《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》13


One of the teenagers crawls over to us while the others are trying spells. She sits down on the cushions next to ours, blushing a little with what seemed like embarrassment.

"Hi Hermione.. it's been long." "Hello Alexandria, how are you dear," Hermione asks the girl. The girl rubs a hand through her curly brown hair and blushes. "Pretty good.. hey, do you maybe have.. flirt tips for me," the girl named Alexandra asks in whisper-tone, blushing more furiously than before.

"Who do you want to seduce Alexandria, you can tell me," Hermione says with a wink to her. The girl looks like a tomate by now and leans in on us. "Robbie.. Robbie Cartwright." "I say.. ask him on a date! Maybe he will say yes?"

"But I'm so scared! How did you do it with Draco," Alexandria asks, ignoring the fact that I sit right next to them. "It.. kinda happened between us, but please Alexandria, follow your heart and do what you want on the pace you want. You don't have to force yourself."

"Thank you Hermione," the girl says and she throws her arms around Hermione's neck, hugging her tightly. She shakes hands with me and crawls back to sit with her friends.

"Do you know that girl maybe," I ask Hermione. "Yes, I have known her since she was 7 years old. We were not really friends but we are friendly." I press a tender kiss on her cheek.

"How nice of you to help her. That's what I love about you." "Haha, well, I love you too," she kisses me back.

"HEY, YOU TWO, STOP THAT MAKE-OUT SESSION AND COME HELPING," Mrs Powells yells with laughter. Everyone looks at us and we blush.


I had to help a couple of students with Stupefy. Well, I had to be their dummy to train on, but it was fun, I never thought helping people would be so much fun. And Hermione was happy too, let's not forget about that.

"Lesson is over everyone. Do your homework and practice the spells, but don't attract the attention of the Muggles. Have a good day." "Good day, Mrs Powells," everyone replies in choir.

Everyone grabs their stuff and leaves the house, but in little groups in a try to not attract people's attention. Mother, father, Hermione and Lily stand with me before the door and I give the old woman three pecks on the cheeks.

"It was really nice to help Mrs Powells," I say to her. "It was nice to meet you in a nice daylight Mr Malfoy, and I can say you have a beautiful son." "Thank you Mrs Powells." "You don't have to thank me for the truth dear."

"Well.. it seems like the truth has gone a little bit out of fasion." "If only we are true to each other we have nothing to fear." With that Mrs Powells closes the door and we leave for Villa Fawn.

"It was really nice there," Lucius mentions to me that evening while we relax on the couches in the living room, close to the warmth of the fireplace. Henry just returned and was eating some microwave food next to us. Hermione and her cousin had gone on a run for some 'bonding time', as they called it for two hours by now.

"Yes.. it had a warm, kind atmosphere there," I say, giving Scorpius the bottle. He had just been crying so I had changed his diapers and was now giving him food.


"It was an amazing experience. I never thought there were little magical schools in England, but I guess I was wrong," Narcissa remarks with a smile.

Lily and Hermione walk inside through the back door by the kitchen, covered in sweat and in their sportclothing. "Hello honey," I stood up and greet her with a kiss.

"Please Draco, you don't want to touch me right now! I'm completely sweaty.. if you all don't mind me, I go for a shower."

I grab her by her hips and whisper in her ear. "May I join you?" Hermione giggles and she slaps my arm. "I don't want another child in my womb for a couple of years, Malfoy, so I say no."

"I know perfect spells to prevent that from happening," I whisper seductively in her ear. "Seriously Draco? I just want to shower and you already want to bang me. What do I have to do to keep you off my body," she asks with played annoyance. I knew she secretly liked it.

I kiss her on her lips and join my parents again, getting Scorpius back in my arms from Lily.

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