《Besame Mucho - Contuniued》Chapter II
"I have the list for you Roma..." Lovino was listening in from behind the door again.
Feliciano ran into the door, attracting attention from the majority of the room. He walked toward Lovino and was about to walk in but Lovino grabbed him first, "Where the hell have you been? I had to lie to Grandpa... Have you been crying?"
"I have to talk to Grandpa, the Americans are here," Feli whispered. At least he wouldn't be giving Lovino away.
"How can you know..." Oh. Of course, "You were with him."
"I didn't tell him anything Lovino, I just wanted to see him."
"Shut up, Feliciano, I want to listen to this. We will talk later." Lovino didn't have the energy for this either. He had been lying awake for a long time last night trying to decide what to do. He had eventually decided to trust Antonio's advice and wait for things to play out.
"Perhaps it is not who you were thinking. Perhaps this is a common German name," Roma offered.
"It's not that common. I can't believe this. Of all the damn places the Germans are fighting in the world right now," Antonio sounded very tired, or sad.
"You were friends with this German?" Roma said. Antonio? Friends. With a German? It was no wonder he had advised Lovino to wait it out.
"With his brother. We knew each other for years, we were even going to start university together in England; us and a French friend of ours. But then the war broke out and they both joined the military. I've tried to keep track of them over the years, but it's been difficult, even for me. My French friend is a Captain in the French intelligence and basically untraceable. And the last I heard about the German, there had been some sort of scandal with an Austrian musician and he was sentenced to a punitive unit on the Eastern Front. He's probably dead by now."
"And his brother is on this list," Roma said bluntly.
"That's right. The last time I saw him he was just a kid, quiet and plain-mad and already built like a tank. He's one of the most honorable and decent people I've ever met," Antonio's kind words made Lovino sad, that someone he cared about was to be killed. And they seemed to have the same effect on Feliciano, as he was smiling sadly.
"Antonio, I hope you know..."
"It's a shame, but there is nothing to be done. I know who my loyalty is to," Antonio's unfailing devotion to the cause filled Lovino with emotion. It was one of the things he had always loved about Antonio.
"Your loyalty. I must admit I've been wondering lately, Antonio, if my grandson has anything to do with that," Lovino's heart and he stared in Roma's direction, despite the door. Feliciano looked at him, a question on his face. Damn it.
"Roma..." Oh, God. Lovino could not listen to this. Could not listen to Antonio explain to Roma. Then Roma spoke, Lovino wasn't sure to be relieved or disappointed.
"I'm not stupid, Antonio. It has been quite obvious for a long time now that you have feelings for Lovino. Too obvious," Lovino's vision spun. No. Roma could not be saying this. He was not listening to this conversation. He put an arm on the door to steady himself.
"Roma, you know I would never..." Antonio was cut off.
"I have nothing against your preferences, my friend, as far as I'm concerned each man's personal business is his own. But you can be quite oblivious to things at times so I will spell this out. Lovino obviously does not return your feelings." Lovino stopped breathing and hid his head in his arms on the wall. He wanted everything to stop, and for all of his grandpa's words to disappear "You need to accept that and let it go. I am sorry, this was not what we were talking about. I just felt it needed to be said." Oh God, how could Roma say something like that to Antonio. A part of him wanted to come in and yell at Grandpa, that he did return Antonio's feelings, but his rational side of his brain told him that would be stupid and ridiculous.
"Fair enough," Antonio said the words with a hint of malice coming through his voice, cold and angry, "And I feel it needs to be said that my loyalty has always been to a free Italy and any group that opposes the German fascist movement. Do not forget what brought me here, Roma, or the reasons I risk my life for a country that is not my own. And none of my personal relationships have anything to do with that - not my former friendships with German officers or my feeling towards your grandson. And while we are on the subject, Lovino is a grown man, capable of making his own decisions. As is Feliciano. They are not the children you treat them as."
Lovino stared wide eyed at the door. How could Antonio muster up the courage to say something like that to Roma? Even after the cruel words he had said, no one spoke to Roma like that.
"But you are right, Roma. This is not what we were speaking of. In regards to the current plans, let us hope this stupid American blunder will not upset things too badly. It looks as though our best opportunity is still on Wednesday morning, but you can talk more about that during the meeting. Feliciano, Lovino, are you going to come in or are you going to stand listening outside the door all morning?" Lovino's eyes widened, but then he calmed himself and walked in.
"Don't go acting so clever, bastard, I only just got here ten seconds ago," Antonio looked at him as if he knew it was a lie, but Lovino continued, "Oh, and in case you were interested, apparently the first mustangs have flown over. I thought they weren't due till Wednesday." Lovino sat on the table and avoided Antonio's eyes. Antonio smiled at him and ran his hand through his own messy hair.
Feliciano walked in and sat down at the table.
"Good morning, boys! It looks like we can rely on the Americans to mess up our plans before they even begin."
"But... what... have the Americans landed?" Feliciano asked. Stupid German, Feliciano does not need to worry for your sake.
"The main force hasn't landed yet. Roma will explain everything in the meeting," Antonio supplied.
"Feliciano doesn't know about these things. He should not have to know about these things," Roma glared at Antonio, "In fact, Feliciano, why don't you head to the market this morning?"
"No, I think I'll stay for the meeting today, Grandpa."
"I don't think that's a good idea. You remember how upset our talk made you."
"I want to hear," Feliciano insisted, "I won't get upset. Honestly. I'm not a child, Grandpa, I have a right to hear what you're planning and besides, I'll be fine, I promise I will."
"Look, Feli... "
Antonio made a noise and glared at Roma, "So it's fine for Feliciano to risk his life bringing us information, but he can't hear how we plan to use it?"
"Don't you dare tell me how to speak to my grandson, Antonio. This is none of your buisness," Roma glared back at Antonio.
"Feli, maybe Grandpa's right. You don't need to hear this," you don't need still more information to tell your German. You don't need more secrets to tell. Feliciano looked at Lovino with suspicious eyes.
Three men walked in and greeted Roma and Feliciano walked off to the back of the room. Lovino sat down in the chair by the table he had been sitting on and let the people fill the room. Antonio greeted everyone and smiled talking pleasantly with everyone. He smiled at Lovi on occasion, making Lovino blush and avoid Antonio's gaze.
Roma started talking, explaining the normal about German presence in the area and eventually moved on to more recent points. The Americans had been on a scouting mission and carelessly dropped a bomb.
"Convincing the Germans that the Americans are not attacking is of vital importance to our mission. If they know about the landing, then everything we have worked for these last months will be for nothing."
Lovino noticed Feliciano sitting in the back of the room, ears red and fighting. He knew it was a bad idea to have him here. It wouldn't be long before Feliciano lost it...
"Providing that everything goes to plan and the Germans remain unaware of the impending invasion, the rest of the plan should go perfectly as intended. A meeting has been arranged for the day after tomorrow - the day of the landing. Antonio has agents working to make sure the meeting still takes place. Thanks to my little Feliciano, we were able to acquire this information for the Americans," Roma pulled out a piece of paper, "This is a list of the most important men of the Luftwaffe in this area. These men are top priority target; high ranking officers, officers set for promotion, and their very best pilots. They must be taken out immediately in preparation for the Americans aerial attack on the German military bases in Italy. All of these men will be in attendance at the meeting on Wednesday morning."
Roma had set the paper down and was now pacing, but Feliciano was walking over to the desk as Roma talked. Lovino stared as Feliciano flipped through the paper, eyes wide and desperate. Then his eyes stopped searching, and Lovino could see tears rising. What was going on? What had Feli...
Feli looked up at him. Lovino wanted to hear Grandpa's words, but he looked at Feliciano's desperate face and the paper in his hands... oh. Oh no. Shit. his pilot. Feliciano's pilot was on Grandpa's list.
Feliciano had turned back to Grandpa, so Lovino did as well. They could sort this out later.
"We've managed to get the time and location through the Americans. They will land in force, early, entirely without warning.Their first target is the German air field." Feliciano was going to cry again, "Their objective is to take out the meeting and as many enemy aircrafts and pilots as possible." Please shut up, Grandpa. Please before you make him scream. "Taken by surprise, most of the pilots should be killed before they reach their aircrafts." Feliciano's eyes were huge now. "This should see the destruction of the German presence in this area."
"NO!" Feliciano screamed. Lovino had anticipated it, but he was surprised by it anyway.
"Feliciano?" Roma asked, expectantly. He had been anticipating this.
"I don't... I can't..." Feliciano started, "I mean..." He started again, "I mean..." And again, "I have to go."
"You're not going anywhere," Lovino said. He wouldn't let Feliciano run off to tell the German.
"Let me leave, Lovino!" Feliciano begged as he tried to push past Lovino.
"Goddamn it, I knew this would happen!"
"Stop!" Roma yelled, "What the hell is going on."
Feliciano's angry desperation changed into a pleading desperation, and he whispered, "Please, don't tell him."
"Lovino? Feliciano?" Everyone was talking quietly now.
Feliciano looked at Lovino and began to talk, his voice a strained whisper, "I won't tell Ludwig about the landing, I promise I won't, I just... I just have to see him, Lovino, I need..."
Lovino cut him off, "It's nothing, Grandpa," Lovino called to Roma. "Do you even know where their base is?" He addressed Feliciano again, voice a low whisper.
Lovino relaxed, everything would be alright, Feli couldn't go to his Ludwig if he wanted to, "Don't be stupid, you don't even know where you're going. There is nothing you can do."
Feliciano suddenly looked sick. He pleaded with Lovino, for what, Lovino did not know. "Lovino," Feliciano choked out, his breath weak, "Lovino help..." Feliciano fell to the floor, and Roma ran to him.
"You're alright, Feli. You know how to breath, just breath..." Roma whispered comforting words to Feli. Roma pulled Feliciano into a sitting posture and Felciano clung to Roma. Grandpa suddenly turned on Antonio and yelled, "Do you see? This is why I don't want him hearing these things!"
Feliciano begged with Lovi, his eyes pleading, yet again, for Lovino to cover for him. Lovino shot an apologetic glance at Antonio, and knelt down to help Feli stand, "He's tired, Grandpa. He's been working hard. I'll take him home."
Lovino sat in his room on the floor, head back, holding Feliciano's hand, staring at the ceiling, thinking of the day's events.
"You didn't tell Grandpa," Feliciano said from his bed, across the room.
"No. You really love this German," It wasn't a question. He had seen Feliciano fall to the floor, rendered helpless by the thought of losing him.
"Would you have told him about the attack?" No answer. Lovino sat up straight and looked at Feliciano, "He is our enemy. He fights to control us, to take our country from us."
"No. He fights because his country tells him to. He is a good man, Lovino."
"He is a German." He was the enemy. They were evil. That was how it is, wasn't it?
"Do you know, despite what you and Grandpa think, it is possible to be both," But surely, it wasn't. Surely the enemy had to be evil, the allies good, all the sides simple? Feliciano spoke again, when Lovino didn't, "What if Antonio where your enemy?" No, why did it come to this, why was it that with Feli, it was either meaningless chatter, or painfully meaningful conversation? "Would you still love him?"
"I don't love Antonio."
"Yes, you do." Why couldn't Feliciano be observant about something else. Anything else.
He thought of what to say, how to explain, but came up with very little explanation. He was scared that Antonio would die because of his work, he was scared of his heart being broken. But, wouldn't his heart still be broken if Antonio died today? Wouldn't it make very little difference? The only thing he could not explain this. Because his logic was flawed.
"Antonio is going to die soon."
Feliciano turned his head to face Lovino, his face filled with alarm, "What do you mean?"
Lovino started to think of all the dangerous things Antonio did that put his life at risk but stopped. The list went on and on, and he didn't want to think about it, "You know what he does don't you?"
"He gives us information. About the Germans."
"Exactly. Don't you see how dangerous that is? Antonio is one of the German's most wanted men in the country. In Europe. One day they'll get him. They'll torture him for what he knows and they will kill him. He knows it. Everyone knows it. It's only a matter of time," Lovino said it confidently, but his heart begged him to admit to a hope, so quiet but desperate, maybe he could live.
"But Antonio's clever, he's..."
"No, he's not, because he won't stop. He won't stop what he's doing and every day he moves closer to the Gestapo."
Feliciano looked shocked, "That's why you don't want to love him. Because you don't want to get hurt!"
"It's not that simple," Lovino said, and he wished that it wasn't because...
"It is though. It is also very selfish. You love him, but you are are scared of something bad happening, and you're scared of having something to lose. But we never know what is going to happen, and we always have something to lose. I know you're scared Lovino. You are scared of taking a risk, but let me tell you something... Somethings are worth the risk." It was like a kick in the head. We always have something to lose. Feliciano seemed to be reading Lovino's mind. We always have something to lose, so why aren't you willing to make the fall worth it? Because Lovino knew that if Antonio died today, if he was captured in the cantina, or on his way to his room, than all the hiding and pain and lies, they would not be worth the pain be would inevitably feel. But if he told Antonio, if he dared to explain to Antonio, then maybe that would make worth the risk.
"When did you become the wise one, Feli?"
"I've always been the wise one," Feli said, smiling.
"Where are you supposed to meet your German next?" the least Lovino could do was let Feliciano say goodbye. Everyone deserves a closure, after all.
"He meets me everyday by the oak tree. But with everything happening, the attack this morning, he probably won't be there tomorrow."
"You heard this morning, that wasn't an attack, the Americans were on a scouting mission. Those Mustangs are far away by now, the proper landing is still a few days off, as far as the Germans think, they aren't landing at all. So, Feli. Go meet him tomorrow."
"You'd... you would let me go to him?"
Lovino lowered his head so it touched Feliciano's hand on the bed, "Yes. Go say goodbye."
"No, I can't..." Lovino Looked up at Feliciano, "I can't... I just..."
"I don't want to say good bye, Lovino! I just want to be with him! I never thought I could feel the way I feel when I'm with him. If only you knew how wonderful he is. He likes to listen to me, he doesn't think I'm annoying or that I talk too much, and he likes my singing, and he's so kind and so shy, even though he looks so strong." Lovino thought of how Antonio could see past his hatred for everything and love him, including his annoying, frustrating mean parts. Maybe that's what love is, appreciating something in someone that no one else can. "He has a brother and a grandpa, just like us. He's so good and honest and... and he's everything. So why did I have to meet him like this? Why did he have to be an enemy? Why can't I just be with him? Why... Oh God, why, Lovino, why? It's not fair. It's just not fair!"
"I know. It's not fair. But nothing in war is fair." It's not fair for me either. Not fair that I fell in love with Antonio, who won't live long either. "This wasn't supposed to happen to you, Feli. But at least you get a chance to say goodbye," Lovino said the words with certainty, but he questioned them. He had always found goodbyes awkward. Maybe it would have been better if Feli didn't have to say a final goodbye, and a part of his brain said, you might not get one.
Then Lovino thought of another thing, he was letting Feliciano go to a German, the enemy, someone Feliciano loved, someone he was scared to lose. And someone he had the power to save. If he let Feliciano go, he might tell the German about the attack. Convincing the Germans that the Americans are not attacking is of vital importance to our mission. If they know about the landing, then everything we have worked for these last months will be for nothing. "And Feliciano, one more thing." Feli turned to face Lovino. "My little brother. I love you with my life. But if you betray us... if you betray Italy... I will kill you."
Lovino said the words with a serious face and a deadly tone, but in his heart, he knew they weren't true. He could never kill his brother. Because he loved Feliciano, and Feliciano loved Ludwig, and Lovino knew he would do the same for Antonio.
- In Serial77 Chapters
Keeper's World
Keeper’s World is a side-story series dedicated to telling the various tales that occur within the world of World Keeper. It is not suggested to read this story without first reading World Keeper, as most of the content would not be properly understood without that context. As these are side stories, they will not get as in-depth as the main series, often skipping over large chunks of time in order to deliver the main points of the story in question.
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After another night of drunken partying by himself, Dale wakes up to find that he is his character Azurith from an old MMO RPG he was playing the other night. Trapped in a magical world where elves, dwarfs and demons exist, he decides to play along and start a guild. Accompanied by a band of beautiful ladies, the self pro-claimed Booty-demon azurith will vanquish evil monsters, rebuild cities from scratch and make his guild or as he calls it, his "harem" famous across the world, but first, he will have to deal with all the stereotypes that came with becoming a demon. Writeathon challenge:"
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...East-Blue, West-Blue, South-Blue, and North-Blue are the four seas that constitute most of the whole planet. Humanity is thriving on the small patches of land which poke out of the four seas. These four seas are separated horizontally by a humongous mountain which encircles the whole planet, called Red Line, and vertically by, the most dangerous sea known to man, Grand-Line. Both sides of Grand-Line are flanked by strips of the windless sea called Calm Belt. The eternally windless strips of sea are impossible to cross with only wind-powered ships. It might be calm over the water, but the water hides nasty beings called sea kings, not to be disturbed as the name suggests. People in this world can train themselves past any and all physical limits, only their mentality is the problem. A strong mind makes the body strong. Everyone in this world possesses this almost magical power in them called haki. There are three types of haki, two available to everyone and the last one is seen only once in seven million people. Different haki can be used to strengthen the body to even affect logia users, to predict and to foresee attacks, sense others’ prowess and even exert your will upon others. Fruits of the sea devil. Otherwise know as devil fruits, give miraculous powers to those who eat them, but robs them of their power to swim and makes them vulnerable to anything from normal seawater to the crystallized power of the sea, sea stone. Devil fruit powers are categorized into three different categories: Zoan type fruits allow their users to transform into an animal of a sort and gain their abilities. There are also human and mythical type zoans so they should actually be called transformation powers but those ones are extremely rare to the point of none existent that most just associate zoan transformations into animals. Logia fruits make their eaters become the element that the fruit was. For example, the one who eats the fire logia fruit is able to use fire in their attacks, become fire to avoid physical attacks and much else. Last but not least are the Paramecia fruits, these fruits are undoubtedly the weirdest and most random of the bunch. There are some that let you attract metal, make you slim and slippery, make your body able to split your body into many pieces, makes your body rubber, lets you control vibrations, light, pressure almost anything you can imagine. Lastly, there are two opposing factions in this world. The marines and the pirates, most strong people are part of either one. Both have their ups and downs. Pirates are free people who do whatever they want. Good or Bad. Marines are the upholders of justice in this world yet no justice system is without corruption. I closed the introductory book while frowning. "Isn't this a summary to the one piece world...?" The cover isn't mine and I am willing to take it down.
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