《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 16


(A/N: I want this to be a flashback chapter, it won't count towards the main story, I just want to write something else, basically Hizashi and Shota are Freshmen in high school, they had a small fling then they left each other and forgot about each other completely, yea yea I know, it doesn't make sense since I never wrote anything about this, just bear with me, it's a new idea :P)

"Hizashi Yamada! Get out of that bed!" A voice yelled from downstairs, Hizashi opened his heavy eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. The floor was cold under his feet, he stood up and stretched, scratching his shaggy head. He grabbed his uniform and his comb he left on his nightstand, he shuffled into the bathroom yawning, he did his morning routine and spiked his hair up in the front, his usual hairstyle. His uniform was a little sloppy when he threw it on, he stepped downstairs to see his mom waiting impatiently "You should have been up earlier, you're almost later, Hurry up." She tapped her foot on the tiles. Hizashi sighed, slipped on his shoes, grabbed his bag and headed outside. The wind nipped at his skin, just a little cold, no biggie...

Hizashi made it to school 10 minutes before the doors locked up and school started. He rushed in and found his class, it was empty except for 3 people, a black haired girl, a blond guy, who had a red headed guy staring at him, the guy looked like he hated the blond's guts, Hizashi found his seat and waited for others.. His sunglasses slid down the crook of his nose, exposing his closed eyes. The bell rung jolting him awake, the class was packed, soft murmurs and laughter filled the room.


He rose his head up, his sunglasses were crooked in an odd way, he turned his head and saw a black haired boy with a messy style, the boy was still asleep jeez... did he sleep at all last night..? Another bell rung telling everyone class was starting. Students talked and laughed but Hizashi couldn't keep his eyes off the sleeping boy, it's like his mind was telling him something about the boy. Hizashi was about to wake up the boy but then the teacher came in and class began, the teacher just went over class rules and let them have the remain 15 minutes to get to know everyone in the class.

Hizashi tapped on the boy's shoulder, " 'Ello? Anyone there?" The boy groaned and looked at Hizashi with tired eyes "...what..." the lifeless body spoke "I'm Hizashi Yamada! Who are you?" The blond had a huge grin on his face "Shot-" he mumbled the rest "Shot? That's a... uh.. unique name" Hizashi cocked his head, trying to see the boy's eyes "it's Shota Aziawa, you dumbass" Shota groaned as he put his head down trying to go back to sleep "oh... sorry" Hizashi slumped back in his seat and counted the minutes going by.

Shota lifted his head up and saw that loud mouth Hizashi was looked around like he was embarrassed. The class was loud but he was louder almost... Shota tapped his foot with his shoe. Hizashi looked over at him "um.. hi... again" his emerald green eyes were like beacons of pale light "meet me after school in the café next to the local mart" his monotone voice rang in Hizashi's ears "oh...um okay.."

//Time Skip to the Cafe//

Shota sat in a chair outside waiting for his loud ass "friend" the wind was cool and felt great. Shota was about to put his head down but Hizashi was walking over so there would be no point "Hi Aziawa" Hizashi said once he sat down "Yamada..." Shota felt Hizashi's eyes stare into every nook and cranny of his face, his cheeks turned pink when Shota looked at him. "Follow me" Shota grabbed his arm and Drug him to a small alleyway. He could tell Hizashi was confused but went along with it.


Once Shota knew no one could see them he pinned Hizashi to the brick wall, their eyes were leveled with each other "What a-are you d-doing Sho-" Shota shut him up with a kiss, his hands went into Hizashi's blond hair. It took Hizashi a minute or two to wake up, he stood there like he was paralyzed. Hizashi's cold fingers found Shota's sides, they grinned around them gently pulling himself deeper in the kiss.. Hizashi had found his Bliss...

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