《The Protected One》S h e I s


After a while of convincing,

Benjamin was taking me somewhere on his motorcycle.

I asked where we were going and got a simple "hold on tight" in response.

Although I was scared at first, soon the feeling of the nights wind felt amazing.

There was no traffic and I felt a sense of liberty.

I felt at ease.

Knowing Benjamin was here with me made me feel better as well.

I felt safe around him.

I sighed and lied my head on his back, and enjoyed the scenery that passed by us.

The city at night.

I felt the motorcycle come to a stop and Ben say "we're here."

I got off the motorcycle and looked around.

Woods almost.

"Are we in the woods? I ask.

"Something like that." He answers.

"But this isn't what I wanted to show you."

"Follow me," He says reaching his hand out and I take it.

We began climbing a few hills, before he speaks.

"This is my little hideout." He says.

I look ahead of us and my mouth opens agape.

A waterfall.

"Ben this is, beautiful," I say taking a seat on one of the rocks.

"You think so? He asks.

"Of course. How'd you find this place?

"I don't know when things got hard, I just ran away here. It became my thing." He shrugs.

"What happened? I ask turning to him.

"Just some things with my family."

"Oh." I say.

"You're the first person I actually bought up here."

"Really? Or are you just playing with me?

He puts his hands up in surrender.

"It's the truth. I like to be here alone. Where no one can bother me." He says.

"What makes me so special? I ask.

"You're the only person I really wanted to know about this place." He answers.


I turn to look at him to see him already looking at me.


Before I could finish, my phone ringing cuts me off.

It was Sophia Alice.

We had to get home.

"Its Sophia Alice. I've gotta go." I say standing up.

"Okay. I'll take you." He says following me.


"Thanks for taking me to your secret place. It means a lot." I say getting off.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." He shrugs.

"Right I'll see you at school."

"You too, Karol." He smiles.

I turn around and make my way into the house, and close the door.

"Soph?" I call out.

"I'm upstairs! I hear.

I practically skip up the stairs.

I find her in her room already in her pajamas.

"You won't believe where I was! I gush to her.


The next morning I wake up to my alarm clock. Another school day, fantastic.

I sigh and head over to bathroom and do the usual.

I decided to wear this today.

I made my way downstairs, and sat on the couch skipping breakfast today. I wasn't that hungry.

I grabbed the remote and turned it to MTV.

Cat Fish was on.

"Frankie." I heard a voice say.

I turned around.

"Aren't you going to come eat breakfast? Xander asked.

"I'm not hungry, I say turning back to my show.

"Frankie. I'm not asking you. We eat as a family." He says sternly.

I turn back to him.

"I'm not feeling really well. I just feel like if I eat now, I'm not going to be able to keep it down," I say making my baby voice.

"Ok. But make sure to eat at lunch." He says.

"I will. Claude's coming with me." I smile.


"Good." He smiled back.

I hear Felix scoff and mutter "She has you wrapped around her little finger."

I smile to myself and continue watching tv.



"You ready Daniels? I ask Claude as we walk to the student parking lot.

"Always." He shrugs opening the car.

We hop in and I sit in the front and put my bag in back.

"So , my bright and handsome bestie, where are we off to? I ask.

He chuckles.

"That, my bright and beautiful bestie, is up to you." He says.

"Oh ok. Let's do Panda Express?

He nods his head.

"Chinese it is," He says pulling out of the parking lot.

When we arrive to the restaurant there's only 2 people in front of us.

We order our food and we take a seat.

"What'd you do at the party yesterday? Claude starts convo.

I open my noodles.

I don't think I should tell Claude I was with Benjamin.

He's my best friend and I know I can tell him anything, but he already doesn't like Ben.

"I just hung out around the back, you? I ask.

"I didn't do much. Definitely wasn't one of Dionne's best parties." He said.

I nod my head while eating a forkful of noodles.

"Agreed." I say.

"How's your mom? I ask.

"She's doing good. She asks about you." He chuckles.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her in a bit." I comment.

"I know." He says.

We sit there in an comforting silence and eat our food.

I look over to the window.

Two guys sitting in their cars clearly staining at Claude and I.

I looked back at them and they didn't even try to hide the fact that they were staring .

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Claude.

"So when are you going to ask out Dionne? I rush out.

Claude choked on his noodles.

"What? Dionne?!" He gasps.

"Uh yeah Dionne."

"Dionne Yorke?"

"No Dionne Los Angeles." I say.

He chuckles.

"I don't feel anything for Dee." He says using the nickname almost everyone called her.

"I dunno. You guys would be cute together." I trail.

"Frankie. Just stop." He sighs with a small smile.

I shrug my shoulders and look out the window.

Those 2 were still looking at us.

I scoff.


"Those 2 dudes have been staring at us for like the longest." I say.

Claude turns to look out the window.

All the color visibly fades from his face.

"Frankie, we should go." He says getting up.

"What? We just got here? I say.

"Frankie you need to get up. Like right now!" He says sternly.

Then my life forever changed.

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