《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 23: Stay



This chapter contains vulgar language, violent themes and slight gore.

In the last chapter (Chapter 22, The box) You could choose whether to stay with the killers or to escape the killers. If you didn't choose just yet then go back to chapter 22 and choose.

If you did pick your decision then consider all of the above not written and go on with the story!


No... You just knew this wasn't a good idea. Escaping these killers was bound to go wrong. You wouldn't even make it 5 steps up the stairs before you would get caught. You decided to only wait in silence, watching these three bickering about something so unimportant.

"Be quiet, I can hear something." All three killers were immediately silent, glancing around for the sound which became louder and louder.

"Shit, it's the fucking police?" Jeff seethed as he quickly walked over to the window, the two other killers followed, gazing outside to see whether they could catch a glimpse of the red and blue flashing lights. You only stared at Jeff, waiting for him to blow up at you because it would probably be somehow you fault.

He turned towards you in a whim, glaring down dangerously at your small form before speaking:

"How could they know?" You only shook your head, letting him know that you really had no idea how this could happen, even though this was a complete lie. He only stepped closer towards you, while you slowly narrowed your eyes at him and shrunk down.

"They may have been keeping a close eye on this building ever since those girls got taken." The hooded man huffed, crossing his arms. Jeff seemed to relax a little at this, his dangerous aura slowly disappearing. Your eyes shifted from Hoodie towards Jeff and to Masky.

"We've got the box now; let's get out before we need to clean up more shit." The masked man said, before he ran up the stairs with the hooded guy closely following behind him. Jeff's head snapped towards your before he got a hold of your pulse.

You stumbled forward from the sudden tug at your wrist and you knew just in time to get your stability back before you would crash onto the ground. Your hand gripped the banister of the stair, to help pull yourself up.


"Come on, we need to leave." He only growled whilst he dragged you up towards the stairs. You had to use all of your power in order not to falter over your own feet as Jeff continued to drag you along with him. You heard him muttering curses under his breath.

The sirens were coming closer and closer and you suddenly began to feel this tiny little ray of hope entering your heart. What if those police officers saw you? What if you were freed from Jeff's grasps? The FBI couldn't go up against them you knew that for sure. But it was because they didn't know these creatures yet.

With the information you had gathered, there was bound to be something they could do. Even though the blueprint was already in their hands. They could always create a new weapon right? They had to!

Jeff ran out of the back door, you still tagging along as he made a sprint towards the woods. Once you got to the edge of the woods realization dawned up on you when you felt nothing in your hands. Your blood immediately retreated from your face and your mouth became instantly dry.

You had the box.

Oh no! No, no, no! It must've happened when you tumbled down because Jeff pulled you along with him. The box is probably still in the basement! Oh god, you're so stupid sometimes! Fear had hit you in the face as you could only imagine the foul things Jeff would do as soon as you told him this.

But you knew you had to. He would get even angrier at you when you both got back to the mansion without the box. Then he would abuse you until you welcomed death with open arms. You began to struggle against Jeff's grip and he immediately turned around to face you.

"What the fuck are you doing? We need to leave." He tried to pull you along again, but you kept your heels dug into the ground. Your lower lip trembled before you found the courage to speak.

"The box is still in the house." His expression went from confusion and impatience to complete horror and anger. You yelped when his hand collided with your face, making it swing to the right before he got a hold of your collar.


"You fucking idiot. You piece of worthless shit!" You flinched at every word he spoke, awaiting the next hit or kick in your gut. But it never came. Instead he again grabbed your pulse roughly.

Let's go." He only growled, dragging you back towards the house where the sirens were awfully close to. You knew Jeff was on the brick of snapping, that he was having a good god difficult time controlling his anger.

You didn't even know why he wanted to control his anger, but you guessed it was because of the box. His 'boss' needed it somehow and every time that masked guy spoke of him you could see Jeff getting rid of his 'fuck you all' attitude.

You ran as fast as your legs could take you, after Jeff and nearly diving through the back door. You heard the sirens coming closer and closer and you felt your body being icky because of all the sweat. Jeff stopped inside the house, his head going from left to right in order to search for the box.

You boldly passed him by, running down the stairs of the basement before you heard his heavy combat boots following you. You nearly cried in happiness when you saw the little box, your gaze constantly shifting from the steps towards the small window. Red and blue lights were already seen flashing through it.

You nearly threw yourself on the ground to grab the box. Relief washed over you once you felt the tiny metal vault clamped in your arms. Alright, now to get out of there... And beg to god Jeff won't kill you after you come back.

You turned around, holding up the box quickly to show to Jeff before you ran up the stairs again, Jeff closely following you. Even though you knew the police was close, the people who are there to help you, you couldn't help but to feel slightly uneasy.

You had Jeff at your tail, and also the police. You couldn't deny the gut feeling that both of them weren't at your side, that you were all alone at this. As you ran, breathing heavily from the constant muscle activity, you tried to push this feeling away, but you couldn't.

When you were almost at the top of the stairs you heard a loud 'BANG' and you immediately stopped in your track. You felt Jeff's hands roughly colliding with your back, because he needed to stop so sudden. You heard shouting and wanted to take a step back.

"GO." Jeff mumbled, before slowly pushing you up the stairs again. You swallowed the lump in your throat before you quickly shot up the stairs again. You nearly busted through door opening from the basement before you heard nothing but shouts.

It was then a rain of pain shot through your whole body, whilst your ears filled themselves with 'bangs' and shouts and 'clicks'. You felt as if a force was pushing against your body making you falter backwards while you continued to shake from the things colliding with it.

You had already dropped the box, the small vault clashing against the ground with a loud 'clack'. But you couldn't hear it. You only heard loud, very loud 'bangs'. They were so loud that your eardrums felt as if they could explode any minute. Blood was splattering everywhere, staining the walls and floor.

You were being

The rain of bullets entered your body over and over again before you heard one of the men shouting desperately. By then it was already too late because when you felt the feeling of release, the pressure on your body being taken away, it was replaced by the whole room spinning before your eyes.

With a harsh smack you crashed onto the ground, not being able to move, to breathe or to even see. The only thing you felt was coldness, icy coldness. You shook a few times again before a white bright light was seen in front of your eyes.

You heard a very small 'huff' before the pain, coldness and everything around you disappeared. Taking you towards the bright light which felt so warm, so comforting. You welcomed it with open arms and couldn't help but to somehow smile.

You were finally freed from a life of misery and abuse.


Oh no! You chose Go back to chapter 22 (The box) and choose to escape from the killers.

Hope you enjoyed!

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