《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 27


"You forgive way too easily, Hizashi."

The fact that Hizashi never said anything about what Shota did bugged him a little

"I had sex with someone other than you, and you just used that as your excuse to have sex with me, do you not see the issue?"

"Shota, I'm just glad that I got you back. That you're talking to me and such. You forgive too easily." He scratched his bare chest and yawned.

"Well I-"

"Go to bed Sho, we have all day tomorrow to talk about it."



Hizashi turned on his side facing away from Shota, who did the same thing.

"Sho..." Hizashi mumbled in his sleep, Shota was sitting up on the bed wiping the blood from his mouth. Must have bit something... he thought. He wiped his face off and placed the tissue in a trash can by the bed. He laid back down, Hizashi's arm found itself on Shota's chest. His chest felt like it was being bashed in by a metal rod, he just ingored it and closed his eyes.

Hizashi woke up the next morning around 8 ish, he looked over at Shota who had a small stream of blood escaping his mouth.

"Shota, wake up." He shook him. "Get up.." Hizashi sat up and stretched, he turned to face Shota

Shota opened his eyes and looked at Hizashi. His eyes had touches of worry in them

"What is it..." he mumbled, sitting up and looking at Hizashi.

"Your mouth," he dragged his thumb across the trail of blood, smearing it. "Its bleeding..." Hizashi showed him the bloody thumb "Are you okay..?"

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine Zashi... I just bit something."

"Um, alright..." he sighed with relief "oh!" Hizashi dug into his pocket (they have they same clothes on from yesterday cause they didn't bring spares) and pulled out the band. "I brought your ring... d-do you still want it?"


Shota smiled and tried to kiss him

"Hey! Woah there! Clean your face.. I don't want to be cover in blood.. that's just nasty" Hizashi backed away, Shota just smiled and grabbed a tissue

"So picky..."

"It's blood Shota! Your blood if I may add, I already got covered in it once and I don't want to be covered in it again..." Hizashi looked at Shota's wrist, the scars are just silver slivers against his skin and sighed.. "I know it's been about 14 years since it happened but... why..." Hizashi's eyes burned

Shota threw the tissue away "I told you... it was an anxiety attack.."

"That isn't all, Sho I know it isn-"

"I wanted to die, okay!? That the reason... I was done with everything..."

"E-Even me? Sho... I-I" Hizashi choked on his tears "I loved you, I t-thought I made you happy... I stayed by your side when Nemuri got you, I stayed there in case something happened.. Shota... you were going to leave me because of a stupid phone call." Hizashi hanged his head, letting the tears run off his face. Shota pulled Hizashi onto his lap. "Hey.. hey calm down... shhh..." he rubbed Hizashi's back "I'm still here Hizashi, because of you... when we were in the hospital, I saw how scared and worried you were.. if I didn't meet you I would have died, hell probably in this apartment, but I have you, and I realized that I do have something to live for. You and Hitoshi.. Hizashi I'm still here... calm down.. I'm not going to leave you anytime soon.." Shota looked at Hizashi and smiled, wiping any tears away.

"You're a fucking dick Shota..."

"Hey, when did you start dropping the f-bomb?"

Shota kissed him, Hizashi just sat there, he didn't know what to do.


Shota broke the kiss "what's up now?"

"You need to shave.. it's prickly" (That... sounds like really bad 😅)

"After the 13 years we've been married, you're just now saying something?"

"Well, I tried to ingore it, but It hurts just a little..."

"Fine, if I shave then you got to get rid of that small ass mustache thingy."

"What! No."

"Then I won't shave."

"Ugh, fine..." Hizashi groaned

After the two cleaned up and Shota laughing his ass off at Hizashi cutting himself with the razor, they sat on the couch and talked.

"It's only 10... when do we have to get Hitoshi?"

"I told him I'd pick him up in the afternoon, so not a specific time, just whenever I guess."

"Huh.. alright... how's your lip holding up."

"I hate you... making me shave my mustache." Hizashi mumbled

"You look like you're 15 again." Shota laughed a little

"Says the one who looks like a woman."

"Tch... I'd make a killer woman." He snickered

"You'd probably be a hoe."

"Hizashi!" Shota looked at him

"Well, you already have good looks so if you had breasts you'd probably get banged more than a drum." (Cringe... oml)

"Oh my God, shut up Hizashi..."

"It's true."

"Shut u-" Shota started coughing, it was heavy in his hands and thick lines of blood came out of his hands, dripping onto his sweatpants

"Sho!" Hizashi dashed off the couch and grabbed the trash can and a roll of paper towels "into the trash!"

Shota leaned over the trash, letting the blood flow..

"Bit something my ass, were going to the hospital cause none of that is normal." Hizashi wiped Shota's face


"Shota, we're going."

After 30 minutes of driving they make it to the hospital and Hizashi tells the receptionist about Shota, they take him to another room, leaving Hizashi to wait.

About an hour passed when they came and got Hizashi, they lead him to the room with Shota.

"Mr. Yamada, we have some bad news concerning Shota..."

(Oooooo, cliffhangerrrr.)

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