《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 15


The two are laying on the bed, panting and Shota had grabbed Yua, who is now 3 months old, and placed her on Hizashi's bare chest, he laughed at the fur that kept tickling his chest. Shota Propped himself on his elbow, looking at Hizashi "Y'know... we've been married for 3 months now, um.... do you maybe.... want a..." He had gotten shy during the last part, he saw Hizashi's eyes wash over him a bit of hurt in his eyes "a divorce..?" Hizashi asked tears lightly coated his lashes.

Shota jumped up "No no No! Hizashi I would never do that to you... I meant... a.... kid..." His face burned with embarrassment, Hizashi put Yua at the foot of the bed, she meowed happily and curled up to sleep, Hizashi hands trembled to Shota's shoulders. Shota groaned at his touch, his fingers were cold. "You mean... were going to be Fathers?" Shota rolled his eyes, "yes dummy we will if you want, he could go to the hospital and see if there are babies to adopt or got to the adoption center and adopt a toddler, you choose." Hizashi squeezed his cold fingers into Shota's shoulder. His thumb pressed down in his sweet spot, Shota let out a small moan.

Hizashi pecked Shota's lips. "I'm going to be a dad! When can we get 'em?" Hizashi was impatient, bouncing up and down like a child with a sugar rush, Yua didn't approve it and started to meow her green eyes stared right through Hizashi. Shota laughed a little "When ever you want Zashi." Shota wrapped his arms around Hizashi's neck hoping he would calm down a little. "Well! Get some clothes on your bod. Let's go!" And Hizashi was bouncing up and down again. He got out of bed throwing the covers over Yua, Shota grabbed the angry ball of fluff and started to pet her this is one wild ride he thought to himself.


Hizashi came out of the bathroom with his normal messy bun, red glasses, white jeans, and a black coat. He looked at Shota "Well? Get a move on!" Hizashi laughed as he lifted Shota out of bed, Yua had curled on Hizashi's pillow earlier, "Go! Please, gets some clothes on and let's go-" he drug on the go, he was like a little kid Shota just shook his head and grabbed a bundle of clothes, he went and changed.

When Shota came out Hizashi was whispering to himself, Shota grabbed at his black turtleneck and walked over to Hizashi. "Are you okay Zashi?" He rubbed Hizashi's back, Hizashi's green eyes were like a pasture of fresh grass, green and sparkling with dew. "Sho..." Hizashi placed his hand on Shota's cheek lightly tracing the scar. "I'm sorry for what that... thing did to you, she hurted you and I just watched like an idiot... I'm sorry I got you in this mess, I-" Hizashi started to cry he buried his head in thhe collar of Shota's turtleneck. Shota spoke lightly.

"Hush, it's fine Hizashi, no matter what happens I will stay with you, you mean so much to me, I will be here until we both go." Shota hugged Hizashi with one arm and stoked his back softly. "Lets go get our kid"

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