《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 19: The 'why'



This chapter contains vulgar language, Be prepared!


He then yanked himself away from you, circling around your chair like a vulture would to a dying animal. You tried to follow him with your eyes but once he was behind your back, you could do nothing more than to listen carefully what he was about to do.

It was then you felt his hands fiddling with your restraints, you immediately tensing at the physical contact. You never liked when people were behind you so closely, and especially when those people were killers. He seemed to curse under his breath as he tugged at the metal holdings roughly.

What was he doing? He couldn't be freeing you now, could he? What good would that do?

When you felt the blood flow finally being able to get past your pulses you knew what he did. He freed you. You only gave a soft gasp as you heard the metal holdings clashing against the ground. You didn't dare to even move even though your instincts screamed at you to run.

"Get up." He only ordered, stepping into your sight while glaring down at you. You began to fear wherever he was going to take you, afraid that it might be some torture room.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked, the desperation dripping off of the words. His glaring never stopped, but this time you felt his impatience radiating off of him.

"Get up." He only hissed at you, the tension in the room slowly creeping back. You didn't want to stand up, even though sitting tied up in that chair wasn't heaven either. You were scared of this man, even more scared than you were of those other two.

You slowly rose to your feet, feeling a little dizzy once you stood up straight. You had no idea for how long you had been in that chair, but you guessed it was for quite some hours, considering it felt unfamiliar to stand. You swallowed the lump which had formed in your throat, before slowly walking over to him.

He opened the door for you, and then outstretched his hand as if to tell you to go first. You didn't want to go first! Who knows what could be behind that door? A rusty, old nearly wasted corridor full of weapons? Or better yet one bloody mess of intestines and bodies sprawled across the floor?

You felt a harsh push against your lower back, making you falter forward and through the doorway before landing on your hands and knees. You wanted to yell, shaking your hands roughly to get rid of whatever sticky stuff there would be on your hands.

But there was none.

Instead, you fell onto a harsh, cold but clean concrete floor. You took a quick glance around, the walls were indeed stained with several blood splatters, but it wasn't as bad as you had expected. Maybe it was because you couldn't see it very sharply. The corridor was quite dark.


Your head snapped towards the killer, who stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him. He only glared at you, demanding for you to get to your feet again. You quickly obeyed, stumbling up and searching around for where to go.

Another push was felt at your lower back, however it was a lot less rough than the one from before. You slowly walked forward, through the dark corridor. The only light noticeable came from a very small bulb hanging from the ceiling.

You noticed that there were more rooms in this corridor, but you didn't dare to look into one, afraid that it might consist something so vulgar that even your nightmares couldn't match up to it. You only stared at the dark end of the corridor, feeling the charred fingertips of Jeff nearly digging themselves into your skin as he continued to push you.

You gave a soft whimper once a small, wooden, old and broken down door came into sight, a few stairs leading towards it. You were scared out of your mind, hoping that whatever you would greet behind that door would look like this corridor or even better.

You wouldn't think so.

There was no time for hesitation, with Jeff standing close behind you and all. You slowly ascended up the stairs, not daring to look back. Your feet felt like ice for constantly coming into contact with the floor, but there was no time to complain about it.

Your shaking hand touched the cold handle, slowly pulling it down before the door opened with a soft 'click'. You pushed it open, immediately greeted by a bright light. You covered your eyes with your arms in order for your eyes to get used to the light. Another rough push, however, speeded this process up and you nearly faltered into the unknown.

What you saw wasn't exactly what you expected. Your feet made contact with smooth, polished and clean floorboards. You blinked a few times out of surprise, before you took a quick glance around. You stood into yet another corridor, but this one was filled with way more light.

The white walls were as clean as could be, a few portraits the only things decorating the smooth surface. All by all it felt as if this was a normal house... With a basement full of torture instruments and corpses. You could go to your right, leading to a bigger wooden door, or to your left, leading to a small door.

You slowly turned your head, looking over your shoulder as if to show Jeff you had no idea where to go. His reply to you was a softer push, making you stumble forward to the left. You immediately started walking, hearing his combat boots stomping on the ground with each step he took.

His presence behind you gave you the chills and you didn't even want to think about the fact of him being so close to you. Your eyes slid over the small wooden doors you passed with each step you took. Some of them were clean, others looked old and a few of them were stained with things you didn't really want to know what it was.


You only continued to walk further, towards the small door at the end of the hall. Once you finally reached the door you knew that you had to open it, so you quickly grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. It opened with a loud creak, leading you into a room with only a big, dusty staircase.

Before Jeff could give you another not so gentle push, you already walked forward, knowing that he wanted you to walk up the stairs. He didn't say anything, he just walked behind you closely, keeping a close eye on you with every move you made.

Once you had reached the top you opened the door again, being greeted by another long hallway with several wooden doors. You only swallowed slowly because now you had again no idea where to go. At the end of a hallway was another staircase, one leading down and the other leading up.

You began to wonder whether that staircase was used more, considering the one you had used was old and very dusty. Was that big door you saw earlier leading to that staircase? Why didn't Jeff use that one? You had no time to think about all this, because Jeff suddenly walked past you, grabbing your pulse roughly.

"It's here." He only spoke before he dragged you along towards a small wooden door to the right. It was also old and a little dirty. He opened it with one hand, the other still clenched tightly around your pulse as he swung you into the room roughly.

You crashed onto the ground, not being able to catch yourself with your hands. You immediately tried to get up, turning towards Jeff who only stood in the opening, gazing down at you with a sly smirk. Once you stood on your feet again you carefully took a look around.

The room was quite dark, an old, rusty two sized bed standing with its back against the wall next to the window. The walls were stained with dark brown stuff... Probably old and dried up blood. Across from the edge of the bed was a small, wooden door.

Furthermore there was a small wooden and old closet, together with a small cabinet. From the corner of your eye you saw Jeff walking towards the cabinet, completely ignoring your statue like form. You slowly walked over to the window, keeping a close eye on Jeff.

You had no idea what he was planning, but better be safe than sorry.

Once you had reached the windowsill you took a quick glance outside the window. Even though it was dark outside, you could still see the moonlight shining upon the many trees next to the mansion. It felt as if the wood never ended, stretching out until the trees disappeared behind the horizon.

Somehow it gave you the chills, it was as if this forest wasn't real, as if you were on an island, completely covered by trees and at the end of them there would be only water.

"Where am I?" You whispered loud enough for Jeff to hear. You couldn't help but to ask, it was as if the words were pulled right out of your mouth. You were still scared that Jeff might do something to you for only asking that question, but you simply wanted to know.

"You're at the mansion, this is my room." He only replied. You felt slightly relieved as he only spoke, no irritation or anger clear in his voice.

"The mansion?" You asked, turning your head slightly to look at him. He stood in front of the small cabinet, some sort of cloth wrapped around the knife as he was cleaning it. From under his curtain of black hair, he looked at you.

"This is where we live." He only grunted, giving a small sigh. We? So in this house the other Creepypastas live as well? All those insane murderers have a room in here? Wait a second... Why in the world would he take you to his room?

You decided to do something boldly, not caring whether you were about to be abused again. You could take it, you weren't broken just yet. You clenched your fist until your knuckles turned white, still gazing out of the window before speaking:

"Why am I here?" You didn't dare to look at him, afraid that it would cause him to be triggered and attack you. The only thing you heard was a small drawer opening. Before you could turn around to see what is was you immediately stiffened.

Your body couldn't move and you felt your aura being rudely invaded. A hot breath was fanning over your ear and you instantly knew what it was.

He was standing right behind you.

You felt two hands placing themselves on your shoulder, his fingers digging themselves in your flesh roughly. You didn't dare to move, your breath stuck in your windpipe and you saw part of his reflection in the window.

"I think you know."


What is going to happen next? Oh, who am I kidding? I think you guys also know ;)

Thank you all for the over 400 hearts, it's unbelievable! Never thought this story would get this much appreciation and hearts, it's amazing! And I thank my followers for helping me out each time I'm acting like a Quotev noob :D

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and do not hesitate to leave a comment, feedback or even critisism. I'd appreciate it.

    people are reading<Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose>
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