《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 10


2 months have passed since Hizashi and Shota started to date. It was going great, Shota finally kicked Hizashi's ass once he could move again. The two became almost un-separable, Shota had found him a small job at a café that pays pretty good. Hizashi was proud Sho finally decided to stop being lazy.

It's was around 10:52 pm when both of them got home, Hizashi had a small sale going on and Shota always came home around this time, he was a barista and he had the all day shifts so he could get more money.

The wind was cold and little white flecks fell from the sky. Hizashi stopped outside and watched the snow "Are you okay Zashi?" Shota asked confused. "Just watching the second most prettiest thing ever" Hizashi looked into Shota's eyes, his green eyes sparkled like it was snowing right inside his eyes. Hizashi grabbed Shota, "You're the most prettiest thing ever" Hizashi pecked Shota's lips "God, have you been reading romance novels or some shit? That was really sappy" Shota smiled, snow dotted his black hair. Hizashi laughed and opened the door, the lights flickered on. A figure stood in the shadow, it was female judging by how thin it was and a few curves the shadows traced.

The shadow lady stepped out. "Nemuri! What are you doing here?" She laughed as she rolled her long black hair in her fingers, she batted her blue eyes. "I missed my Hizashi. I got tired of the other guy.. He was a.. hmm what should I say... a simple whore? Or something along those lines." Shota squeezed through Hizashi, Hizashi was just standing in the doorway blocking it, Nemuri looked at Shota "Who are you, dear" Hizashi could see Nemuri's teeth clench mid- sentence. "Im-" Shota got cut off "This is Shota Aziawa, my new roommate. We both just got off work and were walking home"


Hizashi gave Shota a small smile and looked back at Nemuri "Nothing more" Shota dreaded those words, even though he had to hide the truth about him and Hizashi for some reason it hurted Shota really bad. Nemuri walked forward and shoved Shota away "Well goodnight Shita, me and Hizashi have to talk and get to know each other again " Hizashi panicked a little. "Nemuri, sweetie, why don't you just go home, I'm pretty tired to talk right now" Shota was mad, he didn't care about the acting thing he couldn't stand Hizashi calling someone else Sweetie or some sappy shit he could come up with

"Yeah, why don't you go home" Shota barked back. Nemuri, of course didn't like Shota's tone, she walked towards him "what did you say, Shita?" She grinned cruely "I said, Leave. Right now. Or I'll make you." Nemuri laughed "what are you going to do, throw pillo-" Shota threw her on the ground and pinned her down "Last warning" Shota barked. Hizashi tried to split them up but was pushed away but Shota "Guys, please just stop, there's no need to fight" Hizashi whined "shut up Zashi, she started this and I'll finish it" he looked at Hizashi, he saw sadness in his eyes, but Shota didn't care not now at least.

Nemuri snickered as she broke Shota's pin and threw the first punch, it hit right on his jaw and in a few movements Shota was pinned. Nemuri traced the skin beneath his left eye, her sharp cat-like nails started to trace an area under his eye "This is for talking back to be in such a rude attitude" her nails dug into the flesh, they were like little knifes, pain washed over his face his eyes burned, her nails were deep in the flesh. She cutted along her trace marks, it was going to leave a scar, a really bad scar. Right when she was done butchering Shota's face, Hizashi grabbed Nemuri and threw her off him "leave my Sho alone, I think you should leave and dont come back or I'll call the cops" Hizashi took her outside, but before she decided to leave, she kissed Hizashi, it was long but he didn't enjoy it "You're dating guys now, Hunny you've really downgraded, you know where to find me if you want real fun again"


Hizashi ran inside and locked the door, he looked on the floor trying to find Shota but he wasn't anywhere to be seen...

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