《The Puppy Project》5| Do what you're best at!


A/N: Don't forget to press that star button ;) Thank you💚

✅Edited: 2/5/21

One week.

It's been one fucking week and Tyrone has been ignoring me like a plague. It's starting to piss me off because not only is the guilt eating me alive but its also affecting our puppy project in homeroom.

The video presention is also due in a week and I've been doing all that I can to make Tyrone forgive me.

I knew I was at fault and so I came up to him and apologized. I baked him cookies. I've been silently waking him up everytime he falls asleep in our english class. I've even offered him a pack of my maltesers (and I never share my babies to anyone) but damn he's cold as fuck brushing all those effort easily.

I let out a tired sigh. I've been up all night trying to think of ways on how I can convince him to forgive me but how could I even do that when I don't even know a single thing about him.

"You okay? You've been doing that a lot lately." Eliki commented, giving me a worried look.

We were currently at break, sitting in our usual spot. Eliki was next to me, eating caramel flavored popcorn while I was leaning against the tree and wallowing in my thoughts, not in the mood to eat anything.

I gave her a tired look."Its been a week of trying Eli. I don't know what to do any more."

Eliki sighed, placing her food down."Are you even sorry at all?" She asks, making me gape at her.

"Of course! Why would you even say that? I can't even sleep and function properly." I grumbled, earning a raise brow from her.

"Then why the hell are you saying things like that as if you're giving up? If you give up that easily then its like you're not even sorry at all."

"Its been a week Eli!" I pointed out, feeling tears sting in my eyes."I've been trying but he's really good at holding grudges." I sniffled, blinking back my tears.

"Look, you both fucked up."Eliki sighed, turning to me. "He's a natural asshole and you don't have the patience for that. You said things that you weren't suppose to say and you regret it but when did you ever give up? Zoe Smith doesn't ever give up." She said, squishing my cheeks between her hands.


I sighed, nodding my head."I won't give up. I mean, I promised Chica that I'll try."

I haven't been able to see Grumpy since Tyrone's hogging him all to himself. He won't even look at me so I can't ask him how grumpy is.

"Atta girl." Eliki said, a genuine smile planted on her tinted lips.

"If you were me," I started."What would you do to get Tyrone's forgiveness?" I asked, totally in need of ideas.

Eliki looked amused."But I'm not you." She replies simply, taking a handful of popcorn.

"If Eli," I groaned, running a hand through my hair."I hate it when you do that." I grumbled.

She laughed, leaning against the tree."I'm your best friend. I'm supposed to annoy the shit out of you."

"I know but seriously?" Widening my eyes to give her a pleading look."At least throw in a random idea? I'm dying here with all these thoughts." Tapping my temple with a pout.

I've been suffering a headache since I woke up and I was doing a fine job at ignoring it.

"Do what you're best at," She simply said, crossing her feet across the other.

Straightening in my position."Do what I'm best at?" I repeated, my brows furrowing.

Rolling her eyes, she threw a popcorn at me."Being an 'annoying bitch' as what he call you." She said."You annoy him to the point that he'll forgive you just to make you stop."

"Holy mush!" I grinned."Why haven't I thought of that before?"

"Maybe because you lack brain cells?" She trailed off, playfully grinning.

"Hey!" I swatted her hand, earning a laugh from her."That's mean! I have at least 1 billion brain cells working just fine."

"I'm kidding ginger." She giggled."Now stop scowling and sleep for a while. You look like shit."

"But what if he won't forgive me?" The words slipped out my mouth, a frown setting on lips.

Eliki placed a hand on my shoulder."Then we go talk to Mr. John and said that you did your best." She assured.


I nodded mutely before slapping her hand away."You just wiped your greasy hands on my shirt!" That earned a loud laugh from her.

I stood at the corner near the parking lot. Anxiously looking around the area, laughter can be heard as students bid goodbye to their friends.

My headache was upgraded into a migraine. I was tempted to go home, forget about this project, and cry but Eliki's word rang in my head and so I sucked it up and waited for Tyrone to arrive.

Hopefully, he'll actually listen to my letter that I had Chica place into his locker. Wiping a sweaty hand on my jeans, anxiety building.

My eyes widened briefly when I caught sight of the familiar mop of black hair that was making its way towards me.

"What do you mean grumpy needs to get injected?" Tyrone said, his hand holding unto the paper.

It was obviously a lie since shots were done already before we came to the pound but he didn't need to that.

"I'm sorry." I said, earning a confused look before it switched into anger.

"There's no injection." He stated, more to himself before he glared at me."I don't want to talk to you." He turned around but I quickly blocked him.

"Wait, just, hear me out." I pleaded, raising a hand up."Please Tyrone."

Tyrone didn't say anything and he didn't make a move to walk away either. Taking in a shaky breath, I turned to my bag and quickly took it out before throwing it to him.

Without waiting for him to see what it was."I was a judgmental bitch and I'm sorry."

He raised a brow."Just because you said sorry doesn't mean you aren't one anymore." He scowled.

"You're right. Judging is a part of us but," I sighed, my annoyance heightening."I truly regret it and I'm really sorry."

Tyrone merely stared at me, the scowl still etched on his lips. He seemed to be thinking from the way his brows were furrowed.

"I hate it when you scowl but I kinda missed that." I honestly said, blinking rapidly when I started to see two of him.

I felt even more dizzier, cold sweat suddenly starting to slide down my back and a grimace made its way known on my lips.

"Look," I slurred, before shaking my head as if to steer clear of it."Y-You don't have to f-forgive me b-but at least cooperate with me f-for our project."

I stumbled slightly, feeling a hand wrapped itself around my arm to steady me.

Letting out a small laugh, I shook my head once more. Opening my eyes to see Tyrone staring at me with a worried look.

"I'm pine," My worlds came out wrong."I'm fine." I repeated, pulling away from him.

I brought my hand up to push my hair back before pausing, seeming to realize that it was shaking badly and Tyrone had his eyes on it.

My hand came back down quickly, hiding it behind my back. I knew what was happening and I had to get the hell out of here fast.

"I was wrong." My voice came out weak and tired."I admit that and I regret it. If you think that you we can't work on this p-project then we'll talk to Mr. John." I shakily said.

"Enjoy your warheads. I heard you love sour candies." I murmured, before turning around and walking away hurriedly.

I did it Eliki, I thought and I was supposed to feel lighter but why did my heart ache at the fact that I was walking away from him?

Hey carrots!

How did the chapter go?

What do you think is happening to Zoe? I'm kinda bummed that she's thinking of giving up on the project GTKWTRTAISABDHSHW ;((

Question of the day: Would you rather puke all day or have intense cramps for five hours?

Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.

Don't forget to vote and comment! I love you❤️

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