
Two uploads in one day!!

Whatever time you are reading this at, good morning or goodnight. Remember that you are fantabulous and mind-blowing.

‼️⚠️ Trigger warning for the chapter, mentions of abuse and sexual assault. ‼️⚠️

Stay beautiful 😉

On with the chapter... ✨


✨Emilia POV

Walking down the path to my house, I heard thrashing and sounds of glass shattering against a wall.

This was so embarrassing, the entire neighbourhood could hear his outburst.

I just have to remember, keep my mouth shut and walk upstairs. Don't make a scene Emilia and everything will be fine.

I opened the creaky door that had red painted that was chipped away by the rain and the window in the door was smashed.

Trying to be diligent and stealthy, I shut the door behind me, unlucky for me, I stepped on a large piece of glass that made a huge cracking sound. My boots were there to protect my frail feet. Thank Jesus for Docs.

The floor vibrated insinuating that someone was coming. It was Shawn and his friend Michael. No, I hated him, he creeped me out and gave suggestive looks and sometimes dirty notes.

He was a filthy old pervert.

"Here she is." I could smell the beer reeling off of him from a mile away.

Michael placed a heavy arm around my shoulder making me squirm in discomfort. I tried to pry his arm from my shoulder but it wouldn't budge.

"You're late, again." Shawn was twisting a knife in the air whilst staring me straight in the eye. Trying to look everywhere but him, I spot an empty bag that drug dealers use to put the 'supplies' in.

He was on drugs.

"You know what happens to people who don't obey me? They get hurt." He stumbles over to me and flops open the knife.

He slowly pulls the edge of the blade down my arm opening my skin letting blood trickle out.

"This, OW!" I clutch my arm.

"Did get hurt, baby girl." Michael coos.

"Let me kiss it better." Abort mission, I repeat, abort the mission. I try to move away from him but his wrinkly hands won't move.

I could feel his alcoholic breath hovering on my neck, this can't be happening.

The moment his lips are glued to my neck I start crying and thrashing. Was Shawn really going to stand there and not do anything?

"Let me go!" I slap his chest but his hands start to roam by bottom area. His sloppy wet kisses [if you can call them that] made me feel disgusted in my own skin.


His hands started to roam up my school shirt that he untucked.

"Stop it!" I cried and sobbed.

"Shut up bîtch." He pulls away and slaps my cheek. And squeezed the arm that blood was oozing out of.

I saw his hands reach the unbuckle his belt and take it off. My skirt was pulled down but not my tights, I continued to plead for him to let me go.

I could tell that Michael was very aroused by my weakness and vulnerability. What kind of psycho does this to a child?

Shawn just sat in the sofa chuckling clearly finding this to be funny as a game, this isn't a game, this is my innocence that is going to be taken away from me at any moment.

"GET OFF OF ME." I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and bolt up the steps taking two by two. It wasn't long before Michael was hot on my tail. I locked myself in the bathroom making sure to put a chair under the lock. Extra precaution.

"LET ME IN YOU SLÙT." His arms thrashed onto the door making the hinges threaten to come off.



I heard a new voice, it must be Shawn's.


"What's up with her?!?"

"SHUT UP NOW." The tears weren't stopping, they just kept on flowing and flowing non-stop.

At this point, I could've cried out the Atlantic Ocean.

Their screams and shouts still weren't stopping, they continued to ring in my ears.

I felt someone shaking my shoulders violently making my head jolt back and forth. Like something Sid the sloth would do.

"Blade stop it."

"Just wake her up!"

"Blade stop it."

"No Axel, she looks like she was having a seizure."

Blade? Axel? What are they doing at my house?

"Diego, go get some water and an ice pack."

"Send Blade, tell him to cool off a bit."

"Luca, not the time for your jokes but good point, send Blade."

"Em, it's me."

"She's not going to know who you dipshît."

"It's me, Elijah." I felt someone stroke my hair calming me down a bit.

I open my sore eyes that were blinded by the lights from my ceiling. I couldn't see anything really because my eyes were watery and magnified.

Diego was sat on my legs making them numb and sore, Elijah was sat next to me in the bed with Luca day on the other side of me. Axel just stood hovering.

"Has she stopped being weird now?" Blade walked in them with ice and water.


Ugly crying wasn't the best look on me; I was sobbing and sometimes choking on my breath, Luca rubbed my back as though I was baby. I didn't want them to see me like this, so vulnerable and weak.

"Here." He passed me the glass of water which I drink almost immediately.

"You are burning up." Elijah placed his palm on my forehead and switched to the back of his hand every few seconds.

"What was that!" I flinched at the sound of Blade's shouts.

"Don't." Elijah points his long finger at Blade, he rolls his eyes and takes the seat at my desk.

"No seriously, you were screaming the house down and practically kicking yourself."

"Blade, enough." His tone spoke for itself in a 'that's final' tone.

"I'm sorry." I choke out making me cry even more.

"No need to be darling, it's fine." He hushed me and rubbed my back. The more he spoke or did anything nice made me cry even more.

"Can I have my legs back now?" I was still crying but I needed those back.

"Oh sorry, I didn't want to hurt yourself." As soon as he is off my feet, I pull them up to my chest, it was lucky I was wearing socks to bed otherwise they would have seen my bruises.

"Can I have some tablets? Please? I have a headache." I did have a headache, but I wanted them to take away the excruciating pain that strikes through my body every few seconds. Especially in my ribs.

"Of course you can, darling." He gets up and walks out of the room. Once he's out of the room, I stand up to go to the bathroom to wash my sweaty hands. They were all clammy and sticky. Not a great feeling.

But as I start walking, my legs give out on me making me collapse on the floor, I probably look like attention-seeking witch right now.

Surprisingly, the first person by my side is Blade, mostly because the others were sat sprawled out on my bed enjoying the comfort. I landed funny on my leg again making me wince but not enough for them to notice, if no one was here right now I would scream.

Blade picks me up and puts me back in the bed waiting for Elijah to return. When he does, he gives me 2 paracetamol and another glass of water.

"Um, as much as I appreciate you you, could you not tell Alessandro," I whisper to Elijah.

"Sorry, Darling, I have no other choice but to tell him. It'll be up to him on what he chooses to do. He might just let it slide." He sounds like I am going to get into trouble.

"Please don't," I beg him. This is very embarrassing, they helped me when I didn't deserve it, they should have just left me.

They shouldn't have even taken me in, I'm nothing but a nuisance and an inconvenience that needs taking care of.

"Sorry, Darling."

"You'll be fine, don't worry about it," Luca reassures me.

"You're not gonna get into trouble." Axel giggles at me. What changed in his mood?

"C'mon, go to sleep, we'll talk about this in the morning," Elijah said in a deep, stern voice. See, I was annoying him already.

He pulls the covers back over my small frame and tucks it into my shoulders. When they all start to leave I stop them with a small voice.

"Can you stay with me?" I was meaning Elijah. Goddammit, I probably sounded like a right wimp. Great going Em.

"I have work to do but one of the others will stay with you."

"I volunteer as tribute." Diego raises his hand in the air straight away. Wait, hold up, was that a Hunger Games reference, I love that.

"But I want to," Luca whined.

"C'mon you dipshît." Axel pulled Luca by the hair and dragged him out making me giggle.

"But her bed in comfortable, it's better than mine." Their voices were halfway down the hall where his room was.

"Right, I have to get back to work, Emilia but Diego is there if you need him."

"Sorry for disrupting you," I mutter out of nervousness.

"Don't worry." He walks out not looking back and switching the light out. Where was Diego?

"OW YOU MOTHER FÛCKER." I hear a loud bang followed by a crack.

He falls on the bed and I turn my torch on looking at him. He was cradling his foot just like I was earlier.

"Sucks to be you." I laugh at him and I see him glare at me but it soon turns to pain.

When he's finished being a baby, he gets under the covers and tells me goodnight.

"Goodnight," I reply.

Today couldn't have gotten any worse. I hope tomorrow isn't as embarrassing as today. If it is, I might as well just dig up my grave now.






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