《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 22


Shota pulled into the house, stopped the car, got out and helped Hitoshi out. He carried Hitoshi inside. Shota placed Hitoshi on the couch. "Alright bud, what's wrong?" He was sitting on his knees looking at Hitoshi, wiping away any stray tears. "I-I'm being bullied, D-Dad..." Hitoshi whimpered. "They c-call me freak a-and q-queer? I-" Shota sat on the couch and pulled Hitoshi in a hug "Its fine... How about I talk to your teacher, see if I can't do anything." Hitoshi stayed in the hug, crying out his energy. About 1 hour later Hitoshi is asleep on Shota, his arms had let go and went almost limp.

Hizashi walked in, one of his eyes were a tad black. He walked over to Shota and plopped down. Shota saw the eye, "What happened?" He was stroking Hitoshi's back lightly. "Oh this..? Small robbery. I stopped the guy, but he ended up hitting me, breaking my glasses." He pulled out his glasses case and inside was a cracked lens, and the glasses were one wear away from snapping. "Eh, I like you without glasses." He smiled at Hizashi "Alright, then start driving me to work." Hizashi had pretty bad eyesight now, they told him he was almost blind. Shota laughed "What's up with lil' Tyke?" Hizashi put his arm around Shota's shoulder. "He's getting bullied. They, the bullies I'm assuming, called him freak and queer..." Hizashi looked at Hitoshi "How old are these kids, jeez. Do they even know what that means?"

Hizashi sighed.

"So, you going to talk to the teacher?" Shota nodded. "I'll take you to-" Hizashi interrupted him "I've got a spare, he's more important." Hitoshi lifted his head up and looked at Hizashi, eyes puffy and red. "Hey Hitoshi." Hizashi waved at Hitoshi, but he just laid down on both of their laps, stretched out. Shota laughed a little, there was even a small snort, "looks like we're not going anywhere" Shota laid his head on Hizashi's shoulder. "Why would I leave? I've got the people I love the most next to me, I'd rather stay here.." Hizashi chuckled.


They made small talk, laughed, dozed off, watched stupid movies.



"Love you..."

"Love you too, idiot."

Hitoshi finally woke up after a few minutes, he sits up and Shota looked at him. "Have a nice nap, 'Toshi?" He nodded. "Hizashi can you move?"

"My legs are asleep"

"Same here... Hitoshi could you hop off?" Hitoshi got off Shota's lap. Hizashi was the first one to stand up, his legs went to jelly. He grabbed the couch arm like his life depended on it. He tried to walk, but his legs gave in and Hizashi fell on the cushioned floor. "Ow.."

Shota wiggled his toes, tried to move his legs. It felt weird but they woke up shortly. He stumbled off the couch and over to Hizashi, who was still on the floor. "Need a hand?" Shota reached out his hand. The blond took it and they pulled each other up.

The next day

Shota woke up feeling a warm hand on his chest and a leg wrapped around his own. He looked over at the blond, his light bronze back, his short hair. Everything about him was perfect, to the greenness of his eyes to the skin that complemented them. His hair, how it would reach down to his waist but now hangs frozen in place in one style. Shota pulled Hizashi into a cuddle, he grumbled a little but hugged Shota's bare chest. I'll never let go...

Hizashi's eyes fluttered open, Shota had fallen back asleep, mumbling under his breath. Hizashi tried to get out of the bear hug but Shota kept him pinned "Sho," he shook Shota "wake up, we're going to be late..." Shota just grumbled, Hizashi had no choice... he bit Shota's shoulder. Shota jerked awake "Jesus Christ! Okay I'm up... asshole." He pushed Hizashi away and he got out of bed "That's what you get."


"Suck a dick." Shota said from the bathroom

"Is that a challenge?" Hizashi chirped

"Just... shut up"

Shota came out of the bathroom, hair in a bun, somewhat "nice" looking clothes

"Tell Hitoshi I'll be back soon"

"He's not going with you?" Hizashi said, peering out the bathroom door, white toothpaste foam dripped from his chin.

"What's the point? Taking him there and just leave him? He can have a day off."

Hizashi shrugged and went back to brushing his teeth.

He started the car before he pulled out, the area Hizashi bit was hurting pretty bad, it was becoming a dark purple. "I swear-" he muttered. He pulled out his phone and texted Hizashi

"You left another mark, keep it up I'm going to skin you"

"You wish"

He replied within a minute. Shota just threw the phone on the passenger seat and headed towards the school.

It was packed with children and parents, he found a spot, which was relatively easy. The school was small on the inside. Little children running to rooms after hugging their parents goodbye. He just smiled at the parents as he walked to the small classroom. He knocked and waited, it was kinda loud in the class but finally the teacher came "" Don't tell me that's that man whore from the complex... oh god it is... Shota shivered at the thought of him being Hitoshi's teacher. "I'm here to talk about my son, Hitoshi Yamada?" His voice went bleak and lost all life. Toshinori told him to hold on as he called a substitute teacher. She came after a few minutes "" he greeted the young teacher with seafoam green hair, she bowed and went into the room. Toshinori lead him to a conference room.


"Toshinori, yep I remember you"


"Shota Aizawa, that ring any bells?" Shota shivered at his old name... after that call he hated having Aizawa in his name. "We used to be neighbors years ago."


"Whatever, I'm only here for my son. He's being bullied everyday. They call him 'Freak' and 'Queer' I would like to know why."

"" he scratched his neck

"He did say a name. Baku- something."

"" Toshinori left the room, after a few minutes he came back in with a small child following him. ""

The little pipsqueak stepped up, his eyes had rage stitched into them. "Why should I say anything to the queer?"


Shota boiled but kept calm, it's not like he could punch a child without consequences.

"Sorry.." he grumbled.


"I'll leave Hitoshi alone..." he fumbled and shoved his hands into the small pockets of his outfit.

"Good," Shota said "I best not hear anything else about him being bullied, clear?"

The kid nodded. Shota stood up, and left the room, heading back to the car he saw a small orange kitten meowing.. it's abandoned... Shota no! Yua will hurt him... but Shota brought him home anyway. "Hizashi, I got a surprise."

He looked up from the counter, dread filled his eyes. "What?" Shota placed the kitten down "Yua is gone... she passed this morning... Hitoshi doesn't know." Shota's eyes stung a little

"Well I guess it's good I found this little guy on the school grounds, he was just abandoned. His mom was long gone, same with any siblings, he was just standing there... alone..."

The small kitten tumbled on the floor, Mikan, he was going to be a surprise for Hitoshi.

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