《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 28


"What's wrong with him...?" Hizashi spoke softly

"We found traces of... of well a tumor in Shota's lungs. And judging by the size we believe it was cause by smoking or second-hand smoke. The tumor is causing issues in his respiratory system hence why he's coughing up blood, but it's also a symptom of Lung Cancer which can be lethal if not treated... Shota told us that he woke up to a feeling that his chest was being crushed and then he coughed up blood leaving us to believe that he has symptoms of Lung Cancer, but we don't know for sure. He continues saying that it only began yesterday, is that true?" The doctor had a clipboard and pen in hand waiting on the answer

"I believe so..."

"Ah, alright. Mr. Yamada we need to run some tests on Shota's blood (I don't want to do piss, so yea. Blood test cause I don't know anything, go me)

And we'll get the results to you, if you please go wait outside."

"Oh, yes." Hizashi walked back outside the room, his head pounded please Lord, let Shota be okay... I beg you... I need him... Hizashi dug his fingers into his arm please don't let him have cancer please oh god please. Tears rolled down his face, after awhile they opened the door and said he could come back in.

Hizashi looked at the doctor, who had 3 prescription bottles in his hands.

"Shota does in fact have lung cancer but it's a small trace. As long as he finishes all the medicine and comes back to us when he does for another scan, it should be gone and we'll have to do surgery to remove the tumor." He handed Hizashi the bottles. "He needs to take 2 every 4 hours. We threw in some hormones because the medicine will make him less active and more tired, he should take 1 every 4 hours as well."

Shota was sitting on the table, staring into space. Below his eyes were dark bags, a result of the medicine and how he didn't get much sleep.


"Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you so much." Hizashi smiled with relief "We can leave now, right?"

"Yes, but go easy with Shota. He isn't used to the meds, so don't go running out here with him."

"Yes sir" Hizashi bowed at the doctor as he left, leaving Shota and Hizashi alone.

"How are you doing Sho?" Hizashi eased him off the table

"I feel like shit..."

"Sounds normal, now let's get Hitoshi and go home."

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Hm," Hizashi grabbed Shota's hand "Well yeah, it would be odd if he found random prescription bottles around the house, wouldn't?" Hizashi smiled at him "especially the Hormones..."


The two walked back to the car, Shota got in and was almost out in a minute.

Hizashi just laughed a little and began to drive to Midoriya's. Thank you, Lord.. Thank you for letting me keep Shota. Hizashi said in his head. Shota groaned at every turn Hizashi took

"You okay over there?"

"Your driving sucks..."

"Well, I'm sorry but I don't think car rides are supposed to be smooth."

"Just... shut up and let me sleep.."

Hizashi rolled his eyes as he turned into Inko's apartment complex.

Hizashi got out of the car and went up to Inko's door. He knocked and waited for an answer. Inko opened the door after a minute or 2.

"Ah, hello Hizashi. Are you here for Hitoshi?" She smiled

"Yeah, thank you Inko for letting him stay here."

"Your welcome, how's Shota? Did you find him?"

"Oh, yeah. I found him and he's dozed off in the car right now."

She laughed as she called for Hitoshi. He came down the stairs with his stuff in hand and his hair was messier than usual.

"Please come back again, you guys. You're always welcome here." She waved bye.

"We will Inko."

Hizashi looked at Hitoshi, who was flustered and had a smile on his face.


"You're in a good mood." Hizashi opened the door and got in the car.

"Y-Yea, I guess so..." Hitoshi got in the car and fasten his seat belt.

"You don't think I'm stupid do you? That shirt isn't yours." Hizashi looked at Hitoshi through the mirror. Hitoshi heart sunk.

"U-uh o-oh um.. Midoriya said I could have it.. heh" Hitoshi scratched the back of his head

"Sure, did he say that before or after you two started to take off each other's clothes?" Hizashi began to drive back home.

"Uh..." Hitoshi buried his head in his hands

"Gotcha ya, now how long has this been going on?" Hizashi smiled to himself.

Hitoshi sighed "2 months..."

"What happened to that Mina girl? We haven't gotten to meet her yet."

"We.. we broke up a while back... I only told Midoriya because he is my best friend.. and then..."

Hizashi turned into the driveway.

"So you never thought to tell us, about you and Izuku?" He turned off the car and nudged Shota "wake up, we're home" he whispered to him. Shota groaned as he lifted his head and woke up.

"I didn't know how you would react..."

He mumbled

"Well, let's go in and we can continue this talk." Hizashi got out of the car and walked over to Shota's side, he opened his door, unbuckled Shota, and helped him out of the car

"Hitoshi can you grab those med bottles in the cup holder right there?"

"Uh sure.." Hitoshi got the bottles and got out of the car.

Hizashi got out his key and unlocked the door. He took Shota to bed

"Go back to sleep, but I'll have to wake you up again for your medicine."

Shota just mumbled and took off his shirt, throwing it aside, and wrapped himself in the blankets.

Hizashi closed the door gently and went into the living room, where Hitoshi was sitting.

"Hitoshi, what are me and your father?"


"And what are you and Izuku?"


"So do you think that I'm going to throw a fit just cause you're gay? Toshi your my son, and no matter what you do in life, beside drugs and drinking, I'll support you because I love you. But you don't need to be doing that stuff around your age..."

"But..." Hitoshi stammered

"Hitoshi, you're still too young. You don't know what could happen, especially if it was a girl and you two were messing around."

"I-I... alright.." he sighed.

"Now go take a shower, you smell like sweat.." Hizashi smiled at him

Hitoshi got up and walked towards his bathroom

"Oh, and if you want to hide anything from Shota. You might want to start with that hickey, it's the size of Japan. He will ask questions y'know"

He laughed to himself as he heard Hitoshi hurry to the bathroom.

He grabbed the bottles and put them in the bathroom, Hizashi looked at himself in the mirror.

His hair was staring to get longer, a few wrinkles from smiling to much, his eyes were fading just a little but were still a very vivid green.

He's changed so much over the years.

Shota still looked the same, his hair had a few grey streaks in it, his eyes were still black and cold. But his personality is what changed so much. He was more happy and energetic, it's like he was finally living the life.

Hizashi walked into their bedroom and laid next to Shota. He was out cold, lightly snoring.

"I'm glad you're going to be okay... I love you Shota." Hizashi whispered to himself and stared at the ceiling.

//okay So don't hate me but I was planning on Shota.. dying from the cancer and ending the book but I was like nahhhh I'm not ending it yet, so Shota will live to see another day//

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