《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 12


"Sho...?" The man on Hizashi's lap turned "Yeah...?" His bleak eyes stared at Hizashi "You know I love you right" Hizashi placed his hand on Shota's cheek "Mhm" Shota's eyelids got heavy, they started to close. "Goodnight Sho" Hizashi picked Shota bridal style to their bed, Shota fell asleep immediately. Hizashi took off Shota's turtleneck sweater and jeans, and slipped him into shorts, he still don't want Shota to over heat again. Hizashi draped the blanket over Shota, he snuggled into a ball like a small child.

Hizashi undid his bun and took a shower. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. The shower was nice, warm. He dried his hair, it was warm and frizzy from the hair dryer. Hizashi slipped on some pajama pants and covered up next to Shota, he was like Hizashi's little personal heater. I'll have to clean his wound tomorrow, I can't let it get infected... he'll lose his vision if it does... Hizashi squeezed Shota tight till Shota groaned. Warm tears fell of Hizashi's eyes. He stopped thinking those terrible thoughts and clamped his eyes close hoping to go to sleep.

Shota woke up to Hizashi snoring and mumbling in his sleep, 8:23 am... I'm up early... Shota sat up but Hizashi arm that was apparently wrapped around his waist held him down "Don't go Sho, stay here, please" Hizashi croaked, Shota laid back down and faced Hizashi's tired face. Hizashi placed his hand on Shota's ass. "Can't we just stay in bed it's too cold to do anything" Hizashi whined "I have to clean my cut dummy, I'll be back" as soon as Shota moved Hizashi spoke "I can do it, I want to help you as much as I can" Hizashi got up and went to the bathroom grabbing a new pad a gauze and a cleaning wipe from the first aid kit, and a whole lot paper towels in case it started to bleed. Shota sat on the edge of the bed and Hizashi grabbed a chair.


Hizashi gently pulled off the gauze, the cut was deep, ragged, but bled very little. His eyes stung as tears formed, Hizashi wiped them away before Shota saw them. "This might hurt, grab onto the bed or even me if you need too" Hizashi started to dab the cleaning wipe into the wound, not putting a lot of pressure. Shota grabbed onto Hizashi's knee. His fingers got tighter. "All most done" Hizashi whispered as he placed the pad over the burning hot cut. He pushed it down a little and wrapped the gauze around it, the cleaning wipe made it's way to a trash can.

Shota grabbed Hizashi and pulled him back to bed, they both laughed. Hizashi ruffled Shota's hair making it go everywhere, Hizashi laughed and the raven hair man fixing his hair. Shota got payback and did the same thing to Zashi' s wavy hair (from his bun) "Uncool man, uncool" Hizashi flipped his hair back. Shota laughed "I'm sorry but that's called payback where I come from" Hizashi grabbed Shota and held him close, Shota could hear Hizashi's fast heart beat. It was soothing... relaxing... Shota had fallen asleep...

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