《The Protected One》B e a u t y


It was currently Thursday morning and I was getting dressed for school.

Living in Florida, the weather was already hot. It just got hotter and hotter by the second. we were only in February

So for my outfit I just wore a shirt dress with my Air Force 1's.

I made my way downstairs to see that I was the last one to breakfast.

Surprisingly both Sophia Alice and Dylan were downstairs too.

Sophia Alice was seared at the table eating a piece of bacon while Dylan was up getting a plate.

When he saw me he kissed me on the forehead and went past me to get some toast.

I put some fruit on my plate , and then loaded up on the bacon.

It was my way of keeping a "balance"

Felix got up to put his dish in the sink before looking at me and scoffing.

"Ugh Frankie, what the hell? Go and put some pants on!

I frowned.

"It's too hot outside! I complain.

"Frankie, I really don't care I'm not letting you leave the house like that. One little arm movement and your ass is out." He continues.

I turn around and wave my arms like a crazy person, and reach to the highest shelf I can to prove that that statements not true.

"That was cute. Go change." He simply says folding his arms.

"I'm not changing, Felix." I say.

"Frankie. Listen to Felix and just go change." Marco buts in.

"You shut the fuck up." I say my voice dropping in attitude.

"Frankie! Watch your damn mouth." Felix says crossing his hands over his chest.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I was really pushing it.

"Now go change." He says pointing to the staircase.

I stood there for a moment.


"No." I said.

Wow. I have NEVER done that before. Felix is about to whoop my ass.

I hear a couple of forks drop and look over to see everyone staring at Felix and I.

I turned back around to see Felix staring at me intensely.


I farrow my eyebrows.

"Okay?" I ask.

"I'll just ask Xander how he feels about it."

"XANDER!" He calls.

"FINE I'm going! I say.

He chuckles in victory.

It took everything out of me not to flip him off.

Lord knows I wouldn't live to see tomorrow if I did.

I went up to my room and looked through my closet to find something new to wear.

For the longest I couldn't find anything.

"Frankie lets go! I hear Marco call.

I sigh and settle for a short sleeve shirt and a skirt.

I made my way down the stairs and get a thumbs up from Tomas whose on the couch.

I give him a smile and close the door.

I make my way into the car as I see Marco laughing at the fact that he beat Felix to shotgun.

Felix is standing out side of the door trying to get Marco to move.

Sophia Alice and I take this as an opportunity to fill up the seats by the windows.

But of course Felix takes this an opportunity to literally push me to the middle.

"What's your problem? I ask.

He ignores me and just looks out the window.

Rude ass.

I roll my eyes and scoot closer to Sophia Alice.

And that pretty much how the car ride went.


When we arrived to the school, I wasted no time in pushing Felix out the door.

"Push me again and I'm going to beat your ass." He says hurrying past me.


I rolled my eyes.

I'd love to see him try.

I made my way into the school.

I felt hands on my shoulders.

"Hey sis."

I knew that voice.

"Sup Sierra."

Sierra was my girl best friend. We've been best friends for 3 years now.

"Nothing much. Wells got me tripping. He gave me 72% ok my science report." She starts to complain.

I sigh.

"Don't take it personal, he does this to everyone. He gave me a 52 on my science fair project." I say.

"Old dude needs to be fired." She says adjusting her backpack strap.

"Agreed." I say.

"Anyway Dionne is throwing a party tonight! She says getting turnt behind me.

I turn to look at her.

"Dionne's having a party? Awe yes! I squeal.

Dionne Yorke always threw the best parties.

We were friends in Middle school but we feel off.

We still text from time to time , and I trust her.

"Want to come over to my house and get ready together? Sierra asks.

"Yeah, we'll work it out later, alright? I ask.

She nods her head. And walks off in the opposite direction.

Just before i climb the stairs I see Sophia Alice.

I run up to catch her.

"Soph, Dionne Yorke is throwing a party." I tell her.

" I know."

"We're goin right..?" I ask her.

"Of course! She gushed.



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