《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 22: the box



This chapter contains vulgar language,


The leaves were crunching underneath your feet as you were walking through the dark forest. You had no idea in what direction you were walking, or what time it was. The only thing you did know was that you were walking with three different killers towards your old house.

You had kept your mouth shut the entire time. You knew Jeff couldn't handle any 'stupid' questions, while that masked guy would immediately cut your tongue out if you even would think of making a sound. That hooded guy... You had no idea what he would do. He was calm most of the time, but you were sure he was the worst.

You had been walking for hours through this strange forest, howling wolves the only other living beings in these woods. The trees were looking so peculiar that you didn't even count them as plants. They looked more like monsters.

You shivered from the cold... Or it was because of the situation itself. You had no clue, you only needed to get to the blueprint and then get the hell out of here. Your stomach growled lowly. Before you left, Jeff gave you an apple. But after what you guessed where days without food, only an apple wouldn't be enough.

Your eyes widened once you saw a few, vague lights coming from in between the many trees.

Lights?? City? You felt relief wash over you once the lights came closer and closer. It was a feeling you couldn't describe. Even though you were still walking with three different killers, those lights made you feel somewhat safe.

When you are standing in that city, there might be a chance that someone spots you or the killers and will call the police. Maybe you could be freed from all this, escaping in the city is a lot easier than escaping from the mansion.

However you couldn't help but to feel slightly disturbed about it. What IF someone saw you? What good would that do? Even the FBI couldn't protect you, then what could those small police corps do?

You snapped out of your thoughts when one of them spoke:

"We're here." You raised your head to look through the few trees and straight at the house you once lived in. The once peaceful house where many, many great memories lingered in. Until those killers attacked you and made the house look as if you were playing in a horror movie.

The pain and ache in your heart immediately returned. This was where you saw Mandy, Lola and Farah for the last time... You remembered how Lola was eating her salad; how Mandy nearly crashed down the stairs in order to watch the TV...

You missed them so,

Somehow you felt lucky that your house was right next to the woods, but you didn't really understand. You had been walking for hours it seemed, but when you left the mansion it was dark, maybe early in the morning. Right now it was also dark, and guessing by the very few cars driving by, you knew it had to be late.


You couldn't have been walking for that long, could you? Also, you couldn't believe that mansion was only a few hours walk away from your house. It almost felt like you were living in their backyard! You wanted to ask Jeff, but decided against it. He would only get angry and call you stupid.

At the edge of the forest, the group stopped. You immediately stopped as well in order for you not to bump into the two. The masked man turned towards you and brought his finger to his lips, motioning you to be silent. He then looked from right to left and back before slowly stepping out of the safety of the woods and into the small open field known as your backyard.

You followed, Jeff trailing closely behind you while you were suppressing the urge to just run away. You knew this was stupid, they were immensely fast. They would've caught you within a minute and then you wouldn't be happy either.

The four of you slowly walked over to the back-door of the house, which was boarded and covered with yellow police tape. A few signs of: "No entry unless authorized" were placed on the windows. It all still looked as you had left it...

Your eyes slowly and carefully slid over the house, before turning to the neighbours' house. It all seemed as if everything was normal, as if all of this gore and violence never happened. Your gaze was focused on the small house next to your old one.

The old lady living there was really nice; she often gave you leftovers from the food she had cooked. She also didn't mind that you were lazy, loud students. You wanted to smile at the thought but when something caught your eye, your smile immediately made place for a frown.

Behind the window of the neighbours' house you saw an eye looking straight at you, before it got covered with the still moving curtain. Your heart began to pump at a full volume, as you felt that familiar feeling creeping up to your head.

You kept walking up the small stairs, but the rest of your body felt as if it was frozen in place. You had to give all of your power in order for you to keep your breathing under control as your eyes shifted from Masky to Hoodie and last over your shoulder towards Jeff.

Neither of them seemed to notice something, but Jeff however, had placed his hand on your lower back before whispering:

"What are you so pumped up about?" He nearly growled the sentence, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. Your thoughts flew through your head as you desperately tried to find a good and most of all believable answer to his question.

"J-just the house..." You whispered back, nearly out of breath as a very soft 'click' was heard. The door had been opened and that hooded guy stretched out his arm. He was motioning you to go first. You were silently thanking him for getting a little space, but the sensation was still flowing through your veins.


She had seen you! What if she would call the cops? Then you did have a chance to escape! Let them be here quickly... Please!

"Well, princess. Where is the box?" You only glanced at them from the corner of your eye as you made your way over to the door of the basement. You shakily opened it, before reaching your hand out to clip on the light. A gloved hand immediately wrapped itself around yours.

" It might warn people we're here." You yanked your hand back, rubbing it soothingly before nodding. The hooded guy gave you a flash light instead and once you had turned it on, you descended down the stairs.

You walked over to the many boxes neatly placed at the shelves, before slowly looking through their cracks in order to find something. Once you couldn't see anything you moved a few boxes away. You hated the idea that these three were breathing in your neck, watching as you struggled to find the one thing which could save your life.

"Hurry up, we don't have all day."The masked one spoke, and you angrily glared at him. You just knew that if that mask was off, he would match your glare. You moved another box away, going through your memories to remember where exactly the box was.

You only prayed it was still here.

What if Lola's father came here and removed the box? Or worse, the police? Then you don't have a foot to stand on, and you would be brutally killed right on this spot. Your actions became more desperate, as you now placed the flashlight unto the ground and nearly smashed the boxes away.

"Ah, what's the matter? Can't find it?" No, no no! It has to be here! You were a hundred percent sure! Damnit! You then nearly threw another box aside, before you reached your hand out to grab another box. Your skin made contact with a metal like object and you immediately stretched your whole arm in order to get it.

Once you had clenched the small box tightly into your hands you pulled back, revealing the small container to the killers. The masked one quickly snatched it out of your hand, examining the box and shaking it lightly to hear what was inside. Once he was done he turned to you.

"Seems like you're lucky, sunshine." You had no idea how this box could still be here, how the police hadn't found it yet and took it with them. But above all that Lola's father hadn't come back for the box and hid it somewhere safer.

It was now Jeff began to chuckle, before laughing his insane laugh. The masked guy immediately turned to Jeff, his dangerous aura growing again and you had no doubt he would attack Jeff within minutes.

"What are you laughing at, Jeffrey?" He only growled, while Jeff watched the man with his everlasting grin widening.

"Don't be such a show off, Tim." A small flicker was seen in those lidless orbs of Jeff. Masky then pushed the box into your hands, walking over to Jeff while he only stood there with his arms crossed, welcoming Masky gladly.

"You want to fight, Jeffrey?" You now knew that there was some serious tension in between these two. However it wasn't that hard to get into a fight with this Masky guy. It seemed as if he was a loose cannon. Jeff is too and that makes one big explosion.

You had clenched the box tighter in your hands while dulling out the sounds of them threatening each other. You just wanted to go now; you couldn't bear looking at this house. You wanted to know where your friends would be at. If they were still alive.

It was then a dull, faint sound filled your ears. You recognized it, but you couldn't really place what the sound was. You turned your head towards the very small window above the shelves with boxes. Taking a quick glance at the killers before you slowly took a step closer in order to hear what that sound was.

Your eyes widened and you felt your heart pumping at full rate once you realized this. It was a chance to escape. You again turned your head towards the three, which were busy with their argument. Neither of them had heard it you guessed.

This was an opportunity you couldn't ignore. You knew escaping these killers was foolish, but staying here while the police are coming... No, not a good decision either. They probably won't hesitate to shoot you and the killers. They'd rather want the killers dead than to spare your life, you knew that for certain.

But, what exactly you do?

Escape? Use the side menu and select Escape.

Stay? Use the side menu and select Stay.


Again, you can choose what to do. Choose wisely! The wrong decision can end pretty badly!

Hope you enjoyed!

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