《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 19


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Hizashi woke up to Hitoshi crying, Shota was gone, leaving the bed cold. Hizashi got up and went to Hitoshi crib, his blond hair washing over his face, he flipped it over and picked up Hitoshi "What's up Hitoshi? Nightmare?" He bounced the baby and took him to the kitchen for food. Hizashi whipped up some formula and gave it to Hitoshi, he gladly drank it. He took Hitoshi back to bed and went back to the kitchen for a drink of his own

Something oily found its way onto Hizashi's hand "What the..." it was red, blood. Glass twinkle in the small kitchen light "Fuck!" Hizashi panicked, Shota was gone, broken glass, blood. It all connected, Shota was somewhere being hurt or hurting himself.


Shota woke up, the voices in his head were loud, but also quiet. Whispering things in his ears, controlling his mind.

Do it you wimp

They don't love you

They say they'll do anything for you just to make you feel better

He never loved you

He used you

Tears burned his eyes. He got out of bed, looking at Hizashi's stomach rising, fast asleep, Hitoshi was too. His legs heavy as he walked to the kitchen,


Glass shattered on the countertop. He didn't need a knife for what he was doing, there would no point of ruining a blade with his... blood. Glass cut into his hand leaving small drops of blood on the countertop

He found a sharp piece and hid in the closet of his old room.

Do it

Do it now

Right here

⚠️Blood Warning⚠️

He sliced at the soft skin on his wrist, his breathing rose sharply. Warm blood dripped off the side of his wrist and onto his bare feet. He sliced more, feeling slightly better.


Hizashi turned on everything in every room "Shota!" He yelled through sobs

Hizashi checked the old room, nothing in the bathroom, the bed was empty too, the closet...

Hizashi pulled the doors back, and say his husband, covered in blood. Eyes closed "Oh no No no," Hizashi got on his knees and shoved Shota into his arms "Shota please wake up.. please" Hizashi cried. The tears falling onto Shota's face, some of the tears fell on Shota's scar, pooling up in the corner of the scar. "Wake up you idiot."

Shota woke up in a bright room, smelled like cleaning alcohol and bleach. His arm, the one with a slit wrist, was hooked up with blood going through a tube into his system.

Hizashi was pacing the room, clearly didn't see Shota wake up. He groaned at the slight sting in his wrist, Hizashi's head turned like an animal who found its prey

"Shota, what were you thinking?" His eyes were puffy "You were bleeding so much, I almost lost you..." Shota's heart ached "I..Im sorry Hizashi, it got the most if me..."

"Sorry?! Thats all you're going to say? Shota, sometimes you can be so ignorant. Why did you do this? Why did you hurt yourself.." Hizashi looked Shota dead straight in the eyes, his green eyes had fear stored in them covered in a layer of hate. "Hizashi...i... I got a a-anxiety attack last night and then t-this happened. I'm really sorry 'Zashi..." Shota looked away, his eyes rested on the bandages around his wrist. Hizashi placed his hand on Shota's, intertwining their fingers. "Please don't do that ever again" Hizashi whispered "I won't, I promised" Shota said back.

They spent the night in the hospital, Hitoshi was with Hizashi's parents, so he was safe. From now on the 3 of them will never be apart again.

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