《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》16


Two days later was a horrible day.

We all wear black clothes and Hermione has thick bandage around her stomach, beneath the black fabric of her dress.

"Shall.. shall we go everyone," Henry asks. We nod and walk our way down to the town. I hated this.. because this was all our fault. If we just stayed somewhere else, this town wouldn't be hurt like this. Dolohov even said it was because of us!

Hermione rubs my arm in that soothing way that nobody else can. "What are you thinking about?" "This.. this all, all those deaths.. it's all our fault," I whisper with tears freely streaming down my face. I already gave up on concealing them.

Hermione wipes them away with her soft fingers. "It isn't your fault. One day or another this would have happened.. we can't deny that and that's why we trained. There are deaths but relatively very less. That was because we have trained for this. This isn't your fault Draco, neither mine or that of your parents!"

Before I can protest she kisses me. "And now shut up about that, okay love?" I nod quickly, obeying my fiancée.

We enter the heart of the town and a couple of white wooden coffins stand on small platforms. There were beautiful flowers layed down on each one of them. Hermione hugs me around my waist and we watch the funeral going on. A lot of people cry, me included.

"Everything will be fine," she whispers in my ear. I nod and bury my nose in her hair. The delicious scent of roses and candy. "I don't think so love.. we have to fight in this war, don't we?" "We will, but we will win, because we have something to fight for."


"What is it?" "Love.. and our son. Our little family." I kiss her head and close my eyes, enjoying the intense moment.

"I already told the others a war is coming. They all want to fight, you know why?" I shake my head as reply. "Because they also have something to fight for, something they want to defend. Their family, their loved ones.. even the dead people in those coffins. We will all fight against You-Know-Who."

"Why are you saying that name again?" "Because the barrier is broken so we can't defend ourselves anymore?" "Oh.. yeah, that makes sense."

We walk back to the villa and everyone begins to pack their stuff. We would send Scorpius to Grimmauld Place 12, together with Fleur and her newborn daughter with Bill, Victoire. She would care for him while we would fight and eventually Andromeda Tonks would join them with little Teddy Lupin.

Lily begins to cry when we really have to leave. Henry tells her they will return after the fight and hugs his daughter. I look at my parents, my son and my fiancée. Hermione wipes a tear away. I kiss her head for the so maniest time that day.

"Well.. shall we leave," Henry with a gobbet in his throat. We nod and Apparate to Grimmauld Place. There is Bill just kissing his wife goodbye. When he sees us he smiles slightly.

"Hello Hermione, Malfoys, how are you all?" "We just came back from a mass funeral Bill.. how would we feel?" "I'm.. I'm so sorry for your loss," Bill replies, his smile fading away instantly.

"Thank you Bill," Hermione whispers. Narcissa hands Scorpius over to Fleur. She smiles slightly at us and looks then at me and Draco. "Do you want to say goodbye?"


Hermione and I walk over to our son and Hermione kisses his forehead. "Goodbye little man, if something happens to us.. always remember mummy and daddy love you," she says, her voice full with emotion.

I press her to my chest and she begins to cry out loud. I kiss Scorpius on his head and mumble some words to him. Then.. it was really time to say goodbye. It was 1st of May now and tomorrow we would join Potter and his crew.

Yes, really exciting..

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