《The Protected One》C h a n g e s


I looked outside to where his vision was fixed on.

The two guys where now making their way in here.

I hurriedly got up and Claude grabbed my hand and we began running through the store.

Just like that shots erupt around me.

A loud scream comes from my mouth.

Claude pushes me to the floor, and it felt like a spilt second from the time we were on floor,

And from the time we get up and run to go hide behind a wall in a room in the back.

Claude grabs his phone and sends a message to


"Why are you calling my brother? " I ask in a hushed voice.

He ignores me and tells me to shh.

Soon a voice calls "where are they?

"I saw them heading to the back! Another voice calls.

"Frankie lets go, we have to run. Run! He says.

I began to make my way out of the room and start running towards the back exit door.

I'm almost out when a feel a hard tug on my tube top.

I look up to see one of the guys from earlier giving me a murderous look.

My whole body starts to shake with fear.

"Boss I've got her." He says with a thick Spanish accent.

The other one stalks his way towards me.

He walks slowly until he's right in my line of vision.

"Frayhani Karol. Daughter of Francesca Gaines and Armani Karol." He says looking me up and down.

Why the hell is he mentioning my birth parents?

More importantly what does he want with me.

I obviously don't say anything due to the fact that I'm nearly shitting my pants right now.

"You're a gem. Mìchel will enjoy being in your company," he chuckles.

"Angelo, take her." He says walking away.

Before he could do so a voice speaks up.


It was Claude.

Did he know him?

The guy who's name I just found out is Samuel chuckles.

"You again? Ahahah, I thought me giving you that beating was lesson enough for you?

So they do know each other.


"Let her go! Claude pleads.

"And who's gonna stop me? You? You, a pathetic teenager? He asks.

Claude takes a step forward but stops when the guy whose holding me moves faster and suddenly I feel something cold against my head.

Tears ran down my face. You didn't need to be a genius to know what it was.

I took this as a chance to look around.

The restaurant had been completely destroyed and the few people that were here, were either hiding or gone.

"I'd suggest you stay there unless you want to see her body matter everywhere." The one holding me said.

I felt so weak in this position.

I'm about to be kidnapped, and I haven't even tried to escape.

I was too scared.

He was holding a gun to my head.

"Samuel. You know-" Claude starts but is stopped by a beeping on his phone.

He simply looks at his phone and back up at us again.

What the hell is he doing.

He mouths a sorry and starts to back up.

And runs out the back door.

At that moment my heart literally dropped.

Did he just leave me?

When someone is pointing a gun to my head and about to kidnap me

He leaves me.

A sob leaves my mouth realizing what just happened.

I can't believe he left me in here.

He left me for dead.

Laughter erupts for the twos mouth.

I let out another cry and almost fall to my knees, but the one holding me keeps me in place.

"You see how pathetic that one is? He asks as if he isn't holding a gun to my head right now.

"Angelo, take her, they'll be here any second." Samuel says.

That's when I head it.

A click of another gun.

"You know after Sofia, I didn't think you'd show your face again." A voice says.


I turn around to be met with Xander holding a gun to Samuels head.

What the holy hell is going on?

"If there's on thing about me, it's that I always bounce back," He says pointing a gun to Xander's head.


I gasp leaves my mouth as the one holding me removes the gun from my head and points it to Xander, while still holding me.

Only for Dylan and Tomas to emerge from corners and hold point their guns at the one holding me.

"Let her go, Samuel." Xander speaks.

"This is between me and you. Not my baby sister." He hisses.

"Nobodies off limits, Almarack. This is the mafia." He spits.

Wait a damn minute.

The mafiaa?

"You already know my men are stronger, faster, and more powerful than yours. I think you know what you're getting yourself into."

"You think that matters to us? I want nothing more but to see you drop dead. If that means a few bumps in the road than so be it." The one holding me says putting the gun back to my head.

"You take my baby and I will rain hell on each of your lives. I'll have your mothers, wives, and kids touched. It'll be Sofia 2.0" Xander's voice is laced with venom.

I hear laughing before an excruciating pain before I black out.

Total blackness.


I sat up out of breath but immediately sat back down due to banging pain going on inside my head.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. You're okay," Tomas soothes.

I look around. I was in my room.

Then it all came back to me.

The restaurant.

The gunshots.

The two men.

Claude leaving me.

My brothers being in the Mafia.

I shook my head.

That's impossible. My brothers can't be in the mafia.

But then the image of them holding guns and talking about what happened in Sofia reappeared in my mind.

My eyes started to swell with tears.

This was all so surreal.

"You're okay now. Don't worry." Tomas tried to hug me, but I moved away.

Who knows how long ago, Tomas was holding a gun.

A gun.

Tomas tried to mask the look of hurt and sadness on his face, but failed.

"How long have I been out? I ask looking at my door.

"Almost 3hrs." He whispers.

"Where's Sophia Alice? I ask.

"She's downstairs with everyone. Claude's down there too."

At the mention of Claude's name my heart beat speeds up and the tears make their way down my face.

"I don't want to speak or see Claude ever again." I simply say.


"He left me in there Tomas! He ran out like a coward when a gun was held to my head! I raged.

"He stayed here watching over you up until now. He didn't leave your side since the moment we carried you in the door Frankie. He only went downstairs to get some water."

"I don't care! I don't want to see him. Not now. Not ever! I say wiping angry tears from my face.

"Okay. I get it." He says.

We stand there both in silence for a hearing the light discussion downstairs get louder and louder until I hear Felix shout:

"We should have been more careful! Of course they're targets. Their our little sisters. Look at who their parents are!

"Watch how the fuck you speak to me. Do I have to remind you who's in charge? " I hear Xander say.

I shake my head.

This was all bull.

This whole thing wasn't making sense.

"I'll go tell Xander you're awake. He'll explain everything to you." Tomas simply says before walking out of my door.

At that moment my phone goes ping.


I know I'm the last person you want to see and hear from, but please hear me out. I'm sorry. I'll explain everything once I can.

I ignored his message.

But my phone beeps again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

I take a peak at them.


I did what I had to.

I'd never do anything to hurt you purposely.

Just remember that you're my best friend, and I love you endlessly.

I'm really sorry.

I roll my eyes and block his contact.

Everything is BS.

I hear a knock on my door and Xander opens it up.

"Let's talk." He says.

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