《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 25: Friends


Authors note:

This chapter contains vulgar language.


A throbbing pain in your foot was the only thing you felt when you woke up. You slowly opened your eyes, only to stare at a familiar ceiling with red blood spatters above of you. You rubbed your eyes, ignoring the upcoming headache which was clawing at the back of your mind.

You turned your head and saw Jeff sitting on the edge of the bed, carving some wood with the edge of his knife. You only saw his back though, his black hair hanging loosely over his shoulder. You slowly sat up straight, your gaze still focused on him.

You weren't sure if you needed to say anything, but he would know you were awake sooner or later. You might as well just tell him.

"Jeff?" You asked softly, bringing a hand up towards your head and waiting in silence for his reply. He didn't answer; he only kept carving into the wood with slight aggression. Well, you felt it as slight aggression. Didn't he hear you? Or was he ignoring you on purpose?

"Jeff?" You dared to ask again, this time a little louder. Why you called out to him again instead of just letting it slip? You had no idea. Maybe you wanted some attention...

"Shut up." He only growled, not even giving you a glance. You raised your eyebrows at this. It was then you remembered! You had tried to escape from him and it again failed miserably! How could you even be that stupid! Of course he would be angry at you!

So much for even calling out to him. One wrong word and he would slam you across the room... Or worse. You just hoped he would continue on carving, leaving you alone even though you were cold, hungry and in need of some new clothes. You then realized you still had the same clothes on. Did he just place your wet body into the bed?

It didn't matter right now. All that mattered was no getting on his bad side again after what you had done to him. You simply tried to escape, how foolish it may sound... How stupid anyone could be. But you just couldn't live like this; you couldn't live with all this ignorance and uncertainty.

You knew he would always find you, even if you would buy a ticket to Africa and live with the Bongos. He would be chasing you into death if he could and you were sure he would soon do that. Great, thanks to that stupid action he wasn't even talking to you anymore.

Not that you really cared about that, it was more the fact that he was angry. He was scary when he was furious. Your stomach growled loudly and only now you felt the hunger crawling at the soft tissue. You really were in need of food.

He, however, was completely obvious to the fact that you even needed to be fed. Of course he wouldn't notice. Or maybe he would but he would purposely ignore it. You were already glad that he would leave you alone right now.

You let yourself fall into the mattress again, not noticing the loud sigh which had escaped your lips. You saw Jeff clenching the knife even tighter in his hands, his movements rougher and harder. You could that something was wrong.

"do that." He suddenly growled. You only stared at him with confusion, seeing that he already stopped with carving. You felt his phrenetic aura slowly coming back and your heart again filled itself with fear. What did you do wrong this time?!


"Don't act as if you have such a hard life, do you have any idea what kind of shit I have to do to keep you? Have you got any idea of how much trouble I got into just because you wanted to play a hero? We fucking had to kill several human officers because of you. Any idea how mad Slender was?" Jeff nearly jumped off of the bed, turning around so that you could stare into his lidless orbs.

You felt the blood flow from your head slowly retreating and you swallowed the lump in your throat. You shot up again, sitting straight and only looking back at him. You couldn't help but to feel anger slowly forming in the pit of your stomach, wanting to get out.

You had no idea why it suddenly came up like this, why fearing him wasn't enough emotion. But it just felt so wrong, so painful. All the anger which was deeply hidden inside your heart felt as if it needed to get out, as if the bucket finally flowed over.

He was angry at you because you thought you had a bad life? You do! Is he honestly thinking that you are glad with him being around? That you liked seeing all of your friends slowly being taken? That you loved your old life crashing down like broken glass?

No! You hated this guy with everything you had! You hated what he had done to you, how he had tortured you mentally and physically over and over again. How he could even think that his idiotic life is far worse than yours! You just hated him!

You felt your body slowly shaking out of anger and fear and any other emotion that you could feel right now. You were tired, no exhausted... You were cold and hot at the same time. You were angry and scared. You were full of emotions desperate for release.

You felt the tears of anger slowly forming behind your sockets, as your breathing became heavy. You tried to suppress your anger, the little control you had keeping you from doing things you would later regret... At least you hoped so. You opened your mouth to speak boldly, to show him that he didn't have this control over you.

"You can't blame me for trying. It's unfair." It came out al lot less strong then you had wanted it to be, it was more of a whisper. You couldn't care though; you only stared at him with anger and hurtful eyes. He took away so much and then blames you.

It was unfair.

"Life isn't fucking fair you know! It's not a fucking fairytale, (Y/N). You need to listen to me, obey me. I own you now, can you carve that into that with sawdust filled mind of yours or do you need help?" You felt the anger boiling up even more, the tears stinging behind your eyes. But you wouldn't let them fall.

You didn't want to cry in front of him, you didn't want to seem weak. Even the thought of your old, perfect life made you nearly cry but you wouldn't give him this satisfaction. You wanted to go back in time; you wanted to take all your friends out for a party the night of the abduction, so that they wouldn't be home.

You couldn't help yourself as he again humiliated you, as he again made you feel worthless. The anger coming to its limit. The last sense of self control broke down right before your eyes, shattering into a thousand pieces because of the constant smashing of anger against it.


The volcano was ready to

"My life was a fairytale until you came along! I don't care what you need! I need my family, I need to see my friends, and I need my old life!" You yelled at him, your fist clenched into a tight grip as you were ready to lash out at him.

You were still afraid, but this time your anger was way bigger than your fear. This hold up anger which was residing in your body finally had a way to get out. You would deal with the consequences later, but right now you felt as if you needed release.

It felt so good to have all that off of your chest, to be finally able to express yourself. You knew you would be severely punished for even talking back, but you needed it. You needed this taste of freedom, this taste of being yourself again.

It felt as if every emotion flowed out of you, as if the pressure residing in your head for days finally had found its way out. It felt good, it felt relieving. You welcomed his anger with open arms, your mind and body ready for any other physical abuse he had in mind.

But it didn't come.

He only stared at you from across the bed. Anger, malice and insanity clearly shown, but he didn't act like you expected him to. He didn't hit you or kick you like he usually would. You were waiting for him to do something, to abuse you again and again.

But he

No, he only stood there, gritting his teeth before mumbling:

"Fine, you want to see your friend? I'll take you to her." With only speaking this sentence, your anger was washed away as soon as it came. Slowly going back into the black hole inside your body, waiting for another chance to get out.

Your eyes widened out of disbelief. He couldn't be serious right? Why would he even want to take you to your friend? Unless he somehow feels something. No, that couldn't be right could it? He didn't give you any time to think though.

He turned his back on you, slowly walking over to the door. You blinked a few times of surprise. He was being dead serious. But why? Was this some kind of sick joke? Was this some sort of trick to lure you out again? Just, what?!

He didn't even wait for you; he only continued to walk over to the door. He was serious! You didn't want to miss the opportunity to see your friend so you slowly stepped out of the bed, walking behind him carefully. You still expected him to instantly turn around and kick you senseless.

But he only continued to walk towards the door.

He really was going to take you to your friends. You were still dazed at all this, not really sure what to expect and above all, not knowing what his true intentions were. This uncertainty scared you; it felt so unsafe, so uncomfortable.

He opened the door, walked outside with you following closely behind him. Somehow you felt a lot saver inside his room. Mostly because this whole house was full of killers. He walked over to the small door which led towards the dusty staircase. Once there he opened the door and walked down.

This all in complete

You felt the left over anger slowly replacing itself with a more anxious feeling. He was really bringing you towards your friends? Was this all true or one big dream? You didn't dare to ask anything, afraid that it might cause in him to get angry and not showing you to your friends.


You were going to see your friends! You wanted to cry in happiness but still didn't. This could also be some sort of trick to lure you somewhere else. You mean you exploded at him just like that. He surely wouldn't forgive you with a snap of his fingers... No, he would punish you heavily. Was that it?

The short lived feeling of happiness replaced itself with fear. Oh god you shouldn't have lashed out at him like that! You hated the fact that you sometimes did things so impulsively. That you couldn't control your anger sometimes!

At the end of the staircase he opened the door, leading you further into another corridor. You recognized some of the paintings from the first time you had walked through here. You remembered how glad you were that this corridor was normal. As far as that could.

He stopped in front of the door towards the cellars, the one place where you were first held, where you were abused by Jeff and that Masky guy. This is where they're holding your friends? What if they're abused? Or even worse? What if they're badly wounded and on the brink of death?

Jeff only opened the door without saying anything, or even glancing at your direction. From behind you could still see the carved smile in his face. It was as if he was grinning at all this. For all you knew he was... You didn't think this was a good idea anymore.

You wanted to tell Jeff that you were sorry; you wanted to beg at his feet to just go back to the room and forget it all happened. This gut feeling that something was not right nearly consumed you. Still, very deep down inside your heart, there was this sparkle of hope that he really was going to let you see your friend or friends.

Jeff may somehow think this is a more appropriate and successful way to keep you from running away or doing 'stupid' things. You had no idea whether this was an act of kindness, whether he was just sick of your attitude, or whether he had something far worse planned for you.

But you shouldn't think about that.

You wanted to stay inside your little fantasy world, where you would really see your one and only friends again. Where you would finally be able comfort each other and just feel the other near. They were with you in times of sadness and happiness.

Just like this time.

You descended down the stairs as you kept looking at Jeff's back. You didn't want to see anything else. You began to feel nervous because you had no idea what you might see, what condition your friends would be in. Maybe you didn't want to know?

But, you were going to see your friends. You got to hold them closely, to feel them. Feel the familiar scent of each one of them. It was then Jeff suddenly stopped, you nearly bumping into him. Your gaze went from his face towards the door.

"It's here." He only spoke, his voice dark with a slight sign of... You didn't know but it didn't sound too good. You waited for him to open the door, but when he extended his leathery hand out to it, you realized he wanted you to open it.

You slowly opened the door with your shaking hand, trying to peek inside a little, waiting for a small 'humph' or groan. You couldn't see or hear anything so you opened the door even more. It was still too dark to see anything so you stepped inside a little more, trying somehow to see if someone was there.

"Hey? Mandy? Farah?" You tried, your voice softly and cautiously speaking. You felt slightly afraid, but continued nonetheless. There was no answer, so you tried again. This time another name.

"Rayne? Sandy?" It was then suddenly the light was clipped on. You covered your eyes, which felt as if they were burning right out, with your hands. Even though you couldn't see, you still could smell and hear. There was absolutely no sound but

A scent so disgusting that even the filthiest creatures would scurry away from it.

Once you were sure your eyes adjusted to the sudden light you slowly opened them, one of your hands squeezing your nose shut. You recognized this smell, and it certainly wasn't a good memory. You were scared of what to see, what to expect.

You only hope was seeing your friend in this room.

When you finally dared to look you wished you had never ever opened your eyes. A yelp of shock escaped your throat as you saw what was lying in front of you. . The blood immediately retreated from your face as your stomach did somersaults. The cause of the smell was disgusting, unbelievable but above all heartbreaking.

Your friend was indeed in this room.

But she was


Here's the new chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and will be satisfied with it's length... It's longer than I expected it to be.


Even though I did leave it on a cliffhanger.


Oh my duckface, the hearts keep on coming! I couldn't be happier! I've almost reached a thousands hearts and that would be just unbelievable! My humble thanks again to all those lovely people who made this possible!

Don't hesitate to leave a comment, critic or even idea. I'll try to respond to all of them.

Hope you enjoyed and stay awesome!

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