《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》5


Some days later I sit at the breakfast table with the Weasleys, pricking with my fork in my eggs and bacon. My ring was already a couple of days cobalt blue.

Draco felt miserable, and I guess that was because I wasn't around.

But that also effected my emotions. I felt miserable because Draco felt miserable about me. Does that make sense? I guess it does.

"Hermione, are you alright," Mrs Weasley asks, squeezing my hand. It kinda reminded me of when Draco does it, but less stronger and less soft. Yes, those two can stand together.

"Yes, I am just a bit dizzy and I've just thrown up. Don't worry, I've cleaned it." "Hermione, maybe you should tell," Ginny says from opposite me. I sit in the middle of Fred and George and they both stare at me.

"Tell what Ginny?" "About.. him," Ginny asks, obviously meaning that I should tell about Draco.

"Okay then.. Listen Weasleys, because I will say this one time. As you all know, I'm pregnant. The father of that child is... Draco Malfoy, my boyfriend of one and a half year."

And there you had it: chaos.

Everyone begins to scream and yell while I take a sip from my orange juice. Ginny smirks at me and I return it, as I learned from Draco how to. Over their screams Ginny asks me something.

"What do you think it is? A boy or a girl?" "I honestly have some idea it will be a boy," I grin. "Oh Merlin, another Malfoy boy. I thought the world had faced enough of those," Ginny sighs playfully.

I burst out in laughter and the screams stop, everyone look at me as if I'm crazy.

"How can you laugh when you're pregnant with a Malfoy,' scowls Ron at me. "Because I am happy with my boyfriend, my fiancé, and my Malfoy child in my womb," I say to him with a sneer.


Ron looks as if that was impossible.

"Hey Hermione, if that child is born and looks like Malfoy, can we dye his or her hair brown for you," Fred asks and his brother George nods eagerly.

"Sorry boys, but none of you touches my child with such intentions," I reply to them with a laugh on my face.

My ring turns a new color. Hmph, what was brown? I grab the sheet with codes on it and search for brown.

"What is that for ring Hermione," Bill asks from across the table. "It is my engagement ring. Draco gave it to me and it shows me his emotions. Hey George, do you see brown on this one?"

"Yes.. yeah, here it is: 'Brown means disgust and hatred'. Probably sees or does something he hates." I giggle behind my fist.

"What is so funny about that," Harry asks. "Because on this moment he probably sees Pansy Parkinson or something like that," I giggle some more. This was comical, you couldn't deny that.

In the evening we have the radio turned on and play boardgames with the whole family. I was paired up with Ginny, Mr Weasley with Mrs Weasley, Bill and Fleur, Harry and Ron, Fred and George and Charlie and Tonks(who had stepped by that evening). Percy was still gone, as he hates his family.

"YES, WE WON," I shriek at the end and Ginny and I high-fived. I was now officially 3 months and I was very happy with that. We fell off the couch and I watched out I didn't fell on my stomach.

Tonks said goodbye and left and we all drink a cup of choco before going off to bed. In that night I dream of Draco, Draco with a little toddler on his shoulders. They smile at me, they could nearly be twins.


Such a good dream.. but that was it, a dream.

Draco wasn't with me right now and in the futuring months he won't be. Probably not even at the birth, but we all knew why.

Harry and Ron wanted me to go on Horcrux hunt with them and I was nearly so far I wanted to go with them. It would be dangerous, but still... I had to help them defeat Voldemort.

Because when the war is over, Draco and I can finally be together. In peace. Raising our child.

Yes, that is my final dream..

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