《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 24: Escape



This chapter contains vulgar language and violent themes.

In the last chapter (Chapter 22, The box) You could choose whether to stay with the killers or to escape the killers. If you didn't choose just yet then go back to chapter 22 and choose.

If you did pick your decision then consider all of the above not written and go on with the story!


You decided to make your escape. Staying here was bound to go wrong, the police would eventually come across you and even though you knew these killers were immune to bullets, you certainly weren't.

You again turned towards the killers, watching as they were still engaged into their argument. You took slow side steps towards the stairs, carefully keeping an eye out for them. Suddenly the hooded man spoke:

"Be quiet, I can hear something." All three killers were immediately silent, glancing around for the sound which became louder and louder.

"Shit, it's the fucking police?" Jeff seethed as he quickly walked over to the window, the two other killers followed, gazing outside to see whether they could catch a glimpse of the red and blue flashing lights. This was your chance!

Before any of them could turn to you and ask you how this could be, you had shot up the stairs with the box. The adrenaline coursed through your body as you nearly flew over the steps. You didn't dare to turn around, afraid that you might trip over something like those girls in bad horror movies do.

"Fucking hell!" You heard Jeff shouting which was followed by loud footsteps. You knew this house well, and that was your main prerogative. Once you had shot outside of the basement you immediately ran over to the front door and dashed through it while slamming the door shut in order to buy you some time.

You stumbled a little from the harsh impact, trying not to falter too much as you quickly regained yourself and started running into a random direction. You heard the sirens coming closer and closer and you decided to run towards them or the street.

Somewhere seen.

"You fucking cunt, come back here!" You heard Jeff shout at you, but your urge to escape was bigger than your fear for him. You felt your breathing getting heavier with each step you took, your muscles began to protest against you but you had to run.

This was your only chance to escape.


You ran right onto the streets whilst yelling for help. It wasn't very loud, considering you were out of breath. You wanted to run towards the sound of the police sirens and thus into the neighbourhood more, but a figure at the end of the street made you slow down your running.

It was

You nearly cursed under your breath as you made a sharp turn into someone's yard, to avoid Jeff from catching you. So much for running towards the police sirens. You didn't think about it though, you only wanted to escape those three.

You saw a fence nearing, and you knew that you had to be extremely quick. While running, you threw the box over the fence. You then made a big jump in order to get as high as possible, climbing onto the fence with agility and speed you didn't know you had thanks to the adrenaline.

You jumped off of it, landing roughly onto your feet until you stumbled onto the ground. The landing caused some jolts of pain searing right through one of your legs and you hissed out of pain. But there was no time to stop; you needed to keep on going.

You quickly snatched the small box away from the ground. You had no idea why you even wasted all this effort on keeping the box, but it felt strange. It felt rather important to you and you wanted to make sure these killers wouldn't get this box.

You ran along the edge of the woods, not even thinking of going in there even if you knew Masky could be close. Going in there was the most idiotic thing you could do. You dared to take a quick look around and saw that no one was following you.

This, however, didn't stop you. You needed to find someplace safe, or somewhere to hide. You then came towards a small hedge, separating one of the classier houses from the other ones in the street. You somehow climbed over it, coming to a backyard with a pool.

You wanted to shout for help, even though it would alert these killers that you where here. You knew these people didn't stand a chance against them, but you hoped that they could buy you time by taking you inside. When the police would be here those three couldn't kill everyone just for you, right?

It was then you knew whose house this was and you immediately shut your mouth. This house was of a rich businessman, he was very kind though. However he only came here in summer and considering it was spring now, you knew nobody was home.


Shouting would only alert them.

You wasted no time and searched around for somewhere to hide until the police came. Your eyes then landed onto the small pool, and you quickly slipped inside the ice cold water. You felt the substance engulfing your body, making you shiver a little.

You didn't know whether the box was waterproof, but right now there were more important things going on. Like hiding from three psychopathic killers. You swam over to the dark side of the pool, the moonlight blocked by the gigantic house. The only thing above the water was your head until your mouth.

You waited in silence, hearing the police coming closer and closer towards you whilst you kept a good eye on your surroundings. The fact that you might've shook off Jeff didn't mean that he forgot about you. You pressed your back tightly against the cold tiles of the pool, as your gaze shifted from left to right.

This silence was killing you. What took those police cars so long?! You didn't dare to move, afraid that each sound would cause in your discovery. A feeling of déjà vu engulfed you as you were now shivering in the cold water.

It was then you heard rustling in the bushes. You immediately dipped down further into the water, not caring whether you could breath or not. You wouldn't breathe for the upcoming 3 minutes anyway. You only listened closely, watching as if someone was shown.

But there was

You wouldn't let this get to you like all those times before; he was probably trying to lure you out again. You remained in the same position, unable to let yourself relax even through your lungs were slowly begging you for oxygen.

Your eyes slid over the surroundings, carefully examining every single leaf on the ground.

You immediately tensed when you heard this word, when you heard someone speak right behind you. When you heard his voice. It couldn't be true! You wasted no time and turned around, ready to face the one person you so desperately tried to escape from.

You had no time to do anything however as he suddenly jumped at you, bringing you both down under water. You struggled to get to surface and out of his grip, but he was simply too strong. You began to trash around, your body screaming for oxygen as your mouth filled itself with water.

It was then you were roughly pulled to surface, your body completely limb as he nearly threw you on the tiles surrounding the pool. You coughed loudly, trying to stand on your hands and knees and crawl away. You felt a great pressure being applied to your back, and you knew there was no escape.

"You fucking piece of worthless shit! What the fuck were you thinking?" You couldn't answer this question. He had to know that you still had hope, that he hadn't broken you yet. It was then the pressure suddenly was removed, before he roughly turned you over so that you could look at him.

You stared into those cold eyes of him with determination. It was foolish to try and run away, you knew, but you needed to try, you needed to do this. His hair was soaked with water, just like his clothes were. His hand was even colder than normal as he squeezed your upper arm roughly to get an answer.

"How many times do I have to beat you in order to make you listen?" You only stared at him, unable to answer again. It had dawned up on you that those police would never arrive, for what reason there was. The sirens were still as far away as before.

"You know what? I won't take this shit now. I'll deal with you later!" And then he raised his hand, ready to slam it unto you. You only flinched for a mere second, until everything went black.

So much for escaping these killers.


You chose right! Congratulations!

Anyways, it is all going so fast. This story already has over 800 hearts. I probably wouldn't have continued with this story if it wasn't for all the lovely comments and hearts you guys gave me. I thank you all for this. This only drives me to continue on with this story until it is finished. ( sooner or later ;) )

Also special thanks to all my followers. You guys are amazing and I appreciate every one of you :)

Don't hesitate to leave a comment, I'll try to reply to every single one of them. Critics and ideas are also welcome!

I hope you enjoyed these chapters! Stay awesome!

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