that I ate more, I have eaten more in the past day than I have in the past week.

"I had a big lunch, you saw."

"You barely ate any of it." Elijah makes his input. He was supposed to back me up. Traitor.

"I told you, I'm full, I can't eat anymore."

Plus Luca forced me to eat the crust, he claims it is the best part of the pizza. I wonder if he is crazy sometimes.

"Fine, but you need to build up your appetite."

"Can I go now?" I ask Axel who managed to fit a whole slice of pizza in his mouth. Ew, gross.

He nodded yes so I took my plate and walked into the kitchen to put it in the dishwasher.

As I was walking out of the kitchen, a huge arm clasped onto my upper arm and lifted my chin to meet his hazel eyes. Blade's hazel eyes.

"You need to stop this." He bent down a little to make straight eye contact with me.

"Stop what?!" I was struggling to get out of his hold.

"You act like an innocent baby but in real life, your just a spoilt little brat who thinks they can waltz in here and ruin everything."

"Get off of me." I'm tugging my arm back if he lets go, I will go flying down the kitchen steps.

"You understand?"

"No, I'm not spoilt." He pushes his nails into my arm making me whimper. Everyone was still in the dining room so they couldn't hear.

"Yes, yes you are, Darling." His malicious chuckle reminded me when Shawn use to laugh at me when I was in pain.

"I haven't had everything fed to me with a silver spoon as you have, you want to talk about being spoilt, talk about the guy who lives in a three-story mansion and is wearing an outfit that cost more than the monthly rent back home." He walked straight passed me and out the back, kitchen door.

Tears started to magnify my surroundings; a few tears slowly trickled downy face and into my mouth, if I wanted salt I'd go to cupboards.

"Where did he go?" Axel's voice startled me making me jump. He was stood right behind me, did he hear everything.

I shrug my shoulders and walk upstairs into my room. I guess I'm having an early night.

I pull and oversized shirt on and take a shower and then relax in bed letting the darkness overtake me.





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