《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》15


Dolohov grins at us. "Ah, I see. The Malfoys were hiding with their little Mudblood here.. where is your dead child, Malfoy," Dolohov asks with a sneer on his face while looking at Draco. I point my wand at Dolohov and scream a spell. Dolohov ducks and casts a spell back.

Then: everything goes wild.

Other Death Eaters break through the barrier and begin to attack the little town. Everything was a chaos, dead people lay everywhere and there was a big mess of broken stuff laying scattered all around.

Draco just Expelliarmus-ed Rookwood when a Death Eater attacks me. It was Dolohov again. He hits me with a curse, which slices my stomach open. It was not Sectumsempra.. it was his own curse, as I once experienced during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.

I fall on the ground and while I hear Draco scream over my faith, I lose consciousness.

I watch Hermione fall. Then I look up to face the evil eyes of the man who did this to her.. the man my family once thought of as a friend. Dolohov.

"YOU FILTHY BASTARD! YOU HURT HER!" I hex, jinx and curse everything I know on him. Dolohov falls to the ground when a teenage boy curses a wall next to him to fall down. The wall crushes Dolohov's body.

I felt no remorse for him: he hurt my fiancée, my one true love. About that: I quickly walk over to her body. I hold her by her neck and pull her head up.

"Hermione, Hermione do you hear me? HERMIONE!" "Draco, watch out," father yells. He levitates a bench to catch the spell from McMallan. "Thank you dad! Can you keep her safe?" Lucius nods and levitates Hermione to a Muggle house, the place where we keep the wounded.


A curse flies past my ear which causes it to bleed a little. I turn around and yell "STUPEFY" to the Death Eater. The woman flies backwards and hits with her back a house.

It was just a horror scene. We were winning, but it cost so much.. I felt disgusted when I saw a woman from the town, holding her dead husband in agony and mourning. After the last Death Eater was defeated, the survivors got tied up and I walk over to the Muggle's house where Hermione was.

Lucius is inside, trying to heal her stomach. Henry and Lily stand around her bed, worried expressions on their faces. Henry had his arm in plaster, like I had in thirth year. Lily was not as badly hurt as anyone else with just a cut on her face, above her eyebrow.

"How is she," I ask them. "She is out of danger," Henry replies, but his tone sounds as if he's attending a funeral. "Where are mother and Scorpius?" "Some wizards and witches are getting them out of Mrs Powells house. You know, telling who of their family had died and telling who has survived.." father replies.

Lily starts to cry and Henry pushes her face into his chest with his free hand.

"Dra...dracooooo auuchh!" Hermione tried to speak my name but Lucius had just tried to heal a worse part of her wound. She shuts her eyes tightly and arches her back.

"Hermione, I'm here my love," I walk over to her, kneel down and squeeze her hand. It felt very weak. "I.. know." Then she goes to sleep or she is unconsciouss again.

After some minutes we take Hermione to Henry's house. During our walk we saw a lot of people who are grieving or cleaning the streets of the mess. I lay Hermione in our bed to rest.


We now all sit in the living room and I am rocking Scorpius in my arms. He had slept through all of this, somehow.

"What are our plans now Henry," Narcissa asks. "We don't know. The barrier is broken and it is very difficult to repair again.. especially since.." Patrick swallows and his voice breaks off. I snap my head up to him. "Especially since what?"

"Especially since Mrs Powells is dead. They.. they needed four Death Eaters at once to kill her. She was a fierce woman.. her funeral will be over two days with the other victims. Everyone is welcome."

I nod in disbelief. Hermione had told me stories about Mrs Powells and she was a brave, fierce, modern, nice, kind and resolute woman. She was always there for everyone, always ready with good advise and 'a cup of tea with a cookie', as Hermione said. Just so unfortunate we didn't get to know her better..

I wipe a leaking tear away.

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