《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》12


The whole family, except Uncle Henry, who was already at work, sits at the kitchen table. I hold Scorpius in my arms and give him the bottle while the rest is eating breakfast.

"Sorry guys, but I have to go," Lily asks and she grabs a red apple from the fruitbowl, cleans it on her purple/white blocked blouse and grabs her rucksack. "Have a good day," she says and she walks out of the house.

"Where is she going," Lucius asks confused. "She is going to school," I reply and I take a bite from a piece of pineapple. "School, is there a school here," Narcissa asks with curiosity.

"Yes, but that is a public high school. You have also a 'school' at Mrs Powells' house, there wizards and witches go to study magic, outside of their school hours. She's a great woman, I can remember that she taught me small magic when I was younger as preparation of going to Hogwarts."

"She seems nice." "She is a really kind woman. We can step by at her class of this afternoon if you want." "That would be amazing."

That afternoon we stand before a reasonably large house for one woman. I hand Scorpius over to Narcissa and knock on the door. An old woman with a walking stick opens the door with a big smile on her face.

She wears a yellow dress to her ankles, a jacket made of white whool, goldbrown step-in shoes and her grey hair is in a bun. "Hermione.. my dear. How nice of you to visit me again. Ahh, and these are the Malfoys, I guess," the woman says and she holds her hand out to shake those of the family.

"How do you know who we are," Lucius asks. "You have all the traits of a Malfoy.. and young Miss Fawn told me about her guests," the woman replies with a wink. She signs us to come further.


"Go downstairs please, you know which way Miss Granger."

I grab Draco's hand and lead the Malfoys down on the spiral staircase down. When we reach that, there seemed to be a whole new vibe. The walls and floors were made of wood, everywhere were plants, hanging on the walls or standing on small tables, to make a mystic atmosphere.

"It's beautiful here," Narcissa whispers. Some tiny lights were moving in some small glass balls. It were fireflies.

We walk further and enter through a door made of pinewood. A couple of young teenagers were sitting on cushions on the floor, all wearing a uniform from the school nearby.

"Hermione," all the teenagers yells in choir, excited to see the witch. "Hello everyone, how are you all?" They all yell different things, but it all meant 'great' or 'good'.

Mrs Powells walks in and signs us to a couple of cushions against the wall of the big round room. We sit down and all the teenagers look at us.

"Aren't you all the Malfoys," a boy with pale skin, green eyes and black, messy hair asks. Yes Maxwell, they are. They are my family." "But aren't they all Death Eaters," a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles around her nose whispers. "No, they aren't," Mrs Powells says.

Everyone looks up at Mrs Powells, mostly confused. "People aren't what people always think. Everyone holds up a mask, and who says he or she doesn't holds on that moment also a mask up. These people let their mask fall, decided to desert Voldemort. That needs courage, bravery. They fought and had won. Not literally fought, of course, but mentally. And sometimes, that needs more courage then physical fighting," Mrs Powells says.

"But let us stop thinking about such poetry and high-leveled cases and focus ourselves on the magic. We are now on the point of trying the Patronus charm." The students make themselves ready and Draco takes that time to whisper to me.


"Patronus charm? They are 14-15-16, isn't that too young?" "You need to be able to defend yourself Draco, we all need in these times. Even we, within this strong shield," I whisper back.

"Miss Granger, can you maybe let us see the Patronus charm dear," Mrs Powells asks, attracting our attention. I stroke my sleeves up and think of something nice.

The day Draco kissed me for the first time, the day we created Scorpius.. Scorpius his birth... enough to form a powerful Patronus.

"Expecto Patronum," I whisper. A silvery otter flies out of my wand and jumps around in the air of the room. He puts his nose on Scorpius cheek and Scorpius opens his eyes. The otter jumps further and Mrs Powells strokes the fur.

"Very good Miss Granger. Maybe your lovely boyfriend will give it a try?" Draco looks unsure. "Just think of every happy memory you have.. I thought about our first kiss, us and Scorpius," I whisper, trying to help him. Draco flicks his wand and whispers the words. His Patronus flies out and he laughs when he sees the animal.

"Seriously, a ferret?" "Quite fitting," I laugh.

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