《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 11


The cut burned, Shota was in his bathroom with the door locked, knowing Hizashi would come in,

(⚠️slight Gore warning⚠️)

The blood poured into the sink, the cut was really deep, it looked like it was cut with and actual knife, he cleaned the wound, the sting, it was unbearable, Shota let out a small groan as he kept cleaning, once it had finally stopped. He was light headed but managed to put a pad and a gauze over it.

(⚠️Gore warning over⚠️)

Shota opened the door and saw Hizashi on the bed sitting there and waiting, he got up and hugged Shota, he let out small cries, "I-I'm so sorry S-Sho, I didn't think she would ever come back. I'm s-sorry she hurted you and I didn't do a-anything, I'll never t-take her back, I only l-love you and o-only you" Shota pulled Hizashi's face off his shoulder, he wiped Hizashi's tears with his thumb "I love you too, you idiot" Shota kissed his cheek.

The next morning, Shota woke up right against Hizashi, he didn't remember walking in his room. Shota rolled over to face Hizashi, his eyes were puffy was that from last night..? Shota poked Hizashi's chest, he was sleeping like a rock, he won't get up anytime soon Shota rolled back over and got out of bed, he was In black shorts, "I don't own shorts... I dont remember wearing these" he just shrugged and walked to the kitchen, it was Saturday so they both were off, Shota looked inside the fridge, "God damn" it was almost empty, either of them got groceries yesterday... Shota went to his room and changed into some warm clothes, and wrote an note for Hizashi just in case he wakes up before Shota gets back.

Hizashi woke up around 12, his eyes stuck shut from tears. When he opened his eyes he saw Shota was gone "Shit!" Hizashi got up fast and began looking for Shota, Shota had passed out last night after he cleaned his wound. He lost a lot of blood... He was overheating too so Hizashi took all of Shota's clothes off, except the boxers and threw on a pair of black shorts, that way Shota was cool and would bicker if Hizashi had given him blue or white shorts.


Hizashi looked in Shota's room, wasn't there,

His bathroom, nope, the kitchen and living room were empty, but a notecard stuck to the fridge had caught Hizashi's attention. Going to the store since you forgot to yesterday, be back soon. Shota's handwriting was small and kinda loopy. "Okay, breathe Hizashi... he'll be back soon" Hizashi sat on the couch, he was impatient all of a sudden, he didn't want Shota to black out again and get hurt...

The door clicked open and Shota stepped in, the bags crinkled under his arms, Hizashi rose up from the couch "Are you okay? Do you need help?" He was worried "yes, and yes, there's some still in the truck." Hizashi stepped into his winter boots and grabbed the rest of the bags. When Hizashi came in he was blue and cold, it had dropped a lot outside and was super cold. He put the bags down and wrapped around Shota to warm him up. "Dont you know not to go outside in the cold in shorts and a tanktop?" Shota laughed as he took off the fluffy coat and wrapped it around Hizashi. Shota pecked Hizashi's cold lips "go sit down, I'll handle the groceries." Hizashi sat on the couch, holding the coat around him tightly. Once Shota was done he sat on the couch and cuddled Hizashi, the two were warm in no time..

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