《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 24


Hizashi sat on the bed, he was crying. That was the first argument they had, he was curled up holding the blanket up to his face, muffling his cries. "Why did I say that.." He hiccuped.

Shota grabbed the pillow, muttering a few things under his breath. He was fine with sleeping on the couch, he did it a lot when Hizashi got annoying. Shota laid on the couch, looking at the ceiling and dozed off.

The next morning, Shota woke up and went to the kitchen for coffee. He got a pot brewing when he heard Hizashi shuffle behind him, Hizashi wrapped his arms around Shota's waist. He placed his head on Shota's shoulder. "I'm sorry Sho." He pulled him closer.

"I didn't mean what I said, can we make up?" Hizashi begged.

Shota turned around, facing Hizashi. "Why?"

"Because I missed you last night.."



"Where's Hitoshi?" Shota grumbled

"School. Today's the last day, tomorrow is fall break. So we have 'bout... 2-3 hours?" Hizashi smirked

The coffee pot alarm went off and the coffee was done, Shota turned back around. Hizashi tried to turn him back

"Coffee can wait." He begged

"No it can not." Shota mumbled "You can wait." He poured some coffee into a cat mug

"So you're basically cockblocking me over a cup of coffee?" Hizashi whined


"Shotaaaaa, please!"

"No." He drunk a little and tried to walk off but Hizashi kept him from moving. Shota looked at Hizashi, there was lust in his eyes.

"You think sex will fix what you said?" Shota cocked an eyebrow up, and drunk more of his coffee

"Maybe..." Hizashi looked away. He squeezed Shota's waist with one hand, the other was playing with Shota's hair.


"Hizashi let me go." Shota placed the empty mug on the countertop.

"No." Hizashi smirked and lifted Shota, placing him on the countertop. Hizashi kissed Shota.

"Stop. Hizashi. Stop, I'm not in the mood." Shota breathed out, but Hizashi didn't stop. He kept going, he bit Shota's lips a few times

"Hizashi," Shota was practically begging him to stop. Hizashi opened his eyes, he looked at Shota's distressed face. He stopped "it's not working, is it..?" He whispered

"No... Hizashi im... just not in the mood..." Shota sighed and got off the countertop. He walked into the living room and sat on the couch, Hizashi followed and sat next to him. His arm was stretched over Shota's shoulder

"Sorry.." He mumbled

"It's fine, Sho.." He pecked Shota's cheek "I'm sorry too."

(⚠️ HEAVY FLUFF? Idk⚠️)

Shota placed his hand on Hizashi's thigh, his fingers pressed down into his inner thigh

"S-Sho," he was startled "What are you doing?" He looked at Shota

"Maybe im in the mood." He smirked

"You confuse me so much" Hizashi grinned

Shota crawled onto Hizashi's lap, facing him. Hizashi smiled and stared at him, resting his hands on Shota's hips.


"God, I think I need a map, I keep getting lost in your eyes." (I'm cringing. 😂) Hizashi laughed a little

"You're so damn corny." Shota kissed him, his fingers tangled in Hizashi's shaggy hair.

Hizashi slipped his hands under Shota's shirt, taking in the warm skin. Shota groaned and pulled out of the kiss "Your hands are cold." He buried his head into Hizashi's neck, Hizashi traced Shota's spine with a finger and once he reached the end, he pulled Shota's shirt off

"Well the rest of you can be cold with me."


"That made no sense."

"I know."

Hizashi took off his shirt as well, Shota smirked and continued kissing him

It stayed like that until the front door rattled, Hitoshi was home. The two quickly threw on their shirts and turned on the tv, acting like nothing was happening. Shota's lips were dark red and bleeding a little due to Hizashi's new habit, Hizashi had a mark on his shoulder, right on his newly found "sweetspot". Hitoshi opened the door and saw the both if them in the couch watching tv.

"So, you two made up?" He asked tiredly

"What do you mean Toshi?" Shota looked at him

"I heard the argument, you both woke me up. The walls are pretty thin y'know." He placed his pack on a hook along with his hoodie, he took off his shoes then walked into the living room, sitting in the armchair.

He might not be their biological child but Hitoshi carried the same tired eyes as Shota

"Oh, sorry bud..." Hizashi looked away with embarrassment, he could hear everything Shota and Hizashi do in their room...

"And could you please keep that quiet to, it's gross... really gross." Hitoshi stared at the tv. Shota covered his face with his hand, shaking his head.

"Yea... alright, sorry Tosh..." Hizashi said.

For a few hours they just sat there and watched TV in slience. The sun was going down.

"Sho, come with me please." Hizashi got up and stretched.

Shota got up as well

"You two going to go-"

"Hitoshi Akio don't finish that sentence." Shota said angrily.

"Sorry..." Hitoshi looked at them, Shota shook his head and followed Hizashi out the door.

"What do you want, Zash?"

"'Zash'? What happened to Zashi?"

"Something new I guess." He shrugged

Shota sat down on one of the outdoor chairs, watching Hizashi sit in the one in front of him

"So what did you want?"

The sun behind Shota made him almost glow, Hizashi just stared at him.

"The sun compliments you." He mumbled

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shota raised a brow.

"It makes you glow, makes you look happy and soft." Hizashi smiled, Shota's cheek turned pink but ended up looking orange due to the light.

The two sat there mumbling to each other as the sun set. Hizashi grabbed Shota's hand and they went back inside. Shota freed himself from Hizashi's grip and went to get him a bottle of water, but the doorbell ringed. Shota, being the closest, answered the door


"Ahh, lovely to see you again, Shita"

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