《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 18


4 months pass, Shota is more tired everyday, Hizashi has 2 jobs, and Hitoshi is just babbling away. Hizashi opens the door, excited, as usual "Babies, I'm home!" The blond had a bag in his hand. Shota groaned "Ah! There's the love of my life, where's the Kid?" Hizashi placed the bag on the counter and walked over to the couch.

The two were sprawled on the couch, Shota's black hair cushioned his face like a pillow, Hitoshi was lying on Shota's hair too, they both looked comfortable. "Oh, sorry" Hizashi voice was nothing shy of a whisper "Hizashi..." Shota perked up with Hitoshi in his arms, "Spend some time with him, he hardly sees you with your jobs" he handed Hizashi the babbling child. "Oof-" Hizashi picked up Hitoshi "Geez he's getting heavy, that's good, right, I mean I hope it is. I hope he's just fine..."

Shota laughed "he's perfect 'Zashi, chill." He lifted himself of the couch and pecked Hizashi's cheek "What's in the bag?" He looked at the bag, Yua had already started to chew on the bag "Come on, moonbean." Shota lifted up Yua, she purred loudly, finally getting attention. "You give her the weirdest nicknames." Hizashi scoffed, lightly bouncing the baby boy.

"Are you Jealous?"

"What... no.... maybe..."

"Jealous over a cat, jeez. 'Zashi you know you're my Sundrop until days end, my Light, my 'Zashi." Shota looked into his green eyes "I didn't know you had a way with words, Sho." Hizashi laughed a little. Wiping little tears out of his eyes.


Shota's phone started to go off "Shit, where is it" Hizashi pointed to the counter "thanks" Shota went and picked up the phone before it stopped ringing "Ello?"


"Shota, it's your mother, don't give me that tone"

"Oh, sorry mom, what's up? It's late for you to call. How's the old man?"

"He's fine, but I can't call my only child just to see how he is? I'm hurt Shota."

Shota looked at Hizashi and rolled his eyes, Hizashi laughed

"Who was that? "

"Just my roommate mom, Hizashi put Hitoshi to bed, he's dead asleep."

Hizashi was hurt just a little just his roommate... ouch...

"Who's this Hitoshi! Tell me right now"

"Shit... Hitoshi Akio Yamada... my... son..."

Her voice rang through the phone

"Son! Wait a minute... It's not Aziawa," she mumbled but the phone still picked it up "tell me the name of your 'roommate' "

"Mom now is not the time-"


"Fine... it's Hizashi Yamada"

Hizashi poked his head out of the bedroom, he was confused. Shota shooed him off

"You Queer! Let me guess it's now Shota Yamada, huh! I'm so disappointed in you."

"Really Mom! If you can't be happy that I'm with someone then just don't call again, just cause I'm a guy doesn't fucking mean I like damn vags! Don't call me again since you don't like my choice."

Shota hung up, he was about the throw is phone but Hizashi stopped him, "woah! Easy babe." Hizashi grabbed Shota into a hug "it's okay baby, just calm down for me please..." he stoked Shota's head, playing with a few strands of hair in between his fingers "it's just... it's been a tense week, Hitoshi got sick constantly and I got scared, now she had to call and shove me back in the closet again..." Hizashi kissed Shota's forehead "Just don't listen to her, you're 29 for crying out loud! She can't tell you anything no more, she can't judge you at all. It's okay Hun..." Hizashi kissed Shota "Now can we go to bed, I'm like, tired.." he smiled, Shota looked at him "that's my line."


"I know."

Hizashi picked up Shota, Shota went pink and wrapped his legs around Hizashi's waist, the two were facing each other "Ha! You're blushing" Hizashi laughed "Shut up.." Shota buried his facing into Hizashi's neck.

Hizashi laid Shota on the bed then laid next to him, holding him tightly "it's alright Sho, I'll love you forever." He squeezed Shota's waist and fell asleep.

Shota sighed and closed his eyes, falling into a somber sleep.

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