《The Puppy Project》7| The five conditions of Chica Monroe
I honestly fell inlove with this picture because damn, even if he looks tired he still manages to look gorgeous.
Thank you for the 248 reads and 9 votes! All the love.
✅Edited: 2/5/21
The first thing that woke me up is the feeling of something heavy nestled on my neck. I let out a small groan before lifting a hand to rub it but something chained me down.
I opened my eyes immediately and looked down to my arm but was met by a muscular arm instead that wrapped itself on my waist. I looked confusedly before my eyes widened when I saw dark hair nestled on the side of my neck.
I felt myself gape when I remembered Tyrone and I falling asleep on the floor and all the events from earlier in the morning.
I looked down to get a better view and my eyes widened by how intimate our position was. Tyrone was cuddling to me, his head resting comfortably on my upper chest with his arm wrapped on my waist. I could see his long tan legs were tangled in mine and my arms were nestled to my sides.
He was softly snoring as his warm breath was making quiet noises. I couldn't help myself but smile, I don't know but I felt secured and comforted.
A beeping noise suddenly resonated above us and I looked up to see my Alarm clock ringing loudly.
I felt my lips turn into a grimace as I looked at Tyrone who let out a deep groan.
"Turn it off mom," He groaned huskily, hugging me tighter to him and nestling his head unto my chest.
I froze obviously not knowing what to do. He suddenly tensed and went rigid before he pushed himself up and widen his sleepy eyes when he saw me beneath him.
He pushed himself away from me but the cuffs prevented him from going further. His eyes followed the cuffs and he looked blankly at it for a second.
He suddenly closed his eyes."No fue un sueño," He muttered quietly in foreign.
I could myself drool abit because damn, that's one hot accent. I couldn't really understands what he was sayimg but I think it was in spanish. Sad to say, I suck at spanish.
He shook his head slightly before meeting my eyes,"Good morning,"He greeted kindly before pressing the alarm.
Okay, I literally gaped at him. My jaw hung open and my eyes widened in complete shock.
Did he just say something nice?
He rubbed his neck slightly,"I was that bad huh?" He asked, his voice was low and husky.
I blinked for a few second before closing my mouth in embarrassment and blushing slightly.
"Pardon?" I asked, bringing my hand up to my hair.
I could feel myself grimacing when I tried to brush my hair with my fingers but got stuck halfway.
"I was that bad huh?" He repeated, this time abit louder and his morning voice was more evident.
I was loading for a second before I realized what he meant. I covered my mouth,"It wasn't that ba-okay, you were that bad." My voice was slightly muffled by my hand but I'd rather that than risk of him smelling my morning breath.
He looked at me almost apologetic?
Before I could answer, my stomach grumbled and I felt myself turn red.
He chuckled and let me tell you, that was one good chuckle."How are we going to eat? You're mom might se-" he couldn't even finished the sentence.
Peggy busted through my room but stopped mid step when she noticed Tyrone's figure with me on the floor.
I widened my eyes when she suddenly let out a loud girly scream. Not even a minute, my mother came in barreling with a pan along with Jack who was carrying a cup of steaming coffee.
I was about to explain when a sleepy Neo entered the room half-naked carrying a pillow on his arm.
"Us." Tyrone finished, his face was now blank and guarded with no trace of emotion.
They were all gaping at us, well not really us but more specifically at Tyrone. He looked uncomfortable and sat up slightly. I also sat up and lifted my hands up in a 'wait gesture' but shit men, luck wasn't really on my side today and they all gaped even more at the sight of our cuffed hands.
"I can explain,"I started,"This isn't what it looks like reall-" I was cut off by Neo.
"What the Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya De La Rosa Ramirez is happening here?" Neo cussed out, looking at our cuff hands.
"If you will just shut up and let me explain then maybe you'd know the answer to that fucking question," I snapped, glaring at him.
"Meet us downstairs sweetie," My mother said curtly, glancing at Tyrone quickly before pulling out Jack.
Peggy cleared her throat, a wild blush on her cheeks before walking out of the room. Neo was glaring at the both of us cuddling his pillow to his chest as he walked out of the room.
I turned to face Tyrone with an horrified expression,"Oh my food! I'm sorry! This is probably not what you were expecting and now, you're gonna have a blank look again and say I'm ugly and then I'm gonna be mad and then you're gonna be mad then we'll both be mad and we're not gonna talk again and I'll have my attacks and then I'm gonna fail on the project GTK-" I was stop from my rambling by him pressing a finger to my lips.
I looked up to him and holy curp, he's smilling like actual genuine smilling and it seemed that the room brightened up even more.
He must've noticed my stare because he dropped his smile. Clearing his throat,"It's okay so you can quit babbling now, I never knew you were Neo's sister." He stated, looking at me intently.
I looked away,"Twin sister actually,"I clarified, giving him a grin.
"Really? You both look different except the eyes. I didn't notice it before." He looked surprised.
"Yeah, most people don't notice we're related until we're next to each other. Neo's hair color is actually like mine but he dyed it black since people used to call him ginger boy so it kinda hits on his ego," I said, laughing slightly.
He looked amused,"And what do they call you?" He asked, giving me a curious look.
I pondered for abit,"They also call me ginger and hmm, girl with the red hair, fire truck, that's all that I can think of." I answered, shrugging.
"Radish," He suddenly said, looking at my hair briefly.
"Radish? What about radish?" I spoke, looking at him curiously.
"Radish, you look like a radish to me." He answered, half smiling.
I grinned,"Carrot, you not only look like a carrot but you act one." I chimed in, referring to my carrot statement before.
"Carrots are cool," He shrugged, nonetheless.
"Can you both stop flirting and go downstairs? People are actually waiting for you're lame ass presence Zoe!" Neo shouted from downstairs.
I turned beet red before standing up,"Do you want to brush first? I have a spare one." I asked, standing up with him.
He nodded silently as we made our way to the bathroom. I gave him the spare one while I struggle with my left hand because my right hand was cuff while Tyrone's left was cuffed.
I looked at the mirror briefly and I tried to keep my blush minimal when I saw how messy my hair was and how
tired I look.
"Do you need help with that?" He asked, looking at me amusedly as he held his brush.
I glanced at him sideways,"No, I can do this." I said, successfully squeezing the toothpaste on.
I gave him a grin before pouring some water in it and started brushing my teeth. He lifted his left hand so my right hamd could move freely while I brush my teeth.
I glanced at him to see him already halfway on brushing his teeth. A little bit foam were on the side of his mouth while he brushed.
I turned away quickly before he'd catch my eyes and rinsed my mouth quickly. I stepped back once I was done and he started rinsing his mouth putting it on the small little container that I have along with my toothbrush and toothpaste.
I pulled on the cuffs gently,"Are you ready carrot?" I joked, making our way downstairs as I pulled my hair in a messy bun.
He glanced at me,"Ready as I'll ever be Radish." He answered, once we stepped in the kitchen eight pair of eyes were on us.
"Good morning," My mom greeted, glancing at the both of us, emotionless.
I held my breath as we both took a seat. I fidgeted slightly as both of us looked uncomfortable.
My mom suddenly let out a bright grin,"You both look good together!" She squealed excitedly.
Tyrone and I both gaped,"Why didn't you tell me sweetie? I would've have totally understand although I don't understand why you're both cuf-oh no, don't tell me you both ran away from jail? Why were you on jail? Oh m-" Jack rubbed my mom's back.
"Calm down sweetie, Just let them explain first." Jack coaxed, mom nodded her head slightly
"Okay so last night-" I was once again cut off from my explanation.
"You were having sex with Adler here and you managed to mess up the cuffs that were supposed to be on you so basically it was using kinky stuff that gone wrong. Am I right?" Neo interjected, scowling at the both of us.
I glared at him,"Will you just let me finish?" I snapped, glaring at him.
He raised his hands in a surrender mode while I glared at him. I glanced at mom and Jack to see their horrified expression.
"We weren't doing that kind of stuff," Tyrone started,"My friend, Chica cuffed us both when we were arguing last night and ran off with the key so we went back here to sleep." Tyrone explained.
My mom nodded slowly,"What do you mean last night? I remember Zoe going to her bed." She asked, a confused look on her face.
"Actually mom, I went for a walk since I couldn't sleep and saw them at the park and yeah, you know the rest." I chimed, wiping a sweaty hand.
"I don't know wether to ground you or laugh at how funny this situation is,"Mom shooked her head, a smile on her lips.
Neo slammed his palms on the table leaning in to get a closer look at the both of us,"They have no hickeys and Tyrone's lip is pale as fuck while Zoe here looks like Chucky." Neo examined.
My jaw dropped as they nodded their heads in agreement and Tyrone chuckled.
"I told you that you look like chucky," He said, turning to me amusedly.
"And you look like a carrot," I retorted, scowling at his face.
"What did I say about carrots? They're awesome." He praised, shaking his head
I ignored him and instead placed two pancakes on his plate while I placed one on mine.
"Aww, They're having an L.Q Jack." Mom cooed, squeezing her palms together.
"Mom,"I glared,"We're not dating. Tyrone here is my partner in homeroom project." I explained, taking a bite of my pancakes.
"You mean the one with Mr. John? The puppy project?" Neo asked, brows furrowed.
"Yes," Tyrone answered, chewing slowly on his pancakes.
"Where's your puppy then?" Peggy asked leaning in, seeming interested.
I turned to Tyrone,"Where is grumpy?" I asked, worriedly.
"He's at home, don't worry. Someone's watching him." Tyrone reassured, giving me a smile.
"You can start calling me Kate Tyrone." My mom added and I wanted to bang my head unto the table.
Taking a hold of Tyrone, I quickly pulled him up, signaling it was time to go."It was nice meeting you all but I was wondering if I could take Zoe with me to Chica's? We're gonna get the key." He asked, glancing at me briefly.
"You'd technically have to bring her because you're both cuffed but I'd like that you still asked permission. The amswer is yes, just be home early." Mom smiled before making her way to the sink.
Jack gave him a smile before a nod and went to help mom wash the dishes. Neo was looking at us intently while Peggy was looking at Tyrone in awe.
"Is it okay Neo?" Tyrone asked, looking at him.
Neo grinned,"Yes, you be careful yea? She's one violent bitch." Neo joked, eyes twinkling.
I gasped before moving off of my seat and punched him in the shoulder. Neo winced and gave Tyrone a looked as if saying 'see what I mean?'
"Trust me, I know what you mean." He said, rubbing his jaw unconsciously.
Neo smirked,"She packs a punch huh?" He said, grinning proudly at me.
"You knew?" I asked surprised, referring to our incident where I punched Tyrone.
Neo rolled his eyes,"Of course, Niall told me. I didn't believe for a second until I saw his face." He said, grinning.
"I'm awesome, aren't I?" I said, grinning proudly.
Neo rolled his eyes,"You're still chucky. Now move along kids," He said, pushing us both out of the kitchen.
I rolled my eyes before walking out of the house with Tyrone on tow. I was honestly kinda embarrassed because I didn't take a shower but I had no choice.
"We don't have any ride," I paused, finally realizing it.
"Its okay, Chica only lives four houses away from yours." He explained, taking long strides.
I struggled slightly since his legs were longer than mine."Then why couldn't we just stop by Chica's house last night when their house was only a few houses away?" I asked, the words slipping out of my mouth.
"I know Chica, she wouldn't immediately go home." Tyrone said, shaking his head.
I nodded quietly, not bothering to reply and continued walking instead. I didn't had the chance to check the clock but I knew it was probably around 7 because the sun was starting to set in.
After a few minutes, I could already feel myself gasping for air. I was drenched with sweat and I really made the mistake of wearing this sweater last night.
I felt Tyrone glancing at me,"Are you okay?" He asked, brows furrowed.
I gave him a thumbs up,"I'm fine. Who knew walking could be really tiring? Wow, you're not even sweating." I rambled, clearly embarrassed at my lack of stamina.
He looked at me amusedly,"You're funny," He said, shaking his head.
"Oh trust me, Funny isn't the word that could describe me." I said, a wide grin on my face.
"Oh yeah? Care to elaborate on that?" He mused off.
"I'm an insanely hilarious girl with an awesome wits and pair of jokes." I beamed, nodding my head proudly.
He lifted a brow,"Okay then, If you're really an insanely hilarious girl then make me laugh with one of you're joke." He challenged.
I nodded excitedly before thinking of a joke. My smile widen when I remembered one and I stiffled a giggle.
I took a deep breath," Okay, There were two blondes driving to disneyland." I started,"The sign said 'Disneyland Left' and so they started crying and went home,"I finished before bursting in laughter.
I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice Tyrone stopping which resorted on me being pulled back.
I paused,"Why aren't you laughing?" I wondered, confused.
Tyrone gave me a serious look,"That was the worst joke I've ever heard." He commented, before starting to walk.
I gaped at him,"Hey! My jokes are awesome! Maybe it's not funny because you don't have a funny bone haha Get it?" I laughed, slapping his arm.
He turned to me scowling before we stopped infront of a cute simple house. We made our way to the porch and procedeed to ring the doorbell a few times before the door opened.
Chica's beaming face greeted us,"Oh hey guys! What can I help you with?" She greeted, eyes fluttering.
Tyrone rolled his eyes,"Don't bullsh!t Chica, Give me the keys." Tyrone demanded, cutting to chase and opening his palm.
Chica sighed,"Fine, I think it's in my room," She mumbled quietly.
Tyrone's eyes widen,"What do you mean you think? Don't tell me you lost it?!" Tyrone responded.
Chica shook her head," It's not missing. I just misplaced it." She argued, crossing her arms.
"What if we help you find it? When was the last time you saw it?" I piped in, seemingly calm.
Chica gave a sheepish smile,"Great idea Z! The last time I saw it was in my room." She explained before opening the door wider.
"Let's go and find it," Tyrone wasted no time in entering the house and making his way to Chica's room.
It seemed like he's been here a few times already for him to know where her room is. They probably hang out here alot, I thought out.
We stopped by a white door with flower stickers in it. Tyrone twisted the knob and I was greeted with light pink walls with many pictures on the wall. A simple bed was in the middle and a desk was pushed in a corner and quite a surprise but her room was messy for a girl. Clothes were on the floor, thankfully no underwear, some crumpled papers were everywhere amd many makeup products were on the desk. Chica entered the room with an embarrassed smile
"What the hell Chica? I don't remember it being this messy yesterday." Tyrone scowled.
"I'm sorry! I was trying to find it when you came." She revealed, grimacing at the mess.
Tyrone sighed,"Let's clean this all up first. It'll be easier to find it if the room is clean." Tyrone said.
The next half hour was spent on cleaning the mess up, I was picking the papers while Tyrone stood behind me, scanning the floors for the keys. Chica is the one who picks the clothes.
I was picking up the last piece of paper when I noticed something glint underneath it.
"I found it!" I exlaimed, holding the key up.
Tyrone turned to me and was about to take it when Chica suddenly came from behind him and pressed her fingers somewhere on Tyrone's neck making him fall unto the ground unconscious.
I gaped at Tyrone's unconscious figure before Chica snatched the key from me.
"What the pickles is happening Chica?" I wondered, confused as hell.
Chica smiled,"Don't worry, He's fine. I just pressed his pressure point so he'll pass out." She said, shrugging.
"Why did you do that?" I asked, glancing at her skeptically.
She rolled her eyes,"I'm helping you silly! This is your chance to become closer to Tyrone." She exclaimed excitedly.
"Jax and I knew that Tyrone was giving you a hard time so we came up with this plan. I was honestly suppose to cuff both of you at school but lucky me, I saw you yesterday and the cuff was with me so yeah. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you but this was the only plan we could think of." She rambled, growing nervous.
I took a hold of her hand,"Thank you Chica." I said softly, a smile streched on my lips.
She let out a breath of relief,"No biggie! Now, I'm gonna unlock the cuff and you have to change into these and you have to help me change Tyrone into this shirt." She said, before handing me a simple peach halter dress.
She proceeded to unlock the cuffs and I rushed in the bathroom changing quickly. I fixed my hair and splashed cold water on face before rushing out.
I was greeted by a shirtless unconscious Tyrone amd I mentally gaped as Chica smirked at me.
"He's one hot douche Z but you have to hurry and help me change his shirt before he wakes up." She said before pushing Tyrone's back forward in a sitting position.
I procedeed to insert his head on the hole doing the same to both his arms while Chica huffed from his weight. I was about to pull the shirt down but decided to give his abs one poke to see if it was indeed real before pulling it down.
"Okay, I'm done." I said, wiping a sweat from my forehead. Chica let him go and he came falling back to the ground.
"Wow! Who knew he could be that heavy?" Chica complained.
I was about to answer when suddenly he started to groan and move a bit. Our eyes widen before Chica took a hold of the cuffs and key.
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