《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 21


((Mixing things up, I'm going to add in a Hitoshi chap. Cause I wanna))

It was Sunday night, which meant school for Hitoshi and work for Shota and Hizashi. Hitoshi was sitting on the couch, criss-cross applesauce, watching some action cartoon. He was glued to the tv and didn't realize his dads were somewhere else. About 30 minutes pass, he still on the couch watching tv. He yawned a few times.

Shota and Hizashi came out. Both were flustered "You left a mark! You idiot I'll be fired!" Shota snared, rubbing a spot on his neck. "Nah, you'll be fine." Hizashi looked like he was in a dream, or in bliss. They both looked at the couch and saw Hitoshi, "Why are you still up 'Toshi?" Shota picked him up "You should have been asleep an hour ago." Hizashi said while turning off the tv. "I couldn't sleep. Dad hasn't read me a story yet." He rubbed his eyes. "All yours," Shota handed Hitoshi to Hizashi "I'm going to bed." Shota ruffled Hitoshi's "Goodnight 'Toshi, love you."

"Goodnight Dad! Love you." Hitoshi smiled.

Hizashi placed Hitoshi in the bed "What do you want to hear tonight, Bud?" Hizashi sat on the edge of the bed. "How you and Dad met."

"Uh, okay..." Hizashi scratched the back of his neck "It was about 7 years ago? Give or take a few months. I was in need of a few roommate and he was in need of a whole new apartment. So he saw one of my papers and called me. Heh... not much there bud. Tch.. go to bed hun, you got school." Hizashi kissed Hitoshi's forehead. "Goodnight Dad"

"Goodnight 'Toshi"

•the next morning•

"Hitoshi, get up" Shota stood in the door frame. Hitoshi opened his heavy eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. "Get your clothes on, I've got breakfast in the kitchen."


Hitoshi gets up, grabs a shirt and pants, and heads to his bathroom to do his morning routine. He finishes and walks into the kitchen smiling his small grin. "Good morning my violet!" Hizashi grabbed Hitoshi into his arms "Did you sleep good last night?" He nodded. Hizashi put him in the chair and ruffled his hair. Shota came out of their bathroom, the mark was red and bruised. "Hizashi, if I get fired this is all your fault." Shota groaned. "Well, should have went easy las-"

"Just shut up and take Hitoshi to school."

"Fine fine, come on bud."

Hitoshi looked up from his cleaned plate and wiped his mouth. He waved bye to Shota and grabbed his bag. He was quiet, it was usual but he was quieter than normal.

Hizashi dropped Hitoshi off, kissing his forehead and saying his goodbye. He walked into his class and saw him...

The main reason he hates school here. A young boy with ash blonde hair in a spiky style. "" The young teacher spoke, his voice was solid. His blond "bunny ears" , as the girls in the class would call them, where draped over his eyes, he would brush them off and crystal blue eyes appeared. "M-Mr. Toshinori... can I move seats, p-please..." (Toshinori needed a hobby, other than sex, so his job is a teacher. And he just needed more time in the book) Hitoshi peeped out, he sat next to Bakugou.. He hated that. "" He started to mumble. Midoriya..? Whose that? Hitoshi barely knows anyone in his class, he doesn't want friends. He doesn't need them... right?....

"" He sighed, the bell rang. Hitoshi panicked he didn't know how Midoriya was. He didn't know where he would sit.. "." A boy with green hair perked up and waved his arm to get Hitoshi's attention. "Over here!" He squeaked. Hitoshi walked over to the table, he was too shy to say anything to Izuku.


After about 2 hours of work, they had lunch. Hitoshi sat at one of the small tables, alone. Sometimes a girl would come up to him, that girl...erm... Mina... thats her name.. right... why should I care... would come over and talk to him, but this time, it was different. Bakugou came over "Hey Freak!" He slammed his hands onto the table. Hitoshi jumped "What's wrong, scared of the truth?" He smirked "You have queer dads! Don't think it's not obvious, 2 different people bring and take you to school." Bakugou was practically yelling. Hitoshi was scared. He never told anyone about his dads. They don't need to know "Kacchan! Leave him alone!" Midoriya ran up to the table and tried to pull Bakugou away. "Get off Deku. Me and... Hitoshi were just talking." Hitoshi was slightly shaking "Just leave Kacchan! He doesn't want to talk!" Midoriya pushed him away finally. Bakugou gave the both of them the death stare "Fine, you babies" Bakugou walked off and went to take to a black haired boy. He had sharp teeth.. ouch... they kept yelling at each other, Hitoshi heard Bakugou yell "Kirishima" that must be that black haired boy ... Hitoshi thought. "Hey are you okay?" Midoriya asked, sitting next to him. Hitoshi only nodded. "Um... are you... mute? O-or deaf?" Midoriya twiddled his fingers. "No.." Hitoshi whispered, but Izuku heard it "then can we be friends?" A grin was on Midoryia's face. I don't need friends he was going to say "s-sure..." the bell rung and lunch was over. They walked back to the class, Izuku attached to Hitoshi's hips, he never left his side. Let's face it, Izuku will never leave his side.

"'Toshi... can I ask you a question?" Midoriya bugged him


"Was what Kacchan said during lunch... is that true? About your...erm..." Izuku bite his lip and messed with his fingers.

"About my dads... yeah..."

Something in Hitoshi changed he wasn't cheerful like usual, he was more down (not depressed)

"What's it like, I mean... my daddy left when I was little... it's just me and my mommy.."

Hitoshi stayed quiet.

It was time for school to end. Hitoshi walked out of the school at the sound of the bell, he was impatient. He wanted to leave.

"Hey 'Toshi!" Midoriya ran up to him "do you want to play together this weekend? I can ask my mommy if we can go to the park." His eyes sparkled

"Whatever.." He sighed.

"Move freak" Bakugou pushed Hitoshi, who ended up falling. Kirishima looked at Hitoshi and helped him back on his feet. "Sorry about Bakugou." Kirishima ran back up to Bakugou.

Shota walked up to get Hitoshi. "Hey Champ." He grabbed Hitoshi's hand and started to walk him to the car. "How was school?" He buckled him up the the car seat. "Terrible." Hitoshi lost it and started to cry a little. Shota looked back at Hitoshi "Hey hey. Patch those waterworks, it'll be fine, let's go home first then we'll talk.."


((Sorry it took forever to get this chap done. I've had barely anytime to work on it))

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