《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》6


Timeskip to: Hermione, when Ronald returns to their group on Horcrux hunt. (By the way, I probably don't have months right with Hermione's pregnancy, but this is just for the plot's sake)

My belly was now fully grown and to be honest, I could go into labor any moment soon. I just didn't warn Harry for this, because he would probably freak out.

But for now, I was asleep, laying between some blankets in a grey sweater. This pregnancy really reduced my energy levels.

"Hermione," Harry yells from the outside of the tent. I open my eyes and look up. "Hermione," Harry yells again. I climb out of the bed and crawl out of the tent.

"Is everything alright," I ask him. "It's fine, well, actually, it's more then fine," Harry replies and he points behind him. I walk up and see.. Ron Weasley, the deserter of our little group.

"Hi," Ron says, smiling rather nervous. I walk up to him and.. throw his bag at him. "You're.. complete.. awful, Ron Weasley! You show here up after weeks, and you say 'hi'?"

I turn around and walk up to Harry. "Where's my wand Harry, where's my wand?" "I don't know," Harry stutters. "HARRY POTTER YOU GIVE ME THAT WAND," I scream at him.

"I don't have it," Harry says quickly, but Ron interrupts. "How's come he got your wand?"

I mumble something in response but then I see something in Ron's hand. "What's that," I ask him.

He holds up a destroyed Horcrux.

"You destroyed it? And how is it that you just happen to have the sword of Gryffindor?" "It's a long story," Harry replies. "Don't think this changes anything," I tell them and I want to walk off. "Of course not, I only just destroyed a bloody Horcrux. Why would that change anything," Ron says.


He calms himself down a bit. "Look, I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn't know how to find you." "How did you find us," Harry asks. "With this," Ron says, and he grabs the Deluminator.

"It didn't just turn off lights, I don't know how it works but Christmas morning I was sleeping in this little pub, keeping away from some Snatchers, and I heard it." "It," Harry asks. "A voice. Your voice, Hermione. Coming out there."

"And what exactly did I say I may ask," I snap at him. "My name, just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it and this tiny ball of light appeared. I knew, sure enough floated toward me, the ball of light, and right to my chest, straight through me. Right here *he holds his hand on his heart*. I knew it's gonna take me where I needed to go, so I Disapparated, came to this hillside. It was dark and I had no idea where I was. I just hoped that one of you would show yourself. He did."

It stays silent for a while.

"You.. you," I want to insult and hurt him so bad right now for everything he put us through.. but I couldn't. Not because I felt guilty for that.. no, it was because I felt wet between my legs, sipping in the denim of my jeans.

In the middle of my storm of words I fall silent, which seems to attract the attention of Ron and Harry. "Hermione.. is everything alright," Harry asks, taking small steps closer to me.

I shake my head and lean against a tree. "Harry.. I think my water just broke," I whisper to him with a high pitched tone. Harry and Ron turn very pale. "Wa.. water bro.. broke," Ron stutters and he seems like he could faint any moment.


"YES RONALD, MY WATER BROKE! I DIDN'T PEE IN MY PANTS SO IT HAS TO BE THAT!" I stumble over to the tent and plump down on my bed.

I breathe and try to relax, but that doesn't really work. Ron and Harry come into the tent as well and search through the books I've packed. Luckily I had a couple of birth-and-pregnancy-books with me.

"Okay.. here says we have to.. hum hum.. pull of your pants and that you have to push and puff on our commands." "You are not watching me without pants," I snap at them. I pull the blanket over the lower part of my body and under that blanket I pull my pants and underwear off.

Harry and Ron sit by my head and each one grabs one of my hands. I breathe and close my eyes tight. "DAMN, WHY DON'T WE HAVE YOUR MOTHER IN THIS KIND OF SITUATIONS, RON," I yell at him.

"I.. I don't know Hermione.. don't yell at me please," Ron stutters. "I YELL AT SOMEONE WHENEVER I WANT TO," I yell again. Ron quickly nods, agreeing with everything I say.

After 8 hours I was finally there. "AAAARRGGHHHH," I scream and finally, something plops out of me. Something cries.

Harry grabs his wand and flicks with it. The mess is cleaned, I had my pants on again and a little baby in a white jumper, light blue pants and white socks flies towards me.

I grab it out of the air and push the little child to my body. I cry slightly and look at Harry and Ron, who just stare with a face full emotion.

"It's my little baby boy," I whisper, tears of joy glistening in my eyes.

"He's... beautiful," Harry says and he strokes the couple of platinum blonde hairs of the baby. "He really is," Ron whispers.

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