《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 25


((This chapter might be confusing but here's the premise, Nemuri is going to drop hints that her and Hizashi got it on and shes "pregnant" while Hizashi is going to try to be friendly towards her and goes along with what she says cause... idk it's Hizashi..., but both ways Shota's pissed. So there's something that might help idk))

Shota growled like an angry dog "Why are you here, Hag." He barked

Nemuri's mouth twitched but she remained calm.

"What a lovely scar, I wonder how you got it." She smirked and pushed him out of the way. His blood boiled, Hitoshi looked over

"Erm... hi mysterious lady?"

Nemuri looked at him

"What a cute little boy. Shame he's yours..." she walked up to Hitoshi

"Don't you touch him." Shota rushed over, protecting Hitoshi.

Hizashi walked out of the bathroom and saw Nemuri

"Um, what a pleasant surprise 'Muri!"

He scratched the back of his neck

"I had fun last night, Zashi" she spoke with honeyed words, easy to believe words coming out of the mouth of a liar.

"Oh, um... you did?" Hizashi was confused.

Shota was red with anger "Hitoshi. Bed. Now."

"But it's only 8?"

"Bed." He spoke though gritted teeth.

Hitoshi sighed and went to his bedroom.

Hizashi looked at Sho, he was clearly pissed about something... but Hizashi could find out what it was. He shrugged to himself

"I wanted to show you something, Hizashi." Nemuri reached down into the small purse she had, she pulled out a small flat box topped with a bow.


"Open it." She looked at Shota through the corner of her eyes and smirked

He pulled open the small box inside were small pink ballet slippers.

"You're pregnant?" It sounded more surprised than confused

Nemuri nodded and hugged him, Shota was done. He slipped the ring, a ring that has not left his finger since Hizashi slipped it on (that was rough to say, he hasn't taking off his wedding band since Hizashi proposed, that's what I meant)

The one thing that linked Hizashi and Shota together (Sorry Hitoshi..) The same wedding band that completed the both of their lifes and threw at Hizashi.

"I'm fucking done, you're cheating on me with that fucking slut, fine take her. I'm through." Shota grabbed his keys, phone, and shoes, and dashed out of the open door. He ingored the burning tears and threw his shit in the car. He was heading back to his old complex. Away from here. Back to being alone...


It took a few seconds to realize what Nemuri had done. Hizashi rushed out the door, but Shota was long gone

"No..." He whispered to himself, Nemuri grabbed his hand.

"What a shame, guess it's just us now Zashi, we can be a healthy family. Not the horrible one you've been living in."

She smirked at him

"Don't you dare call me that. I'm not yours, you bitch," that word left a horrible taste in Hizashi's mouth, he rarely cussed but he was too mad to realize. "You drove the only love of my life away, cause youre too damn selfish! I never loved you and you driving Shota away won't change that." Hizashi felt tears trek down his cheeks "I hate you Nemuri, I tried to be on good terms earlier so you won't hurt Shota again but that didn't do shit! So just leave. Go back from where ever you came from, leave my family alone!"

Nemuri stood there, clearly shocked.

"H-Hizashi i-"

"Leave." He wiped the tears off his face


Nemuri listened, she didn't talk back or anything. Her car pulled out and she was gone for good hopefully

Hizashi fell to his knees, his heart, he could feel it breaking. Shota was gone...

Shota turned off into the complex. "God, why was I a damn fool for falling in love... let alone get married... it wasn't even love... just a relationship built on sex... God... maybe I'm just destined to be alone..." He rested his head on the wheel, breathing heavy.

His phone went off. Hizashi was texting him

💛Zashi💛: Sho! Please come back... please.. I would never cheat on you.. Nemuri was just trying to get you to go away, so she could get me back. I never loved her, I only love you..please... I need you ... I love you..

Shota just left it on read. He grabbed his stuff and walked into the main door of the complex.

"Aizawa? Is that you, back again huh?"

The man behind the counter said.

"Y-yeah... my roommate got annoying. Can I get my old room back?"

"Hmm.. let's see," the man was looking at keys on a rack behind him "ah, here they are. Be glad I saved your room. Kept telling everyone you were on vacation, knowing that one day you'd come back. And well look were you are." He handed Shota the keys.


"Thanks Kuzima..." (some rando I made up.)


Shota walked to his room, but before he got to the door, someone shouted his name.

"" Toshinori ran up to him (to make it clear, Toshi is in his All Might form always because... yee)


"I don't want to talk Toshinori..."

Shota turned back to his door, unlocking it. Leaving Toshinori outside. Shota closed the door and turned on the light, everything looked the same minus the dust but he could clean it tomorrow...

He plopped onto the couch, tears pouring out of his eyes...

"So stupid..."

He sat there, crying. Memories burned in the back of his head. He wiped his eyes, Toshinori knocked on the door.


Shota knew he had lost his mind when he let Toshinori in. He sat the beer on the table and sat on the couch, Shota joined him since it was the only seat in the living room.

Toshinori handed him one. Shota chugged it down, Toshinori had a shocked face.


Shota nodded, hold his head. Chugging that beer was a bad idea, he was lightheaded.

"" He watched Shota grab another beer, this one he drunk a little faster but it was kinda normal. His cheeks were slightly rose from the alcohol

"Hizashi got some whore pregnant..." He choked out after his 3rd beer. His words had some slurr to them. He was drunk already.


Toshinori whispered. He was getting drunk as well.

Shota shrugged "I don't know man... I mean... we've got a kid, that's just hard. Divorcing with a child..." He sighed

Toshinori patted him on the back


we needed a EraserMight scene if you ask me

Shota looked at Toshinori, his eyes were laced with lust. Shota went in for the kill, pressing his lips to Toshinori's. The alcohol on his breath made Shota want more. He wanted to forget about the entire night. Toshinori was in shock, it was weird for him.. He never kissed another guy. He was in a whole new terrain.

Shota got closer to Toshinori until he was on his lap. Toshinori really didn't mind, he placed his hands on Shota's back. One hand was outside his shirt the other was in.

As they made out, they each lost their shirts and Toshinori lost his pants.

"He pulled out of the kiss

"Shhh" Shota whispered "lay down.." He pushed Toshinori down in the couch lightly. Toshinori was flat on the couch, while Shota sat in between his legs. Shota had taken off his own pants as well. Now the fun will begin.

He started to rub Toshinori's member through his boxer. Toshinori inhaled sharply, Shota did this a few times before releasing it from his boxer.

Toshinori blushed a little as Shota started to rub the tip. Shota, with his other hand, traced lightly down Toshi's member. He groaned, Shota began to pump it and place the tip in his mouth. His tonuge went to work, Toshinori moaned, he raised his hips up making his member slide further into Shota's mouth. He removed his hand and slid Toshi's member as far as it could go, Toshinori grabbed some of Shota's hair making Shota moan. Shota kept doing it until Toshinori slammed Shota's head down, letting him swallow his release.

Shota sat up, wiping his mouth. Toshinori had a grin on his face


He sat up and pulled off Shota's boxers, Shota already figured out what Toshi was wanting. He placed his knees around Toshinori's side and lowered himself onto Toshinori's still-hard member. They both let out a low moan, Toshinori started to thrust, bringing Shota all the way down. The thrusts sped up, leaving Shota soundless and mouth agaped

"Oh my god!" Shota started to pump his own member at the same pace Toshi was going, his head was buried into Toshinori's neck, Shota's moans made Toshinoris skin vibrate

Toshinori started to slow down, making every thrust go deeper and deeper, he released and so did Shota.

"" He smiled as he wiped himself off, he kissed Shota, slipping in his tonuge a few times.

"I practice" Shota breathed out as he threw his pants back on.

They finished the lukewarm beer and talked a little more.

"" He looked at Shota, but Shota was staring at his phone

103 Missed Calls From 💛Zashi💛

24 Unread Texts From 💛Zashi💛

I made a mistake... Shota thought..

(Big chapter... I figured we needed some action so we got it. And I'm thinking it's about time for the book to end... it's getting stale for me 😛 but it's not over yet...)

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