《The Puppy Project》17| Stubborn Carrot
✅Edited: 2/7/21
"Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me? When will my reflection show who I am inside?" I brought my brush higher, tilting my head upwards as I tried to reach the high note and failed terribly.
Today was Saturday and I've spent the whole day wiping Grumpy's pee, taking him out for his poop session, and practicing tricks.
I found out that Tyrone had him potty trained and there was a small notebook of a schedule on when he likes to eat, what time he usually poops, and some disclaimers that triggers Grumpy's foul mood.
He was currently sleeping on the couch, cuddling to porcupine who has my perfume on it.
Grumpy was still Grumpy but I find it cute how he would stare at me and try to fit himself in anything that I do.
Last night, when I was showering, he kept clawing on the door. He ended up sleeping on the bed with me since he kept doing this cute growling noises at the edge of my bed.
I also woke up three in the morning for his peeing sessions since it was indicated in his mini book.
It was only Grumpy and I in the house. My twin and sister off to hang out with their friends.
I was watching Mulan, trying to inherit her fierceness and courage since I'm planning to talk to the carrot on Monday.
Yes, you read that right. Clearly he's trying and I don't want to be the type of person who holds a grudge. I'm not gonna ask for a friendship or anything, I'll just say I forgive him and walk away, yep, exactly what I would do.
My order of two Hawaiian pizza was on its way. I wanted some greasy food in my stomach because I absolutely deserve it from all the shit that I've been going through lately.
There's no simple logic than that.
The doorbell rang and I let out an excited squeal, not even bothering to change from my potato printed pajamas, bare face, and messy bun.
When the delivery guy finally walked off, I closed my eyes and brought the box closer to get a scent of the pizza.
"Oh baby!" Rubbing a hand on the pizza box."You don't know how long I waited for you!" I flirted, peppering the pizza box with kisses.
"I'm sorry for making you wait then," The pizza box suddenly replied.
I let out a gasp, dropping the pizza on the ground. My eyes widening in disbelief as I eyed the pizza box, I gave a small kick to it but didn't hear a reply.
A loud cough resonated breaking the silence, my eyes drifting to a face I wasn't expecting to see.
"Tyrone?" I gasped out, my eyes widening even more.
I blinked my eyes to see if it was my vision fucking him but no, he stood their with his sinful features. Black ink on view today with his lip ring intact.
He was about to say something before I went inside my house and slammed the door on him.
You forgot your pizza dumb ass.
I opened the door before quickly taking my pizza with me and slammed the door once again.
Yeah, nope, I ain't talking shit to him. That was scheduled on Monday and I have no plan on rescheduling.
"Zoe listen," He knocks on the door, his voice loud and clear."I know you don't want to talk to me."
"Correction, I don't want to ever talk to you again." I snapped, the words somehow slipping out of my mouth in spite.
A few moments of silence before he chuckled."I deserve that." Tyrone says.
I sighed, not wanting to face him."Just go home Tyrone. I'll talk to you on Monday after homeroom." I said, glancing at my pizza box longingly.
Just a few seconds baby.
"No." He replies."I won't leave until you talk to me." He firmly said, making me scowl.
"That doesn't imply to me." I snapped."
"So I guess I'll be the one leaving then." Not waiting for a reply, I made my way back to my couch.
If I stood there any longer, I was bound to give in and I won't. I'm a carrot now and carrots don't waver. I know he'll leave eventually, its starting to get dark anyway.
Nobody waits that long.
"Besides, you already passed the deadline." I mumbled, taking a slice of pizza.
I changed the movie into frozen, cuddling next to Grumpy who didn't move an inch from his position.
The food had me forget every single stress that I had, my mind focusing on the movie and cuddles with Grumpy.
Halfway through the movie, it stared to rain and the first box of pizza was empty. I moved out of the couch, going back to my room and getting my fluffy blanket.
I felt completely relaxed, the rain pelting down loudly. Tyrone was finally gone and I could channel my inner carrot again.
What if he's still there?
I ignored my subconscious.
What if he's waiting in the rain?
What i-
Ignoring my thoughts, I was on my last step of stair when the door opened with a bang. Some of the picture frames on the wall shaking lightly at the force.
I looked like a deer caught in headlights. Mom stood there with a look that I was way familiar with along with Jack, my eyes blinking at the person next to him.
A drenched and shivering motherflying Tyrone Adler stood next to him.
"Zoe!" She hissed, her eyes squinting in an angry manner."How could you!"
"Wha?" I stammered, before scowling."I didn't even do anything!" I defended, walking up to them.
I wrapped the blanket all over me like a burrito."I told you to leave Tyrone." I argued.
Although I wasn't that mad at him, the guilt that entered my system overridden any harsh feelings for him.
Okay, I think this is the cherry on top of the icing.
Who even waits in the freaking rain?
She crossed her arms."That isn't nice Zoe, I thought you better than that."
I could feel myself pout, letting out a sigh and moved towards the shivering carrot. I stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my fluffy blanket around him.
"Its okay ma'am. It was my choice to stay. It wasn't Zoe's fault at all." Tyrone cut in, a slight chatter to his voice.
"You can call me Kate Tyrone." Mom said."Go ahead and take a shower at Neo's room." She nodded at him, pushing a wet lock out of his forehead.
Mom turned to me, making me shrink back."Get him some clothes from Neo's closet."
I saluted her, starting to drag the carrot upstairs. I stopped in my tracks when she stopped us.
"You both better talk it out." She glanced at the both of us, her eyes narrowed."You can't keep hurting each other back and forth."
I felt my cheeks redden, knowing that my mom just gave away the knowledge that she knew what was happening.
Tyrone nodded, a serious expression on his face."That's what I intend to do Kate."
I quickly smacked his back before hauling his fine self upstairs. Mom and Jack walking towards the kitchen.
"I'll go make some hot chocolate!" Mom calls out, making me perk up.
"Am I included in that privilege?" I called out, opening Neo's door.
The sounds of pan banging was my reply.
I grumbled curses in my head or so I thought.
"Stubborn Adler! Who even fricking waits in the rain? Why would he even wait in the rain?" Walking towards the cabinet and handing him some spare towels.
"You do know I can hear you right?" He mused out, his honey eyes staring into my hazel-grey ones.
"Do I look like I care?" I told him."I don't freaking care! Then why the hell am I doing this?" I ask myself, my eyes catching his amused gaze.
"Talk later, shower first!" I demanded, slamming the bathroom door.
I took a simple white shirt and sweatpants in Neo's cabinet. Placing it on his bed before walking to my room.
Plopping myself on the bed in a starfish position, Mr. Arden and Ms. Ardess bouncing slightly.
I let out a sigh, taking a seat at the edge of my bed. My foot tapping lightly on the floor, as the rain continued bashing my window.
I think I fell asleep since I felt someone looming above me. Jerking upwards; I bumped head with the freshly showered head of Tyrone Adler.
"Ow!" I murmured, rubbing the spot before zoning to Tyrone who now sat on the floor.
My mouth watered at the way Neo's shirt strained slightly against his muscles, his tattoos peeking out with a towel slung on his shoulder.
Damn it.
With my feet hanging on the edge of the bed, I crossed my arms, looking down at him as if he was my peasant.
"I said I didn't want to talk." I started, his head nodding in reply.
Taking a deep breath."Then why would you wait in the rain? I told you to go home. We're gonna talk on monday anyways since I already scheduled it but noo, you had to be extra stubborn tod-"
"It was my choice radish." He cuts off, earning a glare from that him biting his lip.
"Who said I was finish speaking? Don't cut me off." He nods immediately."What if you got sick? Damn it! Look at your nose! Its freaking red! Gods! You're not even taking care of yourself properly!" I rambled on, my anger getting the best of me.
Tyrone started laughing, completely shutting me up. He was laughing so hard that his whole frame shook, his eyes closed with his dimples on view.
I could feel my throat drying up. The sound was like a pleasant music to my ears that I could listen to all day.
I wish I could be a carrot and say that I didn't miss that one bit but I'd be a liar and we don't fool with ourselves.
"This isn't the time to laugh." I deadpan, keeping my carrot face on."I'm doing what you want Tyrone. I'm leaving you alone, isn't that what you wanted?"
His laughter immediately ceased, completely sobering up from his humor. There was a shift in the atmosphere and it was an obvious one.
"I want to tell you something first." He starts off, his honey eyes meeting my orbs.
My stubborn self would've said no but then I remembered what Chica said to me and felt myself nod, letting out a sigh.
"I'm sorry Zoe," He softly said, looking at me.
I scoffed,"Sorry? For what Tyrone? For not giving me a chance? Sorry that we can't be friends? Well, don't worry because I already accepted it okay? I understand it perfectly clear now." I replied, breaking eye contact with him.
He stood up before taking a closer step to me and kneeling infront of me with both of his knees, his hands were resting at the side
of my hips completely trapping.
Even though he was kneeling, he still managed to tower me with his height.
"I'm sorry that I lied to you when I told you that you weren't my friend." He softly answered, feeling his eyes on me.
I didn't answer but I could feel something shift in me when he said those words.
He took a hold of my hand,"You probably know that I attended a private school but before I moved, I met a girl, her name was Aubrey Hoen. She was beautiful, down to earth, and smart. We became friends and before I knew it, I asked her to be my girlfriend," Tyrone said, he wasn't looking at me instead at our joined hands.
"I attended a private school before I transferred at Lockhart High and at that time, I had a girlfriend. She was beautiful, down to earth, and smart. Aubrey Hoen, that's her name." He starts off, fiddling with his hands.
Growing confused, I found myself leaning in slightly to listen. I didn't know he had a girlfriend before but I guess there were secrets that he kept a tight lip about.
"We dated for nine months and I was happy, happiest that I've ever been. I didn't know it wasn't reciprocated." He chuckled, as if the memory of it was so stupid.
I couldn't fight the urge anymore and quickly took a seat in front of him, my back leaning against the side of the bed.
"I was in the varsity team, a basketball player and being the captain made my responsibilities more harder. We started to spent less time together and I felt guilty. I decided to surprise her, to make up for what I lacked." He continued.
I didn't like where this was going and I had a gut feeling on what happened but I merely kept quit and let him finish.
"I surprised her at her house but when I went to her room, it was me who was surprised." His whole body was tense but there wasn't any more pain in his eyes, it was more like a saddened gaze.
The sadness that lurk in it had my clenching in pain. It was the type of sadness that made you re-think about your worth, it was the type of sadness that kept you up at night.
I found myself placing my hand on top of his, my lips in a frown. The action had him smiling softly, twisting his palm up to caress my fingers.
"Aron Thompson." It was the guy at the carnival and my suspicions were confirmed.
"He was my best friend, someone I considered my brother and he was the person that Audrey was cheating on me. For months." He shook his head, as if he still can't believe that it actually happened.
"That wasn't even the fucked up part."His eyes met mine, a sad smile forming on his lips."Everyone knew, even my team mates, and nobody told me the truth."
I could feel myself tear up slightly and I was the type of person who can sympathize with anyone, making me prone to getting emotional easily. That's probably why I avoid movies that have dogs, a sick character, or sad past.
Funny how her last is hoe-n, my subconscious muttered.
"I cut off ties with everyone, turning to resent my passion in basketball. I transferred schools. Chica and Jax were already family friends and they took me in their pod."
"I'm sorry that you had to go through that." I murmured sadly, looking down to our hands.
"I didn't tell you to feel sorry for me Zoe." He said."Its to make you understand why I'm such a fucking asshole."
"What are you implying?" I ask. He brought my hand up, placing a soft kiss on my fingers that had me blushing.
"If you want to be my friend. I need you to understand me, to know my ugly past, and accept my asshole-ness."
Honey eyes met my hazel-grey ones.
My mouth fell open slightly. Despite his efforts and obvious display of his opinions changing, it felt alien to actually hear him say it.
"I'm sorry." He said, not wavering his stare from me."That night, seeing you stand up for me like that made me scared because I felt your sincerity in wanting to be my friend. The trauma from my past had me questioning if one day you'd turn you back on me, that you'd hurt me like they did, and that Aron might come after you and try to hurt you."
When I was about to reply, Tyrone shook his head firmly.
"Before you say anything." He starts off."My past doesn't excuse my rude behavior towards you and that's that. I'm an asshole, a fucktard, a jerk, and a carrot but definitely not a liar so please believe me when I tell you that I want you to be my friend."
Tyrone pleaded, his brows were furrowed, his lips twisted in sad frown that had me slumping.
"No," I said, his expression turning into a dejected one.
"Just kidding!" I grinned, making him blink."After all your effort, I think you deserve a chance. Just promise me that you'll tone down on the asshole-ness okay?"
A breathtaking smile formed on his lips."I promise radish." He seriously says, his eyes on mine.
I stood up, smiling."Now let's hug it out, make sure that its sincere and all." He didn't know that it was an excuse for me to squeeze his muscles.
He smirked and holy shizzles, that should be illegal."Can I ask you something first?"
I nodded."Shoot."
He suddenly bent down on one knee, my jaw almost falling to the ground. Is this what I think this is?
"Before you freak out, this is not a marriage proposal." He said, before pulling out a ring.
"Who says that and pulls out a ring?" I threw my hands up in the air, my cheeks red and emotions in haywire.
If my mother or any relative of mine walks at that door and sees this would probably have a heart attack.
"Zoe Smith slash radish," He starts off, a cheeky smile on his lips."Will you give me the honor and still be my furmom partner for TPP?"
Letting out a laugh at how cheesy this was."Yes carrot, I'll be your furmom partner."
He slipped the ring on my middle finger and standing up. I was about to question him why he placed there despite this was only a fake proposal but he brought his hands up.
My eyes widening when on the same middle finger was the ring that I had one for him at the carnival.
Looking closely at my ring, I realized it was the same one and my heart warmed at the realization.
"The ring size was a bit big so I had to wear it here instead." He explains, before pulling me in for a hug.
Just like that, I was wrapped in absolute warmth and yummy muscles. My whole body melting at his touch.
My carrot self was now transforming back into a radish one. Feeling completely giddy and happy at the change of events.
When we pulled back, I gave him a smile. My grey-hazel eyes meeting with his honey ones.
"Hii, my name is Zoe Smith and I'll be your partner for the rest of the year." I introduced remembering clearly how my introduction was.
"Nice to meet you Zoe. My name is Tyrone Adler and to answer your question, I used to love the color orange but," He paused, his expression softening."Nowadays, I find myself admiring the color grey."
One step forward and zero chances of stepping back.
Holá Cardishes!
I'm back at it agai with an update and with a very long one that consists of 4k words!
i'm shookt too, this is currently my longest chapter on the book followed by chapter 1 and chapter 13.
I'm on freaking cloud nine right now and overjoyed that they're finally and officially starting over again!
You finally knew what Tyrone's baggages are but hold up! There's more to it than meets the eye so you better watch out for the upcoming updates!
ALSO, we're almost gonna reach 1k reads so yay for us and here's a little thank you reward for that.
*hands u a pack of maltesers*
Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment!
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