《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 23




"You look completely stupid."

"What!" He had on a black tank top and a pair of pink workout pants "I look absolutely Stellar!" He grumbled.

"Sure you do..." Hizashi yawned "now get off, you're heavy." Shota huffed but he listened, they sat on the couch watching some tv series. Shota's phone rang, he didn't have to look to know who it was. His mom kept calling him every other week "Sho... maybe you should answer, it's been a few years maybe they, y'know..." Hizashi placed his hand on Shota's.

"Why, she'll just-"

"Please, Sho just this time." Hizashi begged

"Fine." Shota snapped


"Shota! You answered... b-before you hang up," her voice began to break "I'm sorry for what I said, I was furious that you didn't tell me sooner that you were... I want to meet them. Your family. I want to make sure your happy."

Shota's heart sunk a little

"So, I want to ride over, it might take a few hours but, I-I just want to see my little boy again..."

"Mom... I-I... fine.." Shota sighed and gave the address. Hizashi's eyes lit up at him, Shota just pushed him away. Hizashi smiled, "Alright, I guess I'll see you in a few hours Mom." He hung up.

"See! I knew you would give in." Hizashi lightly punched Shota's arm.

"Whatever... get ready, get Toshi up too. We need to clean up.." Shota mumbled

Hizashi smiled at Shota. He just sighed and started to walk to their bathroom. Hizashi stood up and walked to Hitoshi's room "Tosh, time to get up." He turned on the light. His room was covered with small pieces of paper, some had notes on them others were drawings "Toshi, up" he made his way to Hitoshi's bed and tapped him "get up" Hitoshi groaned a little but opened his eyes "What..."

"Get up"


"Cause, your not being a sleepy head like your father."

"Fine.." he threw his legs over the bed and stood up, stretching in the process. He came up to Hizashi's shoulder now. 13... jeez... years fly by huh... (I'm making this the last time skip for awhile) "Get some nice clothes on too."

"Why... Mina isn't coming over is she...?" Hitoshi mumbled as he walked to his dresser.

"Mina? Whose that?" Hizashi crossed his arms. Hitoshi froze, he slipped up...

"M-my uh..."

"I'm just messing with you" he ruffled his hair "I'm glad you finally got a girl, Hitoshi" Hizashi smiled "now... I don't know how Sho-"

"What does she look like, what's her personality, does she do drugs?" Shota was leaning against the door frame looking in the room, Hizashi jumped at his voice. "Dad, i... no she doesn't do that stuff. She's really sweet and uh.." he was going red

"Sho.. really?" Hizashi whispered to him.


"I don't want him hurt." he whispered back.

"Hitoshi you don't have to answer the rest, just get clothes on" Hizashi said as he pulled Shota out of the room, closing the door.

"Glad you got out of those stupid pants." Hizashi laughed a little

"You're the one who bought the damn pants."

"I didn't think you'd really wear them." He rubbed the back of his neck "You only wear black so... yeah, you needed colour.. heh"

"Sometimes I wondered why I married you..."

"Because I'm irresistible?" Hizashi laughed "I'm just your Killer Queen, huh? Guaranteed to blow your mind?"

"Dear Lord, Hizashi Yamada stop quoting Queen or so help me."

Shota started to walk to the kitchen, clearly done with Hizashi's stuff.

"Love of my life, don't leave me.."


"Fine, fine. What do I need to do?"

"Well first shut up, then go change. Put something decent on." Shota watched as Hizashi walked into the kitchen "pfft... at least I have good clothes."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shota spun around and looked straight into Hizashi's eyes "Nothing babe." He kissed Shota's forehead "You get pissed easily."

"Go change dumbass." He grumbled.

Shota had his hair fixed into a bun with a braid in it, Hizashi had to help him braid it, a black turtleneck, black pants. Okay, maybe Zashi was right... nothing but black... jeez...

Hizashi came back into the kitchen, white pants, a black shirt, tucked in.

"Ready Freddie" he gave Shota finger guns. Shota rolled his eyes and grumble, his cheeks slightly pink moron..

Hitoshi finally came out of his room, his spiky purple hair was kinda smoothed out, some of it still stuck up a little. He had a sweater on and cream coloured pants "What are we doing?" Hitoshi yawned

"Your erm... Grandmother," Hizashi looked at Hitoshi "is coming over."

"Grandma? Huh.."

Shota mumbled, his face was heated. "Sho.. liven up, sourpuss." Hizashi snickered at him

"Just be glad Hitoshi is in here..."

Hizashi sighed and nudged Hitoshi to give Shota space, the two sat in the living room, Hizashi had the couch, Hitoshi had an armchair. "He's... grumpy about the subject, Tosh."

"Why?" He cocked his head a little

"It was when you were little but his mom got mad at him over his... erm... choices in life so this is the first time they talked in awhile..." Hizashi rubbed the nape of his neck.


A few hours later

Shota had calmed down a little, he was still in the kitchen. He didn't want to be out there with Hizashi and Hitoshi so he thought it would be best to stay in the kitchen away from them in case something "bad" happens. Hizashi and Hitoshi were playing "goldfish" in the living room "Zashi..." Shota said

"Coming babe." He placed the cards down and walked to the kitchen



Shota grabbed Hizashi's arm, bringing him closer to him. Hizashi's hands found Shota's hips "Are you okay Sho?" Shota looked at him, his eyes were cold like ice that melted when he saw the worry in Hizashi's cool green ones.

"I love you Hizashi... I love the happiness you brought me. I love you, Hizashi Yamada. I love you." Shota smiled a little "I'm glad to call myself a Yamada too, I'm glad I can live with you. I knew our relationship started fast, we barely knew each other, but now it's like we've been friends for awhile."

"Did you just friend-zone me, ouch." Hizashi laughed as he traced the scar under Shota's eye. He rested his hand on Shota's cheek "I love you too Shota." Hizashi kissed him.

Hitoshi, in the background, gagged a little.

Someone knocked on the door. Shota wiggled his way out of Hizashi's hold and went to the door. He opened it and a small, frail women was outside. Shota opened to door wider, signalling her to come in.

"Shota," she gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek "my sweet, little boy. I missed you." She tightened her grip

"Missed you too, Mom" Shota managed to say. She let go and smiled.

Hizashi came out of the kitchen, he had a glass of water in his hands "Would you like a drink, Mrs. Aizawa?"Hizashi smiled as he handed her the glass "Hitoshi, come here."

The young boy listened and got off the couch and stood next to Hizashi.

"Mom, this is Hizashi Yamada, and our son, Hitoshi" they both bowed.

"Ah, my son-in-law and grandson." She pulled them into a hug "I'm glad I got to finally meet you both." She smiled

Shota backed away and sat down in the armchair. He still didn't forgive her, so there's no reason he should act all sweet and kind to her. Hizashi and her were talking up a storm while Toshi just stood there, confused and tired.

She only came over cause of them. No one else. She meant those words she said over the phone. He rubbed the fading scars on his wrist, the memories were like needles in his head. He did this because of her.

Hizashi noticed Shota had moved over to the armchair, but he seemed off. He seemed like he didn't recognize her.

"So, what do you do Hizashi?" Her voice was sweet and innocent, like she was trying to erase what she said all those years ago. She was trying to create new memories.

"Oh, um. Well I own a small music store, and I host a radio show. It's not much but pays pretty decent. I'll go ahead and talk for Shota on this one, he's barista, well he's a barista thats in college. He wants to be a teacher, so he can be there for Hitoshi." Hizashi smiled, Hitoshi snapped out of daydream "Wait, really...?" He said with a slight bit of annoyance

"Yes, really. Go sit somewhere, you've been standing there for awhile," he looked at Hitoshi "Make yourself at home Mrs. Aizawa."

Shota stared at her then at Hizashi, who in return, stuck his tongue out.

They both sat down on the couch and talked. Shota tried to cover the scar below his eye, but she saw it. Her motherly instincts kicked in and he rushed over. She grabbed a hold of his face, squishing it with her cold hands.

"Shota! What did you do!"

Shota just glared at her.

"It's a long story," Hizashi spoke. "Involving my ex and Sho..." Hizashi sighed, the subject still hurted him like a freshly open wound. "I'll try to sum it up the best I can. Sho and me were walking home from work, we stayed outside for a little bit watching the snow fall. But once we got inside, my ex was there... I told her me and Sho were just friends, thinking that will make her leave but.. It didn't. She ended up digging into Shota's skin below the eye out of pure jealously or something, and well that's the result."

Shota just stayed quiet.

After a few hours, Mrs. Aizawa thought she'd better leave so she said bye to a tired Hitoshi, who was laying on the couch, eyes straining open. "Bye Mrs. Aizawa, it was lovely to meet you." Hizashi smiled

"Yes, you too Hizashi." She nodded

She got in her car and left. Hizashi sighed. "Hitoshi, bed"

"Fine with me..." He yawned and got off the couch "night" he walked to his room.

"Goodnight Toshi..." Shota finally said something

"You too, we need to talk." Hizashi crossed his arms. Mikan, the lazy cat, meowed, wanting food. Shota got up and poured the fat cat some food for the night.

Hizashi sighed, looking at Shota sitting on the corner of the bed. "What do you want." His voice was bleak again, it's like he lost all emotions in the past hours.

"You didn't say anything to your mother after you introduced us, don't you think that hurted her?"

"So," Shota scratched his rough chin "don't think what she said hurted me?"

"Damn it Sho! Forget about that damn phone call. Your mother came here to apologize and yet you were a stuck up brat!" Hizashi's face heated.

"I'm the brat?" Shota rose his voice a little. "Tch, fuck this." Shota got up "sleep by yourself." He walked into the living room and plopped on the couch "Fine then!" Hizashi yelled throwing Shota's pillow out into the living room. Hizashi slammed the door, locking it as well. Tonight he would be cold.

(Long ass chapter, I've been working on it for 2 days? Idk. It doesn't seem like it but yea. Anyway enjoy.)

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