《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 21: After the deed



This chapter contains vulgar language,


You were lying in the bed, your gaze focussed on the small window next to you. You shivered a little from the cold, but you couldn't care less, not after what he had done to you. He had abused you, dishonored you and above all humiliated you.

There was no other way to describe it. Jeff was snoring loudly, his back facing yours as he had claimed the blankets in a tight grip. It felt so wrong to you that he didn't even feel the slightest bit concerned about your wellbeing. Not that you expected him to, his intentions were clear.

A sudden pressure in your lower belly made you aware that your bladder was about to explode and you slowly sat up, not daring to move too much in case you would wake up Jeff. You took a quick glance over your shoulder, to see whether he was still sleeping.

Thank he was.

You carefully stood up, grabbing the windowsill as support because your legs couldn't handle the weight and the pain. It was now you could feel the consequences of his actions clearly, because standing on your feet was almost impossible.

You clenched your teeth shut and slowly took one step at a time once you felt your body could handle it. You had no idea where the bathroom would be, but a wild guess told you that the door across the bed was the one you were looking for.

With each step you took your head turned towards Jeff, praying that he would stay asleep. On the floor were several dirty clothes, along with the leftovers from your clothes. You bended down, grabbed a dirty but long shirt off of the ground and pulled it on.

You couldn't care less if Jeff was going to be mad at you for doing that. It was a dirty shirt anyway and you couldn't stand being naked while being in his presence. This shirt covered at least a little of your naked skin, and you were glad for that.

Once you had finally reached the door, your shaking hand got a hold of the knob and you twisted it. The door opened with a soft creak and the little light you got from the moon shining through the window confirmed that it was a bathroom.

You stepped inside, your hand softly touching the wall in order to find the light shift. Once you had found (what you thought was) the light knob you closed the door softly and then clipped it on. Your eyes needed some time to adjust to the sudden illumination, but once you could open the again you were flabbergasted.

The bathroom was quite nice and above all clean. There was a white porcelain toilet next to the sink with a mirror. A shower stood across the toilet and at the end of the room was a small but comfortable looking bathtub. You were amazed that a killer like that could have a bathroom this nice.


Once you did your business you stood in front of the mirror, gazing at your own reflection for a while. You hadn't even been here for days and you already looked like a ghost. Your hair was greasy and messy, your face covered with blood and dirt, just like the rest of your body. One of your eyes was blue and the big bump on your forehead made you look like a unicorn.

You had no idea how Jeff could even find you the slightest bit of attractive when you looked like this, but looking at his own face you guessed he had some sort of deranged picture of beauty. If it even was about being attractive or not.

Maybe you weren't the only one; maybe your friends had also undergone this kind of abuse. You shivered at merely the thought of it. If there was one thing certain it was that you would jump in front of a train for them, you would do anything to save them from any harm even if it would cost you your own life.

You gave a loud sigh before glancing at your reflection one more time. You had to go back, what if Jeff woke up and saw that you were gone? You didn't want to lie down next to him; you didn't want to wake up next to that sick killer.

But you had no choice.

You had to accept it whether you liked it or not.

You clipped off the light, hand slowly going towards the doorknob as you took a deep breath. You opened the door, glancing outside to see whether Jeff was still asleep. You couldn't see it very clearly, so you opened the door more, stepping out of the safety of the bathroom.

When you stepped closer you saw that the bed was empty and a feeling of fear immediately overwhelmed you. He surely didn't go out for a pee, would he? Cold sweat started to form on your body and you froze in place. Suddenly the door behind you slammed shut and you knew this was wrong.

"What were you doing?" A dark voice spoke, and you gathered all of your courage to turn around, facing the one person who had destroyed all. Jeff only stood there, his lidless orbs watching every movement you made. His lower half was covered with sweat pants. Thank god.

" He growled, crossing his arms over his toned chest whilst he tried to glare at you. The self-inflected cut in his face made it look extremely weird, almost as if he was still grinning at you. But this time his eyes were darker.

"I was just taking a pee." You answered boldly. Who the fuck does he think he is? He brutally took you, abused you and you can't even empty your bladder because this shithead says so? Yeah, you were scared of him, extremely! But you also felt so incredibly angry.

"Just taking a pee? I don't give a damn if even your intestines would be squirting out of your body; you need to ask first before you go anywhere, You only glared at him while anger was filling your veins, but you couldn't scream or shout at him. You knew his impatience was just like your virginity.


"You were asleep." You replied in between clenched teeth.

"Asleep? You're incredibly stupid, doll. I was waiting for you to escape. I wanted to see you even try to make your way out of this mansion without being instantly killed. I was a bit disappointed though, you were only taking a pee."

He was mocking you; he was purposely getting on your nerves to lure you out of your shell, to again have a reason to punish you. You had no answer ready for this, so you only stared at him in defeat. He seemed to grin, his eyes slowly going from your face lower to your body.

"Go back to bed." He ordered. You could only obey, hoping that this torture would end soon. You slowly turned around, ready to walk back to the bed before a hand wrapped itself around the collar of your shirt. You were yanked backwards, clashing against a muscular chest before he spoke:

"And next time don't you even dare to wear clothes unless I say so. It gets me off of my mood." He then let go of your shirt, before he gave you a harsh push in the back. You stumbled forward towards the bed and could only give him a deadly glare before digging yourself under the covers.

You again turned your back towards Jeff, not even daring to look at him. You felt the weight on the mattress shifting and you knew he was lying next to you.

"Sleep tight, princess."


Get some sleep... Get some sleep. GET SOME SLEEP! What sleep was there to get? You had been trying to sleep for hours, quietly lying besides Jeff. It was of no use, you couldn't sleep whilst this killer was snoring right next to you.

You were extremely tired, but you feared sleep, you feared that he might do something to you. You could only stare outside of the window, as if it was some sort of safe haven. It obviously was not but you had to cling on to something while you were here.

You immediately tensed once you felt Jeff shifting, mumbling something in his sleep. You let out the breath that was struck in your throat once it was completely silent again. That silence, however, was of short notice once there was a loud knock on the door.

Jeff shifted again, groaning something under his breath before he sat up straight. His gruff voice spoke, tone full of annoyance. You turned your body slightly to look at Jeff.

"Who the fuck is there?" He spat, glaring holes in the door. The knocking had stopped and you now also turned your head to take a look at the still closed door.

"We need the girl." A dark voice spoke from the other side of the door and you knew it was that hooded guy. Was it morning already? That couldn't be! You took a quick glance outside the window, but it was still incredibly dark. Was it that early in the morning?

"Fuck off, Brain." He only grunted, letting himself fall down into the mattress again, before his icy eyes met yours. His smirk immediately returned to his face as he watched you with amusement, you quickly turned your head away, not even wanting to look at him.

"It's not a request, it's anBut if you don't want to listen to it, I guess it's fine. You tell Slender then that you rather wanted to fuck the girl instead of co-operating with us." This time it was another voice who spoke, probably that of the masked man. You recognized it by the constant mocking in his tone.

Jeff cursed under his breath as he again sat up, nearly jumping out of the bed before walking over to the door. He pulled it open, revealing the two mysterious figures standing there.

"Give me 5 minutes." He growled and before any of them could object he had slammed the door shut. He abruptly turned around; facing you as he slowly came closer. His eyes slid over your face and body before he spoke:

"I'll give you five minutes to take a shower. If you're not out by then, I'll be dragging you out, understood?" You nodded furiously and Jeff walked over to the closet. He threw some clothes your way, a pair of skinny jeans, a sweatshirt and a pair of panties.

You didn't even want to know how he got a hold of girls clothing.You quickly walked past him and into the bathroom. Once the door was locked you had no idea of how fast you had to take a shower.

How fast you had to wash all his touches away.


First of all... 600 hearts, over 600 hearts!!! It's unbelievable!!!!!!! I've only published this story for 5 weeks and already over 600 hearts... It's just so amazing! Thanks everyone! It keeps me focused and determined to finish this story. Thank you all again so much.

That takes me to the next point, the decision chapter will take me more time to update (In between the 3 and 7 days), so you'll have to wait longer! Then again, you get three (Yes three!) whole chapters at one time, so no complaining can be done.

Remember that.

Again my thanks to all you lovely people. Do not hesitate to leave a comment, idea or even critic. I'd appreciate it.

Also don't hesitate to talk to me, I'd love to meet new people. :)

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