《The Puppy Project》6| The roller coaster of emotions
A/N: Don't forget to press that star button and avoid being a silent reader xx
✅Edited: 2/5/21
The most suckiest feeling of all emotions and has a huge impact on oneself. I always hated it, the feeling of emptiness. It makes me feel depress and gloomy.
After my attacks, this always occurs. My mind becomes blank, it was like my emotions were turned off and I was just staring at the plain white ceiling blankly.
It was currently one a.m and I was scared to fall asleep. I could feel my demons at bay, waiting for me to sleep to attack me on my nightmares.
Flashbacks flashed through my mind and closed my eyes tightly. I let out a ragged breath before standing up.
I couldn't stay here, I have to get out of the house. Maybe a walk would help, I made my way to my closet before taking an oversized sweater and putting it on over my leggings. I brought a few money, pulled my hair in a messy bun and quietly made my way out of the room.
After taking the last step of stairs, I looked at the door and paused, the door creakes loudly when it opens. Hmm, I looked at the door challengingly and made my way to it.
I took the door key before swiftly opening and closing it fast. A loud creak resonated before I held my breath. After a few minutes, there were no signs of someone waking up and I made my way to a small park a few blocks from our house.
Every step brought me a sense of peace. The moon was up and is looking beautifully with the stars scattered everywhere. A soft whip of air passes me and I rubbed my arms lightly for heat.
I wasn't really scared of the dark, infact I love it. I love the silence that it carries, I love how the moon changes its shape. I love how the stars twinkle with pattern or how the wind howls lightly as if to remind how your ears are still working along with the soft wisps of crickets and other insects.
I came to a stop a few meters when I noticed there were three laughing figures playing around at the playground. It was abit dark to see since some of the streetlights were broken.
One of them stopped seeming to notice me and was surprised when she/he
started flaring their arms wildly while making a 'come here gestures'
I looked at him/she hesitantly looking closely trying to recognize it through the dark. What if it was a kidnapper acting happy to catch a victim? A Rapist acting cute? Thankfully, the person pulled me out of my terrified thoughts and stepped closer to the light.
I gaped as the familiar white hair and gorgeous face of Chica Monroe illuminated through the light.
She was wearing a fitted crop top through her big flannel and skinny jeans with a pair of black lowcut converse and a cute mini sling bag. She didn't have any make up on except her signature cat eyeliner and nose ring.
"Zoe! What a surprise," Chica said, making her way to me with a sincere smile.
I gave her shy smile completely embarass at my choice of outfit and makeup free face. Oh my, she's gonna see my freckled face.
One thing I absolutely don't like about my features are my freckles. They were absolutely everywhere on my face, dotting lightly on face permanently. There were even on my neck and shoulders but it was only a few.
I thank the person who created foundation because I apply that to my face everyday just because I don't like my face being bare with all those pretty girls at school having a flawless face, way to ruin my ego.
"Oh hey Chica, didn't see you there," I said, forcing a smile.
She rolled her eyes,"Don't you sound happy,"She joked before pulling my arm,"Come on, those two idiots and I going to the ice cream shop and you're coming with me," She said before grinning.
I let her drag me,"At this time of the night?" I wondered out, my eyes looking up at the dark sky.
"Yes, ice cream is the best thing wether you eat it at night or in the morning. It's still awesome,"She said stopping infront of a smiling Jac and a frowning Tyrone.
"Hey Zoe! Fancy seeing you at this time of night," Jax greeted offering me cute sideway wave.
"Yeah, I was just having a walk. I couldn't sleep so why not get some fresh air," I shrugged, avoiding Tyrone's intense glare.
"What is she doing here?" Tyrone asked before turning to me,"What are you doing here?" He crossed his arm glaring at me.
Chica whacked him on the head,"Stop being mean and let's go buy some ice cream." She said, before pushing us both to walk.
Tyrone and I were walking closely despite the huge space of the sidewalk. Jax was infront of us walking bakwards with his face facing us while Chica walked behind us looking like a hawk.
"Did you know that the creator of doritos was buried with doritos?" Jax said, not looking back as he walked backwards.
I gave him a weird look,"No, how weird will that be?" I thought out, imagining.
"I know right like what if someone was so hungry and decided to find his grave and dig it up just to eat his doritos only to find out that it was already gone because the worms and rats already ate it up," Jax shuddered, his mouth setting into a grimace.
I was about to reply when I heard a snap of something locking before I felt a cold metal enclosed on my wrist heavily.
I looked down in confusion before my eyes widen in horror when I saw a handcuff enclosed on my wrist but I felt myself even more horrified when I saw it clasped also unto Tyrone's wrist.
"What the hell is this Chica?" Tyrone snapped, looking at the side of his cuffs.
Chica looked mischievously,"The hell is what?" She asked innocently.
"The fucking handcuffs Chica," He answered, glaring at her.
Chica laughed," Oops, It slipped on your wrist," She paused," Let me rephrase, both of your wrist." She said, adding pressure to the both.
Tyrone seemed to realize her words and froze before his brown eyes followed the cuffs to also see it enclosing on my wrist.
"What the hell? This is not funny Chica!" Tyrone fumbled around the cuffs but sadly it was locked.
"Hey! That hurts! Stop pulling it," I hissed as the cuff dugged harshly unto my skin as Tyrone pulled at it.
He shot daggers at me,"This is your fault!" He accused, pointing a finger at me.
I gasped,"What? I had no idea about this!" I defended, shaking my head furiously.
"You're lying!" He said, once more poiting his finger at me.
I slapped it away,"I'm not lying, why would I even want to handcuff myself with you?" I paused before realizing what I said.
Tyrone gave me a blank look,"What are you implying? That I'm too immature for you? Huh?" He demanded, his face leaning unto mine closely.
I glared at him,"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry? You know I didn't mean it!" I spoke angrily, leaning my face unto his.
I didn't realize how our nose were touching and how close our lips were if it weren't for Chica's giggling and Jax gaping face.
I pulled back immediately with Tyrone who recoiled, looking at me accusingly.
Chica clapped excitedly,"Holy shit, you're gonna be one heck of a couple!" She squealed, her eyes twinkling with something I couldn't decipher.
"What?!" I gaped out, looking at her in disbelief.
Tyrone choked on his spit,"What? Couple? I wouldn't date this annoying looking chucky!" He spat out, giving me a once over.
"Chucky?! I don't look like him! I'm a girl for godness sake!" I sputtered out, glaring at him.
"Then you look like Tiffany then!" He fired back, rolling his eyes.
I grew confused,"Who the hell is Tiffany?" I asked, my brows twisting in confusion.
This time, it was his turn to gape,"I can't believe this!" He said, shaking his head.
"Hey! It's not my fault that I don't know Tiffany! For all I know she's one of the girls you're watching on a porn site!" I explained, before my eyes widen at what I said.
"What the fuck? Porn site? Are you high or something? Tiffany is the wife of Chucky!" He sputtered out, looking at me in disbelief.
It's decided, I'm gonna dye my hair and body blue, find gargamel and beg him to help me ship myself off to the smurf world where I can hide and let myself die from this embarassment.
"I-i," I could feel myself turning red,"I was just joking!" I stuttered out, widening my eyes.
He gave me a blank look,"Joking you are," He said, nodding.
"Oh god, I'm not like one of those girl! I promise!" I exclaimed, my cheeks burning.
He ignored me,"Chica, stop fooling around and give me the ke-" Tyrone's words died on his throat when he saw Chica's figure missing along with Jax.
He turned to me looking alarmed,"Where is Chica? And Jax?" He asked, giving me a look.
"Why are you asking me that? I don't know, they were here just a second ago!" I said, also looking around.
"Shit, they left us," He said, scanning the empty sidewalk.
"Double shit because we're stuck in this!" I hissed as I lifted our wrist to show the cuffs.
A loud beep resonated on the queit night and I looked down to see Tyrone fumbling with his phone before he unlocked it.
He facepalm as he read the message,"Oh my god, out of all people. I can't believe I'm stuck with you," He groaned out, shaking his head.
I slapped his arm,"Hey! I'm not that bad! You're the one who keeps getting broody and cold!" I complained, ignoring my stinging palm.
He ignored me again and started walking back to the park, his strides long and fast making it impossible for me to catch up.
I stopped which made him pull bacl slightly,"Where are we going? I need to go home," I said, pulling at the cuffs.
"We are going home,"He said, not once turning to me.
I paused,"But what about the cuffs?" I asked confusedly.
He stopped walking making me look up in surprise,"Chica left and I have no idea where the key is. You're tired and I'm tired amd I want sleep so let's just get back to your home and go to Chica first thing in the morning,"He demanded before continued walking.
I gaped,"What about your dad and mom? They're gonna be worried if they find you missing," I said, as we continued walking.
He glared at me sideways,"Stop asking questions," He growled out, walking faster. I kept my mouth shut as we made our way to my house.
"Wait, How'd you know my house?" I asked, looking at him.
He ignored me, making his way confidently to my front porch. He looked at me as if signaling to open the door.
"It creakes, so you have to go inside quickly or else we're gonna get caught and trust me, you don't want to get caught." I said before inserting the key and holding my breathe.
I opened the door and Tyrone quickly entered. What I didn't expect was how fast he entered that I think he forgot that we were handcuffed which resulted on my side banging on the door knob and us falling to the floor with my back untop him.
"Ow," I hissed quietly before standing up and pulling him with me.
I closed the door quickly but made sure that it wouldn't bang before locking it. I held my breathe for the third time as the creak resonated loudly on the quiet house. After a few minutes no one was heard to be barreling down the stairs.
I twisted around and winced when I felt a throb of pain on my side where the knob managed to hit me.
"Couldn't you be any more careful?" I snapped quietly, pressing a finger to that area.
It was dark so I couldn't see him much but I felt him pull the cuffs so I would start walking. He made his way upstairs and stopped when he noticed a room lighting up from behind us.
I could feel myself panicking and I stepped ahead of him quickly before opening my door and pulling him with me before closing the door quickly but quietly so it wouldn't look suspicious. I winced when the cuffs dug painfully on my wrist.
"Couldn't you be more obvious? What if we got caught?!" I whisper shouted, glaring at Tyrone slightly.
He rolled his eyes," We wouldn't get caught," He replied, crossing his arms before realizing that he couldn't do it with one of his hands being cuffed to me.
"I said what if then?" I retorted, shaking my head.
His eyes darkened,"What if's are just pure bullshit. They're like a drug and you're the addict, You take so much of it that you wouldn't notice that it's affecting you, playing with your mind until you emotionally couldn't handle it." He said, taking a step towards me.
I took a step back in response, something flashing in his eyes that I couldn't decipher. Something in the air change and the intensity of his eyes had me looking back away in a nervous manner.
Tyrone took a daring step towards me, both of us doing this back and forth until a gasp escaped my lips when my back hit the wall.
I shifted uncomfortably, my heart thumping wildly. A bead of sweat dripping down the slope of my neck, his brown eyes watching it until it disappeared through my large sweater.
Mustering up the courage, I let my eyes explore around his face. Amazed at how his lashes seemed to curl naturally at the end, a dust of freckles dotting on his nose and his lip ring glinting at the dark.
My eyes widened when I realized I didn't have any make up on, my own set of freckles bare to see.
I pushed him away in panic, breathing shakily when he took a step back. Clearing his throat, he turned around to stare at the floor.
A hand coming up to rest on frantic heart, trying to calm it down. What the hell is happening? Okay, Zoe. It's nothing. Calm down. You can go back to being you now.
"So, you're gonna sleep on the floor," I said, letting out a slight cough, acting as if it didn't happen.
My bed is my safe haven, the thought of sharing it with someone, especially an insanely hot guy, brought thoughts to my head.
"What?" He asks, his eyes wandering around my room. Good thing I cleaned it up earlier.
My room wasn't anything extravagant. The walls were painted black with glowing stars on the ceiling, a few posters of my favorite bands stuck on the wall. My desk was at the corner, a queen size bed pushed up to the wall with a small night table beside it.
"I said you're sleeping on the floor," I repeated, this time a little bit louder.
He turned around so fast I thought he'd crack his neck," Why the hell am I sleeping on the floor?" He asked, brows furrowed.
"If you didn't notice you're a boy and I'm a girl. Now you can see my point." I drawled out, giving him a pointed look.
He blinked at me blankly for a few seconds,"You think that I'd touch you in your sleep?" He mused out, looking perplexed of the idea.
I kept a straight face," I-ah, I don't know, maybe? You're a boy for pete's sake." I replied, trying to tame my wild blush.
He chuckled sardonically,"I'm sorry but I'm not a maniac and even if I were, You wouldn't be close on the list of the girls I'd liked to fuck or touch especially with that face you have." He reckoned harshly.
I could feel my expression drop. I don't know why but that hurt as hell. I wasn't pretty or anything (I know that) but it still hurts to hear someone say that you're basically an ugly frog with nowhere near a chance of having someone to like you.
I could feel my tears threatening to spill,"You can sleep on the bed, I'll just sleep on the floor. You're my guest anyways." I muttered quietly.
He opened his mouth but I just shook my head. I pulled him gently as I made my way to the cabinets to get some spare blankets. I let my tears fall down as I turned my back to him.
No one will ever like you, look at that face. I'm repulsed to even call you m-No!
I closed my eyes at the flashback. Why the hell am I crying? You're damn stronger than that Zoe. I sniffled quietly as I pulled the blanket. I didn't bother wiping my tears but held my head down so I wouldn't make eye contact.
He took of his shoes using his free hand while he sat at the bed. The cuffs made a small noise as I bent down to fix the blankets while I lifted my cuffed hand so I wouldn't pull Tyrone down.
I closed my eyes as another tear made it's way down. Another flashback entered my mind but I ignored it and fisted the blankets tightly instead.
"You can sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the floor." Tyrone said, it was a bit in a softer tone.
I sniffled,"No, It's okay. I can adjust." I whispered, busying myself with fixing the blankets.
He sighed before taking a hold of my arm and facing me to him so my teary eyes were greeted with his brown ones.
I lowered my eyes because I couldn't stand to look at his eyes fearing that I'll see something I wouldn't like to see.
"Look at me," He demanded, it was soft and almost in a whisper but I could feel myself looking at him.
"I-I'm sorry for saying those words. I just got carried away with my temper." He apologized, wiping some of my tears away. I could feel my eyes widen at his words and his touch. It was soft and unexpected, his fingers were calloused but it felt comforting.
"It's okay." I murmured, offering him a weak smile. Its not like you were lying anyways was what I wanted to add.
Tyrone stared at me for a brief moment before pulling his hands back. A yawn escaping his lips, glancing at the clock to see it was already three a.m.
The exhaustion of the day was starting to weight me down. "Let's go sleep, I'm sure you're tired." Handing him two of my pillows and one spare blanket.
Good thing I have seven more pillows to cuddle with. The floors were carpeted so it wouldn't be that cold for him.
He laid on the floor awkwardly as his hands were slightly lifted because of the cuffs. I shifted closer to the end of the bed so he could get a bit comfortable but he suddenly turned around which made me fall unto him.
He let out a groan as my legs landed unto his and my elbows managed to dug into his sides while my head landed behind his head.
I caught a whiff of his woodsy smell and oh my food, that is one heavenly scent. I quietly sniffed his hair which made him move forward slightly.
"Are you sniffing me?" He asked, a hint of amusement laced on his tone.
I pulled myself up in embarrassment but forgot my elbows were on his sides which made him groan out in pain as my elbow crushed his side.
"Damn it! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I gasped out, rolling away from him.
"I'm okay, it doesn't hurt much." He wheezed out, his face twisting in a slight grimace.
"Are you sure?" I fussed out, looking at him worriedly.
He rolled his eyes,"I think it's a sign," He pondered, his brows furrowing as if deep in thought.
"Sign? What do you mean?" I asked, a puzzled look on my face.
"When you nod you're head yes but you wanna say no, what do you mean?"He sang jokingly but holy pickles, he can sing.
I gaped, his voice wasn't that gruff or really low. It actually sounded heavenly and hit the right points.
"You can sing," I stated, looking at him with wide eyes.
The half-smirk that he now sported had me blinking rapidly. When I realized it was real, my eyes widened for a brief moment.
"You can stop staring at me now,"He mused out, eyes closed with his free arm behind his head.
I laid tiredly beside him,"I wasn't staring, I was looking at your ears." I lied, drowsiness creeping in my mind.
"Hmm, if you say so." He yawned out, rubbing his cuffed arm.
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Nin the Seeker
Nin is a rabbit on a pilgrimage. There's a truth that beats within his heart, a truth that Nin can't even describe. If he could but just attach a name to this truth, it could mean the salvation of all rabbit-kind. He travels the world, meeting strange creatures with curious customs, learning their ways - all in hopes of uncovering this truth behind all truths, the secret behind all secrets. Short tales from the life of Nin.
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Ride, a naive and honest adventurer whose goals of being an S rank far far away. Effinshia, an older swordswoman with many years of experience, accompanied by sentient weapons who sometimes(always) give her troubles. Although being different people and travelling their own separate ways, their fate always cross. Follow them on their travels across a fantasy world as they encounter Elves, Catgirls, Demons, Machines, and Godlike Beings that just simply do whatever they want and many more!
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Reunited At Last|✔️
[COMPLETED]BOOK TWO OF HIS MAFIA QUEEN. NOT TO BE READ AS A STAND-ALONE. DESCRIPTION CONTAINS SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE FIRST BOOK|Disclaimer|• More Romance•Sexual Scenes~Liliana Romano, now known as Elena Rose, made her grand escape to London, UK. After being shot by the love of her life and deciding she wants out of the mafia life, she leaves, faking her death and breaking hearts. Six years later, Sebastian Di Salvo and Liliana's paths cross as she finds out he's finally tying the knot with Isabella Moretti. The news of Liliana's heart beating shakes the mafia world causing her life to be on the line once again. But she risks it all to stop Sebastian from making the biggest mistake of his life.What happens will happen. It's unstoppable and unavoidable. Maybe reuniting at last won't be so bad? After all she is his everything as he is hers.Will they reconcile their love? Have they always loved each other? Will they get the happy ending they've dreamed of?~I watched as Sebastian stuffed his hands into his dress pants pockets, keeping a careful eye on the time. "You can't marry her. I can't let you." His head snapped towards mine. "I didn't see you there beside me as I grieved for you," he snapped. "She was there.""She's also the reason why we lost each other." He let out a scoff. "We lost each other because you gave up on us and ran away. I'm marrying her and that's final. If you came here with the idea of us getting back together then you need to get the fuck out 'cause that's not happening."My breath hitched in my throat. She's poisoned his mind and turned him against me. But what could I have expected? I showed up here out of the blue after six years. I let him go once and now, he's in my reach, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get him back, no matter what because I now know that we're meant for each other. But if he's happy with her, then reuniting won't be an option after all.Started: January 2022Finished: March 2
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