《The Protected One》I n A l l


"What time is Sierra getting here? Sophia Alice asks.

"She's going to be parked by the Walmart and she's going to come a few minutes after I text her that the boys are gone." I explain to her.

She nods her head.

The boys made it pretty clear that we weren't welcome to the party.

To play it off, we listened no problems caused.

Xander, Dylan and Tomas are working so we didn't have to worry about them.

Sophia Alice began putting her makeup on on, and I began picking out my outfit.

There was a knock on my door and I ran to my bed and pulled the covers to my chin.

"We don't want to talk to you guys! Sophia Alice faked annoyed.

"Okay. But we're going." Marco said.

"Whatever." She called.

"Oi Sophì Ya sé que estás molesto. Lo siento pero no puedo dejarte ir." He says.

"oh tú puedes simplemente no quieres." She says back.

There was a sigh from the door.

"Bye." He calls.

Sophia Alice rolls her eyes while mixing powder on her face.

Once I hear the door slam, I leap out of bed to put on my outfit.

I had on a white bandeau top and white shorts.

Meanwhile Sophia Alice was wearing a jumpsuit.

When we were all done, I texted Sierra and we waited for her.

After hearing a couple of honks we were excitedly on our way to the party.


"Remember stay clear of Felix and Marco. I'm going to find Chris. Bye." Sophia Alice smirked.

I nodded my head.

"Girl you going to be okay on your own looks Davion is calling my name."

I look over to where's she looking and I nod my head.

"Go get him girl!


She walked off and disappeared to the crowd.

Now I was alone.

I decided to go into the kitchen and find myself something to drink.

I grabbed a sprite since I couldn't be drinking.

I was only a few sips in when I felt someone behind me.

"Your brothers know you're here, Frankie?

I turn around.

"No, and you're not going to tell them.

Claude nods his head.

"Of course I won't. What do I look like snitching on my bestie." He says

"Exactly." I agree with him.

"But please, be careful Frankie. Don't leave your drink unattended, stay sober, and take care of yourself, okay? Claude asked looking into my eyes.

At times it felt as if Claude was my 6th brother.

He always made sure to look after me as when, but he treated me as a best friend.

He wasn't crazy overprotective like my brothers were.

"I will, Claude." I reassure him.

"Okay." He says after a moment passes by.

"I'm going to hang with the guys, careful okay? He says pecking my cheek.

"Okay, I will." I say.

I watch as he exists out of the kitchen, and again I'm left alone.

I sigh and pull out my phone and start to scroll.

There wasn't much to see considering everyone was at this party.

I put my phone into my back pocket, and decided to roam around outside.

Dionne's house was huge. Maybe the same size as ours and she only had a brother.

I took a seat on the long bench that was in the back and looked at the view of the pool.

I was in my own little world when I felt someone sit beside me.


"I didn't expect you to be here." He says.

"Really? Why not? He asks.


"I don't know. I've never really seen you much at past parties.." He said.

There was a reason for that.

Felix, Ben, and Marco use to all be friends.

Sophia and I always avoided them at parties , for obvious reasons.

Then all of the sudden they stopped hanging out and developed this hatred for him.

They never said why though.

"I'm there. You just have to look."

"Oh I look. I just can never seem to find you. Almost as if you're avoiding me."

"I'm not. I promise." I say looking at him.

He smiles and nods his head.

"Good." He says.

We sit there in silence for a moment before I decide to speak up.

"So why don't you, Marco, and Felix hang out anymore? I ask.

He sighed.

"That story if for another time." He says.

"Why won't anyone tell me. Look i get it if you guys had a falling out but why can't you guys just tell us. It's been months." I say.

"Look Frankie, it's really really complicated. I'll let your brothers tell you when they're ready to. If they get the chance to."

The last part he says lowly.

"What? I ask him.

"Nothing. Want to dance? He asks.

I shake my head and give him a frown.

"I'm sorry. I can't. Can't be seen by my brothers." I explain to him.

"Oh. That's why I never seen you at parties. You're avoiding your brothers."

I nod my head


He chuckles.

"I understand." He says.

Does he really?

"So do you plan on just hiding back here the whole night? He asks.

"I don't know. I honestly thought this party would be better. Guess not." I say playing with the necklace on my neck.

I've had this necklace since I was 5 years old.

Sophia Alice and I had the same one.

Xander gave it to us on Christmas.

And kept the key that unlocked it somewhere, it didn't really matter.

We always wore it.

I saw Benjamin eye balling my necklace.

"That's a nice necklace you've got." He says reaching out to touch it.

"Thank you. I've had it since I was 5."

"I know." He says lowly that I almost didn't catch it.

"Excuse me? I ask him.

"Your brothers have mentioned the necklace before. I just never saw it." He says.

"Oh." I nod my head.

I didn't know my necklace was a topic of their conversation before.

"Come with me." He says standing up and extending his arm out.

I stood up and took his hand.

"Where are we going? I ask.

"I won't let you sit here bored. I'm going to take you somewhere." He says.

"Where? I ask.

"It's a surprise." He says.

I thought about it for a minute.

"I don't know, Ben." I say.

"Oh come on. Why would you even bother sneaking out, if you're not going to have any fun?

He was right.

"Fine. But I have to text Sophia Alice and Sierra to let them know." I said pulling out my phone.

He nods his head.

"Okay. Let's go." I say.

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