《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》7


I have the baby against my breast and feed him, with a blanket around me to prevent the boys from seeing too much of me. The little baby makes some noises and I smile down at him.

"You look just like him.. so adorable, my little guy," I whisper to him. "Ragagoegoe," the boy splutters. "Haha, what should I name you? Well.. Draco always talked about one name for a boy. Heh, that was while you were still in my belly.. little one. Your name will be Scorpius, Scorpius Malfoy. We will discuss your middle name later, okay?"

The baby nods and begins to wriggle in my arms. Harry and Ron walk in with berries and herbs in their arms. "You already adore him, don't you," Harry remarks.

"I adored him from the moment he was made," I sigh affectionately. Ron makes a face and I laugh. "Oh boys, I just gave my little man a name. Do you want to hear it?" "Spill it," Harry says with a grin. "Scorpius Malfoy."

Harry and Ron begin to smile. "Beautiful, how did you come up with it?" "Well.. Draco always wanted to name him that if it was a boy.."

I swallow. It was difficult for me to talk about Draco. He didn't even know his son was already born. He didn't know I picked his favourite name for his son. He didn't know anything.

A tear drops down from my face on the one of Scorpius. He makes a strange head movement and buries his face in my chest. "I.. I shall bring him to bed," I stand up and carry Scorpius to his little crib I had packed.

I knew that sometime during our Horcrux hunt he had to be born so I had packed a crib I could easily set and break up. After singing a soft lullaby for him I see that Harry and Ron had left. For the first time in 3 days I look at my ring again. Still cobalt blue. How could somebody feel miserable for so long and still live properly?


I walk outside and see nobody. After walking some further so that I'm through the magical barrier, they show up.. but they were not alone. Two wands pointed at each of them. A man walks over to me and sniffs my hair.

"Hello beautiful.. what's your name?" "Pe.. Penelope Clearwater," I lie. I use a non-verbal spell and Harry's face swells up. He is so swollen up nobody but someone real close to him would recognise him as Harry Potter.

The man grabs me by my arm and pulls me away, pointing his wand at me. Wait.. no, no no no, they were taking us! But I can't leave Scorpius!

Do you want him to be kidnapped either?

No.. I didn't want that.

They Apparate us and we walk over a gravel path to a place I terribly well remember. Malfoy Manor.

The Snatcher holds my hair tightly and pushes me first. Bellatrix greets us and takes us to the living room. Draco's eyes widen when he sees me and his eyes go from my eyes to my belly.

Then, he seems to break.

"Look who we have here Draco, that lovely girlfriend of yours. The one you said you had abandoned with her child.. probably eaten by wolves did you say? Well, for me she seems pretty alive."

"I thought she would be," Draco stutters. "Well, she obviously isn't. So honey, where is your child? The son or daughter of my lovely nephew," Bellatrix asks me. She stands very close and I feel afraid.

"Mi-miscarriage,"I lie.

I risk a look at Draco. Oh Merlin.. no. Draco believed it! He jumps up, letting his chair fall loudly on the floor, and storms out the room in anger. Narcissa quickly runs after him.

What have I done?

(Not Hermione, but Ron gets tortured. Bellatrix thought that losing her child was enough mental torture for her. Ron gets "BLOODTRAITOR" carved in his arm. For the rest nothing changes, Hermione gets threatened with slicing her throat open as well. Now, they will go to Shell Cottage)

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