《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 26


Hizashi called and called but Shota never picked up, the cold wind burned his wet face. He brought himself to his feet and went back inside. He was going to find Shota.

He went into Hitoshi's room, he was sitting in his bed with a notepad and his headphones in.

"T-toshi.." His voice cracked

Hitoshi took of his headphones

"Yea, Dad?"

"Get your things together, you're staying the night over at Midoriya's.." He sniffed.

"Are you okay Dad?" Hitoshi put the notepad on the nightstand and got off the bed. He walked up to Hizashi.

"It's S-Sho... he's gone." More tears fell, Hitoshi hugged him tightly

"You'll find him, I know you will.." Hizashi smiled softly

"I hope so k-kiddo.." He kissed the top of Hitoshi's head "at least I've still got the greatest son in the world.. now get your things.. I can't leave you here by yourself." He let go of Hitoshi.

He nodded and grabbed a small bag filling it with clothes and his charger.

They got in the small car and began to drive.

"I already asked Inko, she said you can just walk in, Midoriya is in his room so you can head up there." Hizashi said and turned into the subdivision. They pulled up to Midoriya's house.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon, tell Inko I said hi."

"I will, love you Dad."

"Love you Tosh."

And Hitoshi was gone, he went up to the door and headed inside.

Shota was on the couch reading all of the texts from Hizashi, his head pounded with grief. "Should I text him back... should I tell him what I did... would he forgive..." He sighed and grabbed a beer Toshinori left him, god...i really am stupid, I sucked that hoe's dick... eh... felt good afterwords.. god Shota... He snickered Hizashi would be jealous... I miss him...


His phone went off

💛Zashi💛: baby, I'm on my way.. I'm sorry please forgive me. Please... Sho. You were my only love... I only dated Nemuri because I was... desperate for someone. It wasn't love, just alcohol and sex, but when you came over all those years ago I couldn't think straight, I loved you but I didn't even know who you were. You did things Nemuri didn't, I felt like a whole person around you, I miss your laugh, the way your hair glows in the sun, I miss holding you near me during the coldest nights. I miss saying I love you, I miss your perfect body. I'm sorry Sho! Please.. forgive me...

It's only been a few hours, he's acting like I've been gone for years... Shota thought. He wiped a small tear away, and started to text back

Hizashi's phone buzzed in the passenger seat,

💖😻🐱ShoSho🐱😻💖 is typing...

His heart skipped a few beats, he turned into the only place he'd figured Shota would be, his old apartment complex. Hizashi stopped the car on the otherside of the parking lot, and practically leapt from out of the car. His phone shoved into his jean pocket, he made his way to the main door.

Shota placed the phone on the table, his head was clouded with horrible thoughts.. he's not the one who cheated... I am... Will he forgive me if I tell him... Will he...

Hizashi went up to the main desk

"Uh, hello. I'm looking for Shota Ya- Aizawa, is he here?"

The man just looked at him, and spoke softly, "he's in room 206..."

"Thank you."

Hizashi ran up the fleets of stairs until he was on the second floor,

Sho, please forgive me...

Room 206 was right in front of him, he knocked lightly and waited.



He knocked louder...

A few noises but nothing...

"Sho... it's me... Please.."

After a few minutes the door creaked open, and there stood Shota. He had on black sweatpants but his shirt was still somewhere, hopefully Hizashi didn't think it was suspicious.

"Sho!" Hizashi laughed and cried at the same time "Sho.. I'm sorry, I am... please.. please"

"God, you're such an ugly cryer."(do I even English..) He pulled Hizashi in, kissing away his tears.

"D-Do you forgive me?" His hands were on Shota's hips

"I-" Shota sighed "I have something to tell you Hizashi... you might want to sit down..."

Hizashi listened and sat down, his eyes were bleak and full of guilt.

Don't hate me, please...

"Hizashi... I, I know you didn't cheat... but.. I think I did..."

Hizashi raised an eyebrow

"I-I had sex with my neighbor... just before you got here...Hizashi I should be the one asking for your forgiveness. We were drunk and... it just happened.. I'm really sorry, if you don't forgive me I understand..."

Hizashi made himself look mad, he got up and walked up to Shota, who cowered a little thinking Hizashi was going to throw a punch.

"Shota, look at me."

Shota looked up, he tensed up at Hizashi's grip. Hizashi had grabbed Shota's shoulder and placed his hand on Shota's cheek.

Hizashi leaned into Shota, kissing him. Tasting the alcohol and something else but Hizashi couldn't place what it was.

"How many?"

"Half... half a 24 pack I think...?"

"Jeez, you turn into an alcoholic if your not watched." He laughed

"S-so, you forgive me?" Shota looked at him

"Only if you forgive me."

Shota wrapped his arms around Hizashi's neck bringing him closer "I forgive you."

"I forgive you too, Sho." He kissed Shota "This place have a bedroom?"

"What are you planning, Zashi?"

"Well... you did block me this morning and we have until tomorrow afternoon, so..?"

(⚠️Sin⚠️ )

"Fine, idiot. But you can wait, I need a shower." Shota pushed him away

"Shower for two. You're not slipping away from me again."

"You'll have to catch me then."

Shota dashed to the bathroom and Hizashi followed.

"Gotcha." He pinned Shota to the door

"That was a little unfair."


"You didn't let me start the shower, so you technoloy didn't catch me." Shota smirked

"Start the shower then get back here, I'm not done." Hizashi let him go.

Shota started the shower and looked at Hizashi

"Well? We are timed here." Shota climbed in the dry (?) Part of the shower, moved the curtain, and threw his sweatpants over.

Hizashi figured it was his turn now, he took off his clothes and got in the shower.

"This seems familiar." Shota said as Hizashi wrapped his arms around Shota's waist, rubbing his thumbs against the bare skin

"Heh, yeah." Hizashi squeezed Shota tight. "You said we were timed, so shall we get it over with?" He whispered into Shota's ear. Shota smirked to himself and bend over, his hands were on the shower wall. Hizashi slipped himself inside and groaned a little.

Shota moaned as Hizashi went faster. He went back to a normal pace then it got slower and he was done.

Cold water hit their bodies making both of them jerk.

They would have to take normal showers tomorrow, or would they?

(That was a horrible sin scene, but whatever..)

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