《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》14


The winter flew over too soon and it suddenly became spring. Draco and I are sleeping in the bed, or well, for now.

The door opens slowly and a woman walks in. "Hermione, Draco, wake up wake up wake up," the woman shrieks with excitement. Draco growls and buries his blonde head into the white cushions while I pry my eyes open.

"Hi Lily.. why are you waking us?" "Have you forgotten, Hermione? I become 17 this day, I am an adult witch now," Lily shrieks again, jumping up and down at our foot end.

"Of course I didn't forget it Lily, but we both need some sleep.. Scorpius was crying all night long yesterday.." "Take an Energy-Potion then! Please Hermione.. even dad is free this whole day." '

"We will take that potion and come down soon.. I promise." Lily kisses my cheeks a couple of time and hops out of the room.

"Draco, come on, we need to get up," I shake Draco by his shoulders. "Please Hermione.. I'm so tired," Draco mumbles grumpily. I step out of the bed and grab a white bathrobe. "I will get that damn potion and by the time I'm back you sit up in that bed, understood?"

Sometimes, you needed to be hard with Draco, otherwise he will not function to your will.

I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth, brush my hair, put on a bit of make-up(not too much, it looked quite natural) and swallow the potion. It certainly gave you energy! I walk back to the bedroom and throw the potionbottle at Draco, who had obeyed me and now sits up in the bed.

"Draco.. where's Scorpius," I ask, staring with fear at the empty crib. "Mother came to get him. They are downstairs," Draco replies, pulling out the cork.


After Draco and I were all dressed up we walk down the stairs. Lily sits on the ground before the coffeetable, surrounded by presents. I really hadn't forgotten about Lily's birthday, so I already got the presents from me 'and my family' present.

"Happy birthday Lily!" "Thank you Hermione!" "Happy birthday with Lilian, uncle Henry," I kiss my uncle three times on the cheek.

"Lilian," Lucius asks with frowned eyebrows, confusion written on his face. "Yes, Lilian, Lily's full name," I explain. "Ugh, I hate the name Lilian. Lily is much nicer," Lily says. "Don't forget who named you Lillian, young lady," uncle Henry warns warmly, obviously joking.

After Lily opens my present it feels like the house got hit by a tree, combined with the shocks of an earthquake through the floor.

"What's that," Draco asks. "We are being attacked," uncle Henry whispers, shock glazes his eyes. I quickly grab my wand and I and my family run out. Draco puts a protecting arm around me.

We see a big, transparant ball around our town with small sparks drifting in the substance. It was a beautiful sight, but it also caused fear to boil up in me because there are forming little cracks in it.

"Dad, how can this happen," Lily cries out in fear. "I don't know," he replies with the same yelling tone.

Everyone of the town walks out and everyone begins to scream. The magical people grab their wands and try to comfort the Muggles, who were all in shock. Mrs Powells fires a spell in the air.



Narcissa goes and grabs Scorpius and we run down the hill. I look at the dark sky and see some familiar black clouds. Death Eaters.

"They are not going to break through, are they," Draco whispers to me. "I don't know Draco.. I seriously thought we would be safe here."

We end up in the middle of the town and everyone screams and yells. Henry, Lily, Draco, Lucius, Mrs Powells and I stand on a wooden platform. "EVERYONE SILENCE," Mrs Powells orders. You could see how much respect she gets from the town as everyone shuts up immediately.

"Hermione, do you think the Death Eaters will break through?" "I don't think so, but we have to prepare for battle. All the young children and vulnerable people go into Mrs Powells house, to the classroom. That is the safe place, everyone knows how to get there. We will strengthen the protecting charms around that as well."

Everyone nods and goes to get his or hers most treasurable belongings and their children. Some old people go inside the house as well. "Hermione, you should go with Scorpius as well," Draco whispers to me. "Never, Draco. Narcissa, get Scorpius and hide."

Narcissa wants to protest but Lucius pushes her inside the house. After Narcissa is in as last person we charm the house to maximal protection.

"Let's greet those Death Eaters, shall we?"

We walk to the center of the town again and we point our wands in the air. "PROTEGO MAXIMA," we all yell. Our strategy was not based around fighting, it was defending our town. "What now Hermione, Mrs Powells," a woman from mid-30's asks.

"Yes, Hermione," Mrs Powells asks. "We will defend our town as good as possible, but if we have to fight we should do that with all might. Those people are dangerous, ruthless and awful, those people are Death Eaters. Stay strong and we will win!"

Everyone yells in agreement and couples share a, maybe, last kiss. Draco and I do the same. In my eyecorner I see Alexandria grabbing Robbie by his collar and pressing her lips on his. It is an adorable scene which I wanted to grave into my mind, but then, the whole ground shakes and we nearly fall. There was a small opening in the shield and a dark cloud flies through it and lands on the ground, right before us.

It was Antonin Dolohov.

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