《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》4


"Dr.. Draco Malfoy? As in Mudbloodhater, son of Lucius and Narcissa, Slytherin Draco Malfoy who hates your guts?"

I press my lips tight in a line and glare at her.

"Sorry Hermione, but what am I supposed to say? This comes completely out of nowhere," Ginny exclaims. "Maybe you were all to thick to see our love over the year," I reply.

"So.. is that where you were yesterday? By Malfoy?" "About that... uhmm.." I blush. "Hermione.. tell me the truth," Ginny commands. Did she know she was really bossy when she did that?

"Okay. The Death Eaters held me at Malfoy Manor. I wouldn't be hurt if Draco.. if Draco killed Dumbledore." "Oh no.. Harry didn't want to say anything about Dumbledore, but this.."

"Draco didn't do it, Snape did, but Draco would do anything to protect me and my little Malfoy." "Little Mal-oh, I see. Do you know what the gender is?"

"No.. I am only two and a half months and I haven't thought about it just yet.." "Are you sure about it Hermione? I mean, you are pretty young."

"I am sure Ginny. I have talked about this with Draco and he wants this as well." "You don't have to do what Malfoy wants, you know?"


"Shall we go inside? You know, they are probably worried about you."

I nod and stand up. Ginny stands in a posture as if she was doubting between helping me or standing there. I giggle at her behaviour and grab her arm.

As if our little fight of just didn't happen, we walk like friends back to the Burrow. Now this is out we could do the lighter things, like gossiping.


The Weasleys look confused when they see us walking in, laughing. "Do you all mind if I take a shower," I ask, being shy under their gazes. They shake their heads and Ginny wants to join them but I grab her arm.

"Can you maybe.. don't tell them? They will go crazy if they know." "I understand your request 'Mione, but someday you have to tell them."

I nod slightly and walk up the stairs towards the bathroom.

"Ginny, what did she say? Who's the father," my mother asks. I sigh deeply.

I wanted to tell them about Malfoy and Hermione, but I couldn't. Hermione had put her trust in me with only telling me.

"I can't tell, Hermione forbid me and I won't play around with her trust in me," I tell them calmly.

I could save Hermione for now, but one day she has to tell them. I mean, she couldn't say nothing about the father of the baby until a blonde, grey eyed mini-Malfoy pops out of her, could she?

I couldn't eat that evening, couldn't drink and couldn't rest.

"Draco, please honey, you have to eat," my mother begs, but I wave her off thoughtlessly. "I am not hungry," I remark with icecold calmth, staring into the nothing.

"Draco, you haven't eaten all day. You look horrible." "Thank you for pointing that out father," I reply. "We know how hard it is for you to not have Hermione around, but if you don't eat or drink you will be dead before you see her."

My head snaps up and I stare in the blue eyes of my mother. "Do you want Hermione to be heartbroken because of your dead, alone with her child on the world," Lucius asks.


Damn, they play with my emotions! They knew how much I hated it when Hermione is unhappy, or how much I love her and my unborn baby.

I quickly grab my knife and fork and begin to eat. I can hear father and mother high fiving under the table. I growl and stuff meat and vegetables in my mouth.

What was Hermione eating by now?

Voldemort enters and I quickly sit up, looking at him. "Hello Malfoys. Hmph.. I miss someone here. Where is your lovely Miss Granger, Mr. Malfoy?"

"I send her away," I reply, my voice turning cold and harsh again.

"And why would you do such a thing to the future mother of your child?" "I didn't want that child. So I abandoned it."

I lie straight away with cold eyes, but I had learned Occlumency by my aunt Bellatrix, so Voldemort couldn't see where I had brought Hermione or that I lied.

"Where did you left her?" "Somewhere in the woods. She is soft and smells sweet, so she is probably already eaten by hungry wolves by now."

This thought hurt me so bad. I couldn't imagine Hermione getting eaten by wolves. This will haunt my nightmares for some time, I already know.. but everything to keep Hermione safe.


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