《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 14


A few days pass, in those days Hizashi had his fun and Shota enjoyed it too, but today was special is was Shota's birthday, he had called in work saying he was sick and could so overtime when he was better... that was a lie he was as fit as a fiddle. Hizashi had left for work a little while ago said he was only working half time today. Shota smiled at the thought of the blond, he loved him with every fiber in his body. Shota sat down on the couch with a bowl of cereal and watched TV, waiting for his boyfriend to come back home.

It was late, around maybe 8 pm when Hizashi finally came home "Sho! I'm home!" He yelled, he had this thing were he could tell loud and it wont hurt his voice. "Shut up, I'm right here you dumbass" Shota groaned as he lifted off the couch. His hair was pressed to his face, "Hey sleepy head," he sat on the couch hiding a special box behind him, luckily Shota didn't see it. "Happy Birthday!" Hizashi said excitedly and squeezed Shota in his arms "Thanks" Shota managed to cough out from the bear hug. Hizashi pecked Shota's lips and handed him a large box, it had holes in it "What is it..?" Shota asked, Hizashi just motioned him to open the box.

Inside a small black kitten was asleep, it's left eye had a huge white spot under it, it took up most of the kitten's cheek. Shota gently lifted the kitten and held it to his chest "Zashi... you didn't have too, she's beautiful.." He stroked her small body soothingly, "that's not all... Mr. Yamada...." Hizashi got down on a knee and held a small red box "I've been thinking about this for awhile, tying to find the perfect timing but I couldn't wait no more! I want you to be mine forever... what do you say? Will you marry me...?" Shota sat the kitten down, who was now awake and trying to meow, Shota got on eye level with Hizashi "You big idiot, yes of course" He grabbed Hizashi and pulled him into a hug, Shota kissed Hizashi's lips then showered his whole face in kisses, Hizashi slipped on the wedding band "I love you, Shota... Yamada." Shota saw Hizashi's eyes light up when he said that, they were like a sea of emeralds in the glowing sunlight. "I love you too Hizashi."


The kitten, they named her Yua meaning binding love, stumbled around and meowed softly in both of their arms. Hizashi squeezed Shota's waist and fell asleep on the couch. Shota placed Yua on a pillow inside the box, this was so she wouldn't get hurt on make a mess on the floor. Shota crawled back into Hizashi's loving arms, he felt warm and happy... He felt... Safe...

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